BREAKING: PM holds historic cabinet meeting in Abaco

The Cabinet of the Bahamas is holding an historic meeting in Abaco ahead of the Abaco by-election. While the meeting has been hailed as a milestone by some, it has been seen as a waste of time and tax payer money by others.


pilgrimagerock says...

What the former Prime Minister has done for North Abaco, this current Prime Minister and his parliamentary colleagues can see, touch and feel for themselves. If the current Prime Minister truly believes in Bahamians, he should have an historic cabinet meeting in his constituency and South Andros so that their constituents and the Bahamian people could see, touch and feel what they have done.

Posted 2 October 2012, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

that sweet PGC he don,t play ,why spend the plps money when you can use the treasury ,thank goodness HAI built a building or their would be about 60 people in the hot sun handing out money from our treasury ,,,

Posted 2 October 2012, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

Hubert Ingraham did the same thing when he had the grand opening of the stadium in Nassau, which was really a FNM rally because he didn't even invite on of our finest athlete to it, because they got wind that she supported another party. This practice should be condemn but by both parties.

Posted 2 October 2012, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

numerous times HAI ,said the stadium opening was for everyone ,is this claim of him not inviting an athlete rumor or are these facts ....spoiter you claim i and biased ,i make no bones about it i,m an HAI supporter ,more so than FNM ,,Even he was not perfect , spoiter did you vote in 2012 ,??if so you are biased toward that party or leader . there are fnms i don,t care for that much ,but we both know its the PM we vote for ,,so far i like Doc Minnis ,i would vote for him over PGC in 2017 ,if the plp run someone else or if PGC really did something this time to impress me then i would have to rethink my position ..

Posted 2 October 2012, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

I said you were bias a long time ago on a past article, on this one I was just pointing out that both parties need to stop playing this game. Debbie Ferguson Mckenzie wasn't invited to the grand opening of the stadium because it was said that she supported another party, which is terribly wrong because she is one of our greatest athlete, and from what I see I don't support neither party I would go for the new comer in the DNA.

Posted 2 October 2012, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

unless PGC really impresses me this time ,i,ll stick w/ Doc ....

Posted 2 October 2012, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

My thousands of Comrades who have joined in reading my "non-bias" blogs, will know that even before the "lawyer/fisherman" rung the Decision Day 2012 Bell, I strongly advocated that if Comrade Christie was successful in bringing down his former law partner's red shirts regime, that he should "take his Cabinet meetings to a minimum of the four major Family Islands, being Abaco, Grand Bahama, Eleuthera and Andros. 

Unfortunately, for the 'fisherman/lawyer' he on this day can only sit back and watch PM Christie's Cabinet motorcade make it's way from the Marsh Harbor airport to hold this historic Cabinet being called into Session in Abaco; something he failed to do in all them years he bragged so much about bringing transparency to his red shirts regime.

Now, he former, trusted law partner going let him go fishing, while he tends to fixing da things, things he was so damn excellent at patching-up with he borrowing 'Billions' to apply his band aid fixes.

Thousands across Bahamaland decided PM Christie was the man to fix things...not Papa. That's why on any given day. the fired PM can be seen selling he fishes catch from back he vehicle.

This has be an historic 'one-up' for Abaco, from way back ever since Bahamaland was colonized by the British in 1718.…

Posted 2 October 2012, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

tals put the pic of papa in the boat again ,the white boat named after his grammy ,,..i like that, one, HaI looks happy ,,,papa is one crazy #####ker ..he pissed off big time fnm donors too when they wanted too much ..we won,t see another PM like him in awhile ,Crazy enough to be uncorruptable ,,a true mad man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 2 October 2012, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

Refrain from using that hypenated word "non-bias".

Posted 2 October 2012, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Now that you're all here for the meeting on tax payers money, make sure to go campaign for the bi-election....

Posted 2 October 2012, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

actually Tal more voted against PGC than voted for him. Um 46% brudda. Next time there will be no DNA. Next time there will be only FNM victory....

Posted 2 October 2012, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamatonn says...

Lord the person says comrade. Is this animal farm? Who are Old Major, Napoleon and Snowball? This act of desperation shows what it has been since election, a complete and utter failure intent on satisfying the few while the masses suffer. It is a sad day in this country when we cannot see these political tactics as what they are, a waste of the public purse.

Fact remains Christie and his crew can hold this so-called historic meeting because of the accomplishments of the former PM and his efforts to uplift and modernize Abaco. I wonder if Farm Road residents feel the same way about the contributions from their MP who is PM.

Posted 2 October 2012, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Just maybe, now that none other than the morning daily has started to use their journalistic shovels to dig deep into exactly who in the hell is this man Gomez, who was suddenly anointed by the lawyer/fisherman from Cooper's Town, an recent former resident of the USA?

They even have the "New" Hubert A doing his own DNA's 'Bran" style flip-flop on what he actually 'didn't' mean when he spoke about his new colleague's 'former' employment?

And, we all know ya gotta be damn good to out flip-flop our buddy Comrade Bran? He's da best Bahamaland has ever seen on the political front when it comes to correcting what he said but didn't actually mean what he said?

Comrades dee plot tickens in Cooper's Town ..shouldn't the red shirts have known what mess of things they Papa is so good at making for they political lives?

Like I keep on just can't make this 'Gong' show stuff up.…

Posted 2 October 2012, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

come on Tals dig into your archives and give us the picture of Papa in the boat

Posted 2 October 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ya papa returning to docks with he daily catch of little fishes to sell out back he vehicle.

If PM Christel listens to me he'd ship (COD) on the mail boat that luxury $185,000 Benz to he former law partner, to drive around Cooper's Town in pure luxury comfort ... stinkin it up with he fishes he selling out trunk Benz.

PM make damn sure the mail boat captain tell him not dare stink it up, til after da public treasury clears he check?……

Posted 2 October 2012, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

now ,now i,m a fisherman and my truck always fishey ,you know if PGC sent him the benz Papa is arrogant and prideful enough to send the check!!!

Posted 2 October 2012, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade I hear you.

Let's not harbor any doubts...PM order that Benz driven to load on the next mail boat leaving for Cooper's Town?…

Posted 2 October 2012, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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