Wife defends FNM candidate Gomez

THE wife of controversial FNM North Abaco candidate Greg Gomez defended the reputation of her husband on Thursday describing the North Abaco candidate as a “great visionary”.

Nicketha Gomez went on to praise Greg's accomplishments as the first Murphy Town resident to work at a Marsh Harbour bank. She said not only is he a trendsetter, but an outspoken man of God.

"Greg is outspoken and will defend you, North Abaco," Nicketha said in a press statement. "Greg loves people and has always believed in giving back and in helping his community.

"My husband has always been a leader! His roles in leadership, wherever he has been can attest to this - he was the Treasurer of Pho Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc, chief justice of the student government while in college, a payroll accountant, president of the company that he formed some years ago, he worked as a teacher and as a merchandise manager."

Greg, she said, is also a visionary with a desire to improve the environment around him.

Nicketha further urged North Abaco constituents to elect her husband as their next representative.

"He has been an ambassador for this great island and has always had his heart in the right place concerning his people and their representation. I am hopeful that the great people of Abaco elect my husband to serve as their Member of Parliament."

Greg Gomez has been the centre of several issues which mainly confronted his eligibility to run in the North Abaco constituency. Last week, more questions were raised when news hit airwaves that Gomez had been ordered in 2007 to pay more than $12,000 to a US federal credit union. It is also noted that the debt was not mentioned on the nomination declaration submitted by Mr Gomez on September 26.

While FNM officials have yet to clarify if the debt was paid, Chairman of the party Darron Cash on Tuesday lashed out at the media over its attention to matters concerning Mr Gomez.

He said: "This witch-hunt of Greg Gomez is tiresome and borders on the ridiculous. Mr. Gomez stands by his declaration.

"Were it not for the joy of sensationalising this matter and joining in on the PLP’s effort to lynch the FNM candidate, members of the media would not have given this issue a second thought."

Mr Cash urged that a thorough investigation be made into all of the declarations submitted by PLP candidates.


TalRussell says...

Comrades really. Now, that all the rest of the portrayals of the mystery Cooper's Town candidate Gomez has tanked, he is now being transformed into an 'visionary?'

It may be more believable if his wife would acknowledge that the lawyer/fisherman from Cooper's Town has a much better chance of not transforming her dear husband into an sitting MP, but more like becoming as lonely as a 'Maytag repairman.'

Of course i ain't alone in keeping an keen eye, watching where the 'former' defeated candidate Gomez lands. More so, now that the red shirts ain't got no more power and influence, but a mere shell of its once greatness?


Posted 11 October 2012, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Do yall mean Phi Beta Sigma? What school he went to?

Posted 11 October 2012, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Win or lose Cooper's Town seat, the lawyer/politician go'in have buy some new tires for he luxury golf cart, for all the miles he been traveling around his Cooper's Town voters base. Comrade "Love offering' Gomez, cannot possibly win without a huge red shirts voter turn-out in that one constituency. Maybe not going be o damn easy with many strong resentments over the 'who and why' behind Papa's 'drafted' candidate.

It matters not for the the "New" Hubert A; cause he will be no more after he has figured out "what the real intent of the red shirts one and only Papa ... da "Original" Hubert A; is really all about?

The declared winner in Copper's Town will have nothing to do at all with which party eventually wins the 2012 General Elections. rather it's a mandate on the two Hubert A's leadership?

I honestly don't believe the red shirts will turn out in numbers to vote, but i could be wrong?


Posted 14 October 2012, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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