Cutlass suspect missing lawyer


Tribune Staff Reporter

A MAN on trial in connection with a cutlass attack on another man said he has not seen or heard from his lawyer since December last year.

Nicole Octelus, who is accused of attempting to murder John Lubin on Septemer 29, 2009, said the last time he spoke with his attorney was the day the trial date was set.

Supreme Court Justice Vera Watkins raised the issue during yesterday’s proceedings, when she noticed the lawyer, Calvin Seymour, was not in court.

The trial was expected to begin at 11am following the selection of nine jurors who will hear the evidence in the case.

While the jurors, the accused, and prosecutors Anthony Delaney, Kevin Farrington and Koschina Marshall were all present, Mr Seymour was not.

Justice Watkins entered court and motioned for Mr Delany to speak.
The prosecutor told the judge that the Crown was ready to proceed with its case against Octelus.

Justice Watkins noted the absence of Mr Seymour and asked the accused if he had heard from his attorney.

“No ma’am,” he said to the judge.

“When was the last time your heard from your attorney?” Justice Watkins asked him.

“I can’t recall,” was his answer.

The judge, recalling that December 2011 was the month in which he received his trial date, asked the accused if he had seen or heard from Mr Seymour between then and now.

He said: “No ma’am.”
She then said the court received information that he was not in office and would not be in until later yesterday.

“Though that is not certain because I understand he is out of the jurisdiction, off the island” the judge added

She adjourned the trial to September 5 to allow time for the attorney to appear and explain his absence.

She said Mr Seymour’s absence was unusual as, “he’s usually here – we will have to hear from him then.”

Mr Delany asked to have legal discussion with the judge in the absence of the jury and the judge granted the request.

Justice Watkins apologised for yesterday’s delay and asked the jury pool to return to court on the new date.


paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Man in charged in cutlass attack missing a lawyer? Have they checked all the hatboxes?

Posted 4 September 2012, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

Seems like his lawyer abandoned him, I wouldn't like to be in his place. Anyway, he should find another lawyer, I don't think that would be so hard since there a re many lawyers which have a <a href="…">practice in the local area</a>.

Posted 18 January 2013, 3:45 a.m. Suggest removal

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