FNM Chairman blames Miller for disruption

IF PRIME Minister Perry Christie wanted to demonstrate true leadership, he would fire Leslie Miller for “abusing his authority and destabilising BEC” according to the opposition Free National Movement.

FNM chairman Darron Cash yesterday accused Mr Miller of continuing “the PLP trend of exploitation, victimisation and intimidation – at levels even the most brazen MP would find extreme”.

The industrial action taken by members of the union and other staff of BEC are unfortunate and regrettable, Mr Cash said.

“Once again, services to the public were disrupted and staff morale in the corporation plummet due to reckless actions by executive chairman of BEC Leslie Miller,” he said.

He blamed the unrest on Mr Miller’s “targeted” termination of a female employee and the suspension of a union leader who had “the backbone to stand up” to the chairman.

Mr Cash added: “In the ordinary course of business, the Free National Movement would endorse Mr Miller’s stated objectives of trying to affect change in the corporation. Unfortunately, his actions have been almost entirely detrimental to his stated intentions. His bull-in-a-china-shop governance/management style is counterproductive to the necessary goal of establishing the kind of environment for the management and staff of BEC to buy in to his change programme.”


Ironvelvet says...

You know I am a hard FNM, but Mr. Cash you are unfortunately taking the political side here and you are wrong!

The majority of Bahamians PLP, FNM, and DNA are on the side of Miller because he is doing the right thing. Dr. Minnis has been trying to be bipartisan and has acknowledged wrong doing in the days of the FNM and he has been mightily trying to do what is right by those acknowledgements. You are only making those efforts by Dr. Minnis take a step back with political banter.

Doing the right thing takes leadership and the making of unpopular decisions. You should ask our former eminence the Rt. Hon Hubert A. Ingraham about that. People may have described him as "Hubiggety", but a lot of the pigheadedness got the job done during unpopular times.

I'm pulling for Mr. Leslie Miller, not the PLP. Go Miller Go!

Shame on you Cash.

Posted 4 April 2013, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Iron velvet remember he is a political creature so you can expect that type of statement. While i do support changes in the way BEC is run I think the heavy handed approach by the chairman is not the best way to go. The bad habits have been entrenched for decades and it wont change over night.

Posted 4 April 2013, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

I agree with you on the political creature piece about Cash, but the heavy handedness did not happen overnight. Don't forget Miller has been meeting with the union to my recollection since January in many "civilized" meetings. As a chairman you have to make executive decisions. His executive decision ended up in a mass demonstration.

Posted 4 April 2013, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Holy crap did I not read this statement by Comrade Chairman Darron correctly or not? Or, maybe I missed some tings they actually did during their Hubert regime to benefit workers? Like they must have actually supported and attended Labour Day Celebrations when they held the reigns of government? Like I must have missed the pictures in the media of them red shirts Marching alongside Bahamian workers?

OK while the outbursts of BEC's Chairman Leslie may indeed fall short of good public relations for the PM Christie government, still it's got to be so damn inappropriate for a red shirts party chairman to engage in such political propaganda, as pretending to care about Bahamian workers?


Posted 4 April 2013, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Denton says...

TalRussell, "crap" is not "holy" and I take office to that term & tired of you addressing people as "Comrade" - you Communist?

Posted 4 April 2013, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Denton says...

oh, and that picture you posted with the word "HOLY" with a lump of "something" below it? that should be removed.

Posted 4 April 2013, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

nowonder says...

This is business not politics that is what got us were we are . Mr Miller is right to stand his ground we support you.

Posted 4 April 2013, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

If the FNM did what Potcake is doing, every union organization would be in an uproar mode. As an FNM supporter, I fully support what the PLP is doing to BEC Union after all the low down dirty tricks they did to caused the my party to lose the General Election. I sincerely hope that the Potcake stick it to them.

Posted 4 April 2013, 5:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Denton says...

IF DOCTOR MINNIS wanted to demonstrate TRUE leadership of the FNM, he would FIRE Darron Cash immediately! What a disgrace!! I wonder how many friends and family of Cash either work at BEC or are in the Union?

This Country has been waiting for someone like you for a long time Mr. Miller, as we have suffered and are suffering at the hands of BEC.

Bless You!

Posted 4 April 2013, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

I i generally support the FNM ,but Cash is wrong on this one ,,i,m totally behind MP Miller ..our electrical cost are so high we are having trouble staying competitive in tourism and the burden of cost on the average citizen is way too high ..GO POTCAKE !! i hope PGC doesn,t cave ..

Posted 6 April 2013, 7:55 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Denton you'd have to admit that "Holy Crap" does have a certain ring to it anytime one reads anything your red shirts chairman has to say?

Posted 6 April 2013, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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