Man behind love cheat site quizzed

POLICE yesterday confirmed that the person responsible for the “Nassau Cheaters” Facebook page is being questioned over alleged defamatory comments and pictures posted on the social media network.

Although Sergeant Dale Stratchan of the Cyber Crimes Unit, who is investigating the claims, said other details could not be given at this time, he urged Facebook users to refrain from posting comments that could hurt the reputation of others.

Mr Stratchan said: “It is an offence to publish defamatory statements of persons on social media sites.

“A person can get about two years in prison for that kind of crime if they are found guilty. I would remind persons as well that if information is posted about them they can report it to Facebook and if they find that comments are negative they can either take the content down or shut down the entire group, because that is a breach of their policies.”

The issue of defamation on website came to light on Monday when an anonymous police officer called The Tribune alleging that pictures of Bahamians were being posted with false accusations against them.

The officer said that most recently a mother of one was brutally beaten by her partner after the page administrator posted a picture of the partner and accused him of being a dead beat dad.

“Because I am an officer with access to sensitive information,” she said, “I cannot reveal my identity, but recently we had a young woman come in to make a complaint on her child’s father who beat her up so badly because he believed that she put a false story on Facebook. The woman said that she’d never say something like that because the guy is a great father to their child or post it on Facebook for the world to see.

“People need to know that the information on this page is not true,” she said. “The crime and murder rate in this country is already high as it is. I believe this page will only contribute to innocent lives being lost or baseless altercations to take place. People need to be warned about what this person is doing.” 

Attempts by targeted persons to defend themselves against the allegations posted on the page, she said, have not been successful.

“People who try to speak up on the site, or even try to set the record straight about themselves, have been blocked and reported as spam by him. I myself made a fictitious account and proceeded to tell him that he was out of line and that what he is doing is wrong. He blocked me and reported me as spam. Others have done the same and have not been successful,” she said.


positiveinput says...

For being the average Bahamian whom gets in everyones personal business but their own, this individual needs to spend some time behind bars. I visited his site and with no relavance to its name view some of the post by himself and other monkey brain Bahamians whom encourage him/her to make use of a camera with no meaning. In one of his postings there was mentioned a woman whom photos was taken for needing sponsers - going into a liquor store - and a cell phone store. Claiming thats where she went with funds acquired from donations, how was he certain that individual didn't purchase water, juice or soda from the first nearest store to hydrate her children, and to get a phone card to tell whomever she owed that finally she could pay them (eg. rent). Bahamians need to know that whatever don't concern them should never be in their day to day activite, especially when I involves a persons character. Hope he got to keep his camera in jail so he really have some good pics to show his jack-a followers.

Posted 19 September 2012, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Nassau_cheaters says...

Positive input you are the jackass here! You obviously have a mental problem as well because anybody who looked at the pictures can 'clearly' see that they got liquor out of the liquor store. there pictures clearly showed the beers coming out of the bag that pics were also taken of Ms Zoe. Cheaper you just give it up because Bahamian people een the fools you tried to make them out to be when you swindled them out of their monies. Your time soon come and the only person who ga see jail 'again' is 'you'.

Posted 27 September 2012, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Nassau_cheaters says...

Also, you the writer of these lies who is also the friend of Zoe Cartwright, you better stop while you are ahead. I don't appreciate nobody lying on me and everything in this article are lies. If you do not life the life of a said or a nun, I advise you to be very careful when you create stories on persons in the private investigations profession who are very well experienced with technology and have links all over the country. You just 'might' find yourself being investigated and may have 'truth' posted about you. A word to the wise is sufficient. I am sure Mr. Jones would not be pleased that one of his employees is maliciously making up stories on someone just because her friend who is a seasoned criminal asked her to do so.

Posted 27 September 2012, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

Facebook has definitely changed the way we interact online as well as in real life, and it has changed a lot about the way we think. I read on <a href="">web analytics review</a> an article about the most influential websites of all times and facebook was #3 right after google and yahoo. If you share important information in the end it could have a negative impact upon you.

Posted 5 December 2012, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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