Suspects in court after raid on 'strip club'


Tribune Staff Reporter

A NIGHTCLUB owner and nine women found in a strip-club during a raid by police over the weekend were arraigned in Magistrate’s court yesterday afternoon.

Copacabana owner 43-year-old Dennis Halamino, with 37-year-old Chatel Hill, 31-year-old Tenella Salmon, 30-year-old Lamore Adams, 26-year-old Doreen Taylor, 26-year-old Stacy-anne Andrews, 24-year-old Sabrina Scott, 22-year-old Latoya Depaque, and 20-year-olds Corneila Chambers and Policia Peet, were bused by police to court to face charges ranging from allowing premises to be used for performing without a license to soliciting for the purpose of prostitution.

Halamino, the nightclub owner, faced the charge of allowing his premises to be used for performing without a license.

It is claimed that he, on Saturday, September 8, allowed Copacabana to be used for partially nude dances with a license to do so.

The club owner pleaded not guilty to the charge and will receive his trial date on Thursday, September 13.

Meanwhile, the sobbing women of various nationalities found in the club during the raid were arraigned next, some admitting guilt to the charges against them while others did not.

Salmon, Chambers, Depaque, Taylor, Peet, Andrews, Scott and Adams all pleaded guilty to the charge of committing acts of gross indecency, that is, strip dancing.

Taylor was also charged with soliciting for the purpose of prostitution. However, she denied this charge and pleaded not guilty.

The only woman to plead not guilty to all the charges against her was Chatel Hill (Bahamian) who was charged with committing acts of gross indecency, soliciting for the purpose of prostitution and deceit of a public officer.

It is claimed she did these acts on the date in question and during the raid, allegedly gave a policewoman the wrong name.

The eight female defendants of foreign nationality, standing before Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell, were told that they would be returning to Court No. 8 on Thursday, September 13, for additional charges concerning Immigration.

Regarding Halamino, Hill and Taylor who pleaded not guilty to the charges against them, they will receive their trial dates.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Bethell said those who pleaded guilty will be sentenced accordingly once the facts surrounding the charges are present to the court.


maryann says...

They are sent back home today, and returns back to the Bahamas in another week or two with a completley different name . I have seen to many incidents have happened .You call the the Immigration Department with informations and is totally ignored. Even with persons who claimed to have work permit for a certain individual ,but think they can move from job to job.knows that the Department does not check on them.

Posted 11 September 2012, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

well if they legalize numbers they meights as well legalize strippers cau bottom line both of them things are wrong i feel i country headeing in the wrong direction

Posted 11 September 2012, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

The alledged owner should be the only one charged for operating illegally. Perhaps these ladies were told the club had a license to operate as such. Undoubtedly some of the arresting officers, clergyman and other officials frequent this joint, or others like it. The truth be told, the strip cluds are the first place many of these so-called " upstanding citizen " visit when the hit Florida or some other destination. Like gambling, strip clubs should be legalized. Taxes yes, but legal. Personal freedom of expression should not to hindered,or blocked by a bunch of hypocrites, I know, I've been one. Thank God am free. I predict that it will happen sooner that later.…

Posted 11 September 2012, 8:42 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

i agree reverendrichlive when our pastors and leaders go away the first thing they do is hit the strip clubs and casinos the owner should have been lock up not the so called strippers our contry is so mess up when a big time pastor who have sissy sex with young men comes into our country and have a big time church service and every one there saying holy holy our country is so messed up just like gambleing stripping should be legialize i dont go to strip clubs because i dont know where they are but am sure just like gambleing houses they are a lot of them wake up bahamas we need to wake up vowww god please help our beatiful bahamaland

Posted 12 September 2012, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Aquarium says...

The judge is one key player here. The club owner should be punished and his busines license suspended. Dis Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and the Director, man, they gonna wait for what? Take away dis guy citizenship. Let's start cleaning up the country now. I aint anti foreigner but I believe foreigners and Bahamians should be clean. We got new govment now, so be serious and clean up we country

Posted 18 September 2012, 2:54 a.m. Suggest removal

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