Bimini does not need a casino

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The community of Bimini do not need a casino to be built and operated amongst its people. Not on the land, nor in the air, it's not needed anywhere. The Free National Movement (FNM), Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) nor any other leaders of this nation have the right to destroy a peace-loving island like Bimini. If a casino is allowed to be operated in this community, this will be an abomination in the sight of God. It would be an evil, greedy, selfish and ungrateful act against God.

God has blessed Bimini; no government has ever cared about this island. God has kept us safe economically well off. The government (PLP and FNM) has prostituted the choice land of this community; now here they come with a final demonic blow. God help us. If this casino is allowed in Bimini only the unemployed outside of this community and the government will benefit. Bimini will be under tremendous demonic attacks, robberies, murders, prostitution and our moral and social decay will be endless. Philippians 4:19 "God shall supply all our needs."

Gambling is satanic; there is no gambling with God, He is sure. Proverbs 14:34, "Righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people." Have we forgotten God? Gambling in Bimini today? Same sex marriages tomorrow? Our leaders in Parliament (FNM and PLP) need salvation. We are a Christian nation! Let's lift up Jesus; not money! Christians all over this nation, stand for righteousness or fall with our nation with wickedness. May God move the hearts of the leaders of this nation, to seek God in all of their decisions that will affect this nation spiritually, and morally; now and into the future.

As a servant of God I write this letter by the will of Jesus Christ.


Minister at The Cathedral of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church,

Bimini, Bahamas,

October, 2012.


Lady says...

Before I support your views on the casino and any other economical activity, I would like to know the answers to the following questions:
1) What business do you own?
2) How many biminites are employed by you presently and over the years?
3) How do you support the community of Bimini economically?
4) What are your economical plans to boost up the community?

Posted 29 October 2012, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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