Tribune Staff Reporter

TWO men awaiting trial for a triple murder, where one of the victims was a pregnant mother a month from giving birth, appeared in court yesterday hoping to be granted bail.

However, Senior Justice Jon Isaacs told 40-year-old Shawn Knowles and 33-year-old Timothy Saunders, both of Cowpen Road, that he was not prepared to hear bail applications.

He said he would hear from respective court appointed attorneys Terrell Butler and Bernard Ferguson on October 11.

Knowles and Saunders are accused of the July 30, 2011 murders of Edward Braynen, Chackara Rahming and Erica Ward, who was eight months pregnant. They deny the murder charges.

It is claimed that the men entered the victims’ Montgomery Avenue apartment that afternoon and fatally shot the three to death.

However, they were not charged in connection with the death of the unborn baby because the child, under Bahamian law, is not considered a person.

Yesterday, the accused men got court appointed attorneys, as they had none in the lead up to the fixture hearing.

Justice Isaacs stood a bail hearing down to October 11.

Knowles and Saunders were remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison.


KimAra says...

All I can say is that ANYBODY charged with a triple murder ( and an 8 month fetus, who could live outside the Mother's body)...who has the audacity to apply for bail must be nuts...
If we give these two charmers bail than we are really showing what a lawlwss nation we have become.

Posted 22 September 2012, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

javiebenz says...

Wtf....if she was 8 months then how could the child not be consider a person, thats crazy

Posted 22 September 2012, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

We just have some antiquated laws that needs to be changed. To let these two jokers back on the street would be a real injustice to the Bahamian people.

Posted 24 September 2012, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

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