Cash angered by PLP's comments at Abaco rally

ACTING FNM chairman Darron Cash took the PLP to task for the “despicable comments” of some speakers at a political rally in North Abaco on Saturday.

Mr Cash said hearing some of the comments left him “perplexed” at how low the governing party has allowed the political bar to drop.

He said: “The PLP’s rally was nothing more than a gloat-fest and a ridiculous spectacle where the party now at the helm of the government was hoping to trade off of any perceived gullibility of the masses – after a little over four months of mismanagement, boorish victimisation, political pettiness, rank partisanship, out-and-out ineptitude and countless failures on everything from their own 100-day promises to the recent Standard & Poor’s economic down grade, to their ever morphing and shapeless mortgage scheme; to remind Bahamians of a few of their many failings.”

In particular, Mr Cash denied the “obviously false claim” made at the rally, that thousands descended on the administrator’s office after a huge motorcade.

And, he hit out at one speaker who claimed the PLP campaign has taken them “door to door”, to every “outhouse”, in every “rat hole” and in every “snake hole”.

“Who lives in a rathole but rats?” Mr Cash asked, saying this no way to refer to the people of North Abaco.

The FNM chairman also criticised MICAL MP V Alfred Gray, who he claimed made “uncouth statements” about FNM candidate Greg Gomez.

He said: “One wonders – in the face of all of Mr Gray’s assertions – why they didn’t mention how Mr Gomez was invited to travel to Nassau for a meeting with him and others and, although having travelled to Nassau, was denied an audience – and, yet he wants to talk about believing in Bahamians!”

Mr Cash said the way the PLP has treated Mr Gomez – who was characterised at the rally as having a “52-week job that will soon come to an end” – smacks of victimisation and is in no way demonstrative of a belief in Bahamians.

“This kind of ludicrous partisan claptrap makes a mockery of the entire governmental process,” the FNM chairman said.

“Is this repulsive display of unbridled arrogance and tomfoolery – masked as a rally – what Bahamians voted for?”


TalRussell says...

Here we go again with the red shirts taking their "Gong" show all the way to Cooper's Town.

In case they're, for temporary by-election conveniences, trying to hide from what the lawyer/fisherman preached for five long years; "That sumtin in ya little paychecks is better than nutin," they need not look no further than to their immediate right, at the man who preached that insult to thousands of natives across Bahamaland, including in his own Cooper's Town, case he right there traveling around Cooper's Town with them?

How is it these red shirts sure as hell never spoke that way to they former UBP's, when they came a calling for government contracts and "special" concessions?

Cooper's Town come so close in they Decision Day 2012 votes count, in trying to snatch they House seat away from the "original" Hubert A , the chief architect of uttering insults against Bahamaland's genuine natives. This time they might just be ready enough to deliver the real spark that ends he political chances .... for good.?

Psst ... anyone wanna buy some fresh Cooper's Town fresh Fishes, caught by a former PM?…

Posted 1 October 2012, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

ahhhhhhhhh the genuine natives were the arawaks and tainos ,then columbus ,then the loyalist and then through slavery the aficans ,,i don,t remeber HAI insulting the tainos or the loyalist ,if he did maybe you can show me ...........

Posted 1 October 2012, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

TalRussell you need to stop being an old PLP bag. Mr. Cash is quite correct in the statements that he made. I watched the PLP rally in Abaco and I found some of the comments made to be quite distasteful. Mr. Gray as well as the Prime Minister who suggested that they vote for the PLP because they are the government of today. We live in a democratic society if the people of Abaco elect Mr. Gomez would they be victimized because of it? That is really something to think about. Would the PM still want to put more day care centers down there? Don't try and hold people hostage because of the powers that you have. Wait.......That's the PLP way.

Posted 1 October 2012, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Please explain why Mr. Curry wanted an audience with Minister Gray; Something to do with local government or central government?

Posted 1 October 2012, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades the real mockery lies in the way the "New" Hubert A's future, as 'temporary" leader is now being forced to spend so much of their valuable campaigning time and money in Cooper's Town, trying to explain to the natives, exactly who in the hell is this Comrade Greg Gomez , after the "Original" Hubert A coated in all his arrogance, delivered his baby," uninvited' on their by election doorsteps? have you ever heard of such nonsense, taking place in any By-election, since days when t'was notorious pirates like Blackbeard and Captain Cook sailed off the shores of Cooper's Town?

Comrades while I know it may sound like fiction, never-the-less, tis true that some of the pirates who sailed Bahamaland's waters, were indeed actually British politicians and also Brit trained lawyers, bankers ...and get this...medical doctors.

Comrades you know what I keep on saying. You just can make up the crazy stuff that is goin-on during the Cooper's Town By-election .…

Posted 1 October 2012, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

the natives are long dead ,the tainos and arawaks ,,all of us came from somewhere else ,the whites from early america and the blacks from africa ,,,,history did not start in 1967

Posted 1 October 2012, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Concerned Citizen, while The Tribune may stock lots of them drums of press ink, it never goin be enough in to go to press in their efforts to even begin 'splainin' to the natives of Cooper's Town, exactly who in the hell is this Greg Gomez the lawyer/fisherman imported to save a seat that he himself might have lost, if he hadn't high-tailed his promises to the natives of Cooper's Town? Do they think Abacoians are a bunch of stupid fools?

What's gotta be even more troublin, is the red shirts ain't exactly known as the politicians you sould be turning to when you is in need some serious 'splainin.'…

Posted 1 October 2012, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

please splan to me what you mean by natives ,generally that term is used to denote the first inhabitants of a land ,,ie native americans ,the indians ..

Posted 1 October 2012, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

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