PLP wins, but democracy loses in N. Abaco

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts, in thanking the people of Abaco for “ushering in a new day”, claimed that the PLP’s election win represented “a great victory for both democracy and the good people of North Abaco…”

No person, being objectively honest, could possibly claim that democracy won anything in this contest. In this unequal race, democracy was indeed the loser. Considering the outside pressure, threats of victimisation and offers of cash, it would have indeed been a miracle if the PLP had lost the contest.

“Democracy didn’t even have an opportunity to breathe,” commented former House Speaker Alvin Smith at the end of the day. “It was suppressed,” he added.

As for the people of North Abaco when the heavy-weights from Nassau return to their respective government ministries they will have been left a divided and bitter community.

Dr Hubert Minnis, FNM leader, said it was indeed a “sad day for the Bahamas when governments can win an election not only by money, but through threats and intimidation.” He claimed that the voter turnout was down because many were “too frightened to vote.”

Not being in Abaco, the only way we can judge that statement is by the calls and letters we have received during this campaign from Abaconians who should have voted, but probably didn’t. They were angry, they were bitter, families were divided — and yes, they were frightened. Several wanted to know how government could justify the money they were spending on this campaign when so many Bahamians were hurting. One even recounted a case of a destitute family that was told by Social Services that it could not help because its government funds were low. If this is so, the caller asked, how could they justify the show of wealth in Abaco. Many said that the big-wigs from Nassau had brought much “nastiness” into their community. These are not healthy signs— certainly nothing for Bradley Roberts to crow about.

Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, who represented North Abaco for 35 years before his retirement provided these people with all they were denied during the long, lean years of PLP domination. Today the area has been transformed — thanks to the FNM under the leadership of Mr Ingraham. The PLP now has a great legacy to try to match.

Democracy is defined as “a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows people to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.”

True democracy was not allowed to manifest its ideals in North Abaco in this bye-election.

However, the election did show the wisdom of Bahamians of an earlier generation to hold elections in New Providence and all of the Family Islands on the same day — this change in fact happened early in our lifetime. By pinning down MPs in their own constituencies it eliminated the disgraceful powerplay of unscrupulous political bullies who descended on the decent people of Abaco over these past several days.

“The practice of clean, fair campaigns is vital for our democracy,” said Mr Ingraham. He said he remained “deeply concerned about numerous instances of unfair practices by the PLP and its agents during this campaign. This included intimidation and threats of victimization.”

Mr Ingraham said that in moving forward the FNM would “remain vigilant against attempts to victimise those who supported the Opposition.”

In fact we shall all remain vigilant that these good people do not suffer for exercising their democratic right.

It is also the duty of all of us to help our fellow citizens understand that democracy is not only one of their most prized possessions, but that they demean themselves by selling it for a mess of pottage.


sturrup2 says...

"Outside pressure, threats of victimisation and offers of cash". Go to the police.

Posted 18 October 2012, 2:11 a.m. Suggest removal

maryann says...

Oh what a sad day in our well beloved Bahamaland .When a sitting Prime Minister can get up at a event in North Abaco at a public platform and threathen and try bulling the people to vote for the party that is in power.and some citizens of the country see nothing wrong with it.what have our country come to?

Posted 18 October 2012, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

@maryann. You hit the nail right on the head!!! Sad when it happens and people don't realize it. That is how dictatorships start.

Posted 19 October 2012, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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