'Concern' over drag queens


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE vice-president of the Bahamas Christian Council says he is “very concerned” about the arrival of a cruise ship that will see celebrity drag queens visiting Nassau, next week.

As reported yesterday, contestants of the popular television show RuPaul’s Drag Race will be visiting on board the Carnival Glory as one of their stops on a cruise that is being billed as the “largest gathering of drag stars ever”.

Bishop Victor Cooper said yesterday, while visitors are always welcome – “we always want to protect those ideals that are unique to us as a people.”

When visitors arrive, he said, they often tend to “leave a spirit” which can negatively “invade” society.

“So while we are very appreciative of persons coming to our shores we must always seek to guard the values that we hold dear as a people so that our young people are not negatively influenced and then develop those habits that are unbecoming as it relates to the word of God,” he said.

“That’s clear in the word of God that he made the male and female and that we ought to appreciate that and do all on our part to develop qualities as good men and good women and in turn pass that onto generations yet unborn.”

Bishop Cooper added: “We’re very concerned about that (the cruise). We want to protect the things that are unique to us as Bahamians and often when people bring in vices of that sort, it tends to leave impressions that are not always helpful for us as a people.”

The eight-day cruise, entitled “2012 Caribbean Adventure – Revenge of the Wench cruise” will feature stand-outs Latrice Royale and Shangela who have become fan favourites on the hit Logo TV show.

The cruise was put together by Al and Chuck.travel – a travel agency that provides travel itineraries, tour packages to Pride events and tips for gay travellers all over the world.


proudloudandfnm says...

I think the christian council should be a bit more concerned with it's own member's actions than a silly cruise filled with silly dressed people!

Posted 30 November 2012, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

DMoe says...

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Posted 30 November 2012, 2:46 p.m.

BoopaDoop says...

That's it exactly. The choose what is and isn't acceptable. I wonder if it would be ok if they were VIP guests of a church.

Posted 30 November 2012, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

And not a word about all of the RAPED under age girls who spit out babies each year.

underage pregency = Rape

and nothing heard from the council!

Posted 30 November 2012, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

eagles12 says...

We don't need drag queens .. tell dem go back where dey come from

Posted 30 November 2012, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 3 December 2012, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Now, who's being "homophobic?" Where is your friendly Bahamian Spirits? Honestly, I'm more surprised that Comrade Eddie Long's visit was not scheduled for the same when the Carnival "Glory" will be tied up at the docks than the tone of some who have enough church trouples of the own to be dealing with, leading up to January 28, 2013.

Bahamians can't wait see which politicians and church folks will be "cruising" around while the glamorous, fabulous and talented Drag Queen TV show contestants dock at our Nassau Town's port?

Believe me the tourists will love the special colorfulness the "girls" are bound to bring to the streets of Nassau. I sure hope they are invited to call upon the PM and Governor-general?

Comrades I would have suggested they also be acknowledged in the House of Assembly, but why risk face recognition embarrassing moments for the cross-dressing among our MP's, who just may have been out cruising for the "girls' the night before? Talk about da MP's having the "girls" backs?

All puns aside. Comrades I think Bahamians have become much more concerned with the mounting evidence that suggests that the race to January 28, 2013, being mounted by the pro numbers rackets legalization groups, are "invading" the minds of not only our society but of some of our politicians, men of the cloth and talk show folks, than they are about the colorful Drag Queen contestants who's cheerfulness, spirit and colorfulness will not only bring cheer to the merchants cash registers, but will brighten up our Nassau Town's Christmas spirit.

Merchants here's my excellent ring the till tips. Stock up on lots of drag queen wigs, breast boosters and of course ladies fancy shoe things, all in large sizes. Oops, I almost forgot about them padded plus sized high cut panties, in assorted colours and designs.

Back to the cruising thing. There's one senate license plate number to keep ya eyes open for?


Posted 30 November 2012, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

tonypratt says...

the christian council had nothing to say when when bishop [ hic ] Eddie long was here. What kind of spirit did he leave ?

Posted 1 December 2012, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

We already have drag queens in Nassau. Does anyone pay attention to the idiocy spewed by the BCC dinosaurs anymore? I am happy that Nassau continues to be visited by cruise ships at all, given the shabby, dilapidated and litter-strewn wreck we call town.

Posted 1 December 2012, 11:28 p.m. Suggest removal

javiebenz says...

All the so call bad man dem need to come out wit da machines & bun fire on all those faggs soon as they step off that ship... Send a message to them fassy holes...

Posted 2 December 2012, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

javiebenz says...

Sleww all a they bumbaclatt!!

Posted 2 December 2012, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Long before this cruise ship was schedule to arrive you could of seen questionable young men throughout the country along with females(?) whom grip themselves as if they have packages bigger than the average male. The Christian Councel never worried of the negative impact that our streets already have especially with the sip-sip that hovered around the 'magical' night club out Cable Beach or the 'endangered' one out Coral Harbour. At least we know those individuals on the cruise after their visit will leave. Yet the concens of the Christian Councel of leaving a negative impact should not be a concern because the Bahamas was already infected prior the cruise arrival.

Posted 2 December 2012, 6:42 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...


Posted 5 December 2012, 1:33 a.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

People have the freedom to do as they like and legal. I you condemn them no tourist will feel safe to visit.

Posted 2 December 2012, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades while it's so true that over the years we all have listened attentively on many a Sunday morning to sermons from our church's pulpits, interesting attempts to explain the analogy behind Jesus;' "the camel and the eye of the needle,"

I still waiting to see how some these "numbers rackets proponent" men's of the cloth" is going fit though dat heavenly needles eye, particularly them that bulging from the waistline from so liking to feast on greasy fried Bahamian delights?

Drag Queens out cruising and making our Nassau Town as their stop over Port is the least on the list of worries for these reverends .... if you've ever them loud Drag Queen like Robes some them be sporting on Sunday mornings? .


Posted 2 December 2012, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...


Those drag queens are not Bahamians, they are visitors to our country. We are a tourist nation and they are to be treated with the utmost of hospitality.

NO STRIKING and other rubbish!

They need to strike at your churches for the pastors sleeping with underage girls, they need to strike with the collection plates being full of drug money and gambling wins. STOP YA FOOLISHNESS!!! STOP JUDGING OTHERS BEFORE YOU JUDGE YOURSELVES.

If you are so concerned with the moral and social plight of Bahamians, stop making speeches and make some action. I'd like to see stories on how you helped to stop child molestation, the spread of HIV/AIDS, the low level of education amongst poor communities, illegitimate children, and the list goes on.

WAKE UP! Stop embracing hate!

Posted 3 December 2012, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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