Hot tea and fashion for heart health


Tribune Features Writer

THIS Sunday the Heart Ball Committee will host its 7th annual Tea Party and Fashion Show in aid of The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation.
The fashion show and tea party will be held on the balcony at Government House. A pre-tea art exhibit featuring work by Rick Carey and jewellery designs by Nadia Campbell will also be held. 
Highlights of the afternoon will include a fashion show, a hat parade competition, an in-house raffle, and a special trivia competition.

Fashion pieces will be modelled by Heart Ball Committee (HBC) members, past patients and friends of the Heart Foundation. These pieces will be complemented by jewellery from the winter/spring collection of Nadia Campbell’s Jewellery. Patrons attending the event are welcomed to join in the hat parade.
The Heart Ball Committee is the fundraising arm of the Heart Foundation. Every year, the committee hosts two major fundraising events.

The Heart Ball and The Annual Tea Party and Fashion Show. These events generate funds that aid in the repair of heart conditions in children
The Heart Ball is set for February 16, 2013.

“The Heart Foundation aims to help to repair the hearts of children in the Bahamas, whose parents or guardians can not ordinarily afford heart care. Heart care is not cheap and can vary depending on what is wrong with the child’s heart, upon diagnosis. One surgery can cost over $50,000. Thanks to the support of The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation many persons, both children and adults, have obtained heart repair and are now living healthy and productive lives.

However, this success could not be attained without the generous support of the public,” said Ingrid Sears public relations officer.

“Being a non-profit organisation, the foundation relies heavily on the generosity of others to meet its. We encourage people give their support to fundraising events, including sponsored events and make a difference in the life of a child,” she said.
Teas for this event will be provided by Beth’s Kitchen, Island Passion Tea Ltd and Twining Tea.


nicolae06 says...

I will go to this event for the fashion show. I am a fashion addicted. One of the best <a href="…">homecoming dresses</a> I have, I have bought it from a fashion show

Posted 13 August 2013, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

kenulorsen says...

We should participate in these events as well, to help the children who suffer from a sort of heart condition. The medicine industry tries to find new cures in this direction, also many <a href="…">pharmaceutical industry jobs</a> are available for anyone who has a degree in this industry. Together you can do something to change the future of these sick children.

Posted 22 July 2015, 6:49 a.m. Suggest removal

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