FNM leader wants Smith to step down


Tribune Staff Reporter


OPPOSITION leader Dr Hubert Minnis has called on House Deputy Speaker Dion Smith to tender his resignation immediately following allegations he made racial slurs, said demeaning things about foreigners and put residents of a building in fear for their safety.

Dr Minnis said it would be “unbecoming” for Mr Smith to retain his position with such potentially divisive claims hanging over his head, and advised the MP to step down until the matter has been cleared up.

If the Nassau Village representative refuses to take the appropriate action voluntarily, he said, Prime Minister Perry Christie should step in and demand his resignation.

“For this country to grow, we should move beyond these racial divides – the Prime Minister needs to act, any decent leader would request his resignation,” Dr Minnis said.

Meanwhile, The Tribune understands, Mr Smith met with Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday and is expected to hold a press conference at 10am today at his office in the Pilot House, to respond to the allegations.

In court documents filed Tuesday, he is accused of launching into a “tirade” at the building where he lives, tearing down notices, using racial slurs and leaving several fellow tenants fearing for their safety.

It is claimed Mr Smith directed obscene language at residents of the condominium and expressed “some demeaning views on white human beings and foreigners to the Bahamas,” according to documents filed with the Supreme Court.

The document stated: “Witnesses to the said display have expressed shock at the very public nature of the alleged tirade, especially in view of Mr Smith’s status as a Member of Parliament and Deputy Speaker of the Honourable House of Assembly.” 

The allegations arose as a result of legal action being taken by five tenants against the Pilot House Condominium Association over maintenance woes and access to basic amenities.

The plaintiffs, Duke Smith, Philip Smith, Karen Miller, Shawn Smith, and Keva Smith, claim the association wrongfully denied or restricted their access to certain amenities on the premises – including water, the gym and rest rooms.

In response, the Association claimed the action was taken because of the tenants’ repeated failure to pay maintenance fees for the complex.


242352 says...

Oh come on, he was just being URBAN.....

Posted 13 September 2012, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Way to set a negative example for the already violent and troubled area....good work Mr MP

Posted 13 September 2012, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

This had very little to do with "foreigners". It was all about a deputy speaker being a jerk in public.

PM Christie you opened the door to advance Comrade Dion, opening it much wider than he seems to neither deserve or appreciate?

If these alleged statements made by the deputy speaker are proven to be true,here is no reason to believe such unacceptable public social behavior will "not" continue, using such outbursts as the even more reason to embarrass you and Bahamaland?

PM you stood for this crap from 2002 - 2007 and this time I hope you will not stand for it, period. PM it's not the way you behave so remove this man while the court process takes place.


Posted 13 September 2012, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Well said Tal...

Posted 13 September 2012, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Hes the same person he was in 2002. Which you obviously know yet you support him to the death.

Posted 13 September 2012, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

maryann says...

This is the same man. when he saw a red tent setup at one of his ralllies ,demanded that the people who was responisble for setting a red tent dismantle it right away.and get off his property .the scandals keeps coming.

Posted 13 September 2012, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

I thought the police told us that we must not resort to violence when resolving our differences.

Posted 13 September 2012, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

You wouldn't know how much hell you can catch when you live next to some of these naturalised (paper) Bahamains and or foreign residenters until you live the experience. Once they decide they do not want Bahamians around, they would go through hell and high water to get rid of them, take over their property or simply make their lives miserable.

I will never, ever (never, never) apologise for being a Bahamian and will not cater to any one or any group that feels Bahamians owe them a favor. Americans don't do it, the Canadians dont yield and the British, like em or leave. So why you think Bahamians have to suck up to non-Bahamians who come here with couple dollars in their back pocket and probably running from trouble in their own home country ayway. The bible warns us (who read) to be careful of who you allow into your country and into your household. I have seen Bahamians been forced out of their homes OFF THEIR PROPERTIES TOO OFTEN. those who side with the perpertrators of this ijustice should be put on tral for treason.

Posted 13 September 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

blah blah blah ,if those foriegners don,t come here we suffer ..our soil ins,t good for farming on large scale and theres not enough fish to support all of us ,,if we could grow enough what would we buy it with if foriegners don,t invest ,,aren,t you tired of saying we are so stupid that whitey foriegner has taken advantage of us for centuries and is still doing it 38 yrs after majority rule ,,no one wants u to apologise for being a bahamian ,,maybe a xenophopic pin head ,but where you were born is an act of providance not choice ,unlike your inane rants ,,lmao

Posted 13 September 2012, 10:35 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

my inaine rants are directed at people like you

Posted 14 September 2012, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

there still inaine ,,oh no the white boogey man has tricked us and taking advantage of us ,,oh no oh no ,,thats what u sound like to me ,,aren,t you embarrassed to keep peddling that hocus ,you are free to achieve what ever you like in life ,we our a free ,majority ruled country ,no one is holdin u back white ,purple or yellow

Posted 14 September 2012, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

It's stupid missteps like this by the deputy speaker that can make the "Second" Hubert A., armed with his solid material for attack on the deputy speaker, to look like he is acting like a giant of a leader. And, believe me that ain't exactly easy to accomplish?


Posted 13 September 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

A bit over the top John. The fact is we have people from all walks of life living with and amongst us. That's what makes our country as beautiful as it is. Who knows what the issues were exactly or what took place. Its all hear say to be honest. Unless they can prove that he said these things. If it can't be proven then its all hot air really. I'm not defending the Deputy Speaker because I do believe that if he said these things there should be consequences. But in saying that, who knows what the motives of these people are or what the underlying story is.

So my thing is Dr. Minnis before you go asking for the guys head on a platter lets make sure that the allegations are true. Stop jumping on every story and making politics of it.

Posted 13 September 2012, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Hubert Minnis represents the influential western district of New Providence. I am sure he is aware that conflicts go on a regular basis in the communities in that district because someone feels that some else have to give up their rights to be right!. And usually the person giving up their rights is a Bahamian. So it is a surprise that he would ask for the resignation of the deputy leader at this point when all the facts have not yet been revealed, save on the grounds of politics.
I have no problem with foreigners in this country, or naturalised Bahamians. Many of them contribute significantly to the Bahamian economy and our multi -cultural society. My problem is with those who believe that in their presence Bahamians should automatically become second class citizens, deputy speaker even. I have a problem with the fact that the law grants me the right, as a Bahamian to use the beaches on Paradise Island, but if I park over there my car will be towed. I have a problem with the fact that when I come in to the Lynden Pindling International AIrport, I have to drag my luggage across a causway and stand on a partly covered sidwalk in the sun or in the rain or whatever wether conditions, while taxis drive up to the door under a fully covered area to collect tourist. I have a problem when I go to the fish- fry where there are areas for taxis to drive up and collect their guests, but If I have to park some distance away and drive up to collect my guesst the police try to give me a ticket or even threaten to lock me up..the fish fry was originally concieved for Bahamians and yes. tourist are welcom and an added plus Dion Smith.resign my foot!

Posted 13 September 2012, 10:26 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i hope you never spew your racist rants to the guest that allow us to have a nice lifestyle ..condeming a whole nationality or race doesn,t make you a patriot ,it makes you appear insecure and small minded

Posted 13 September 2012, 10:39 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

As i said before, those who come here with their racial prejudices will attempt to make Bahamians appear to be the ones who are racists...nice try

Posted 14 September 2012, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i,m born here my brother ,and my mummy and daddy and their parents etc etc etc ,,only one racist here bro and its not hard to find who ,,but if puttin down 300million souls makes you feel bigger go at it ,,aren,t you embarrassed of sayin "onh no oh no whitey ga trick us again like he been doing for centuries ""come on boss we got majority rule ,U/S got a black pres ,quite blamin all of your shortcomings on the white boogey man ,,it gets tiresome ,,

Posted 14 September 2012, 8:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Now Concernedcitizen stop grinding your axe. You and I haven't had a good dialogue in a while. But as I said in a previous post we shouldn't jump to conclusions. We don't know the facts of this case and we should let the courts investigate further. For all we know the allegations may not even be true. I really can't understand why we bring race or foreign into these things. At the very basic level we need to understand the players involved and the motives if any. Like I said before, Mr. Smith may very well have said these things. But I don't know any court that convicts based on heresay. Evidence evidence evidence. None of these people are credible witnesses as far as I can see. Because they all appear to have had some unresolved issue with Mr. Smith prior to this so called racist rant. Politics aside, we need to be sensible and stop running on with rubbish about race and foreigners. I'm a black Bahamian, my wife is white she is the most amazing woman in the world and I love her and that's that. Who don't like it can go jump into the deepest blue hole.

Posted 15 September 2012, 8:51 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

no one APPEARED to bring up race but D Smith ..J Brown has always posted as anti foriegn ...Mr Smiths family developed the property and sold to these owners.. Mr Smiths lawyer claims certain people on the condo assc are racist..with out D Smith and W Munroe bringing up race and D Smith having an altercation their would be no story ..the condo assc , is not running to the press or shouting on the sidewalk ...

Posted 16 September 2012, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

.".the condo assc , is not running to the press or shouting on the sidewalk"
covert operations usually dont want no publicity

Posted 20 September 2012, 7:22 a.m. Suggest removal

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