Two suretors sign for his bail


Tribune Staff Reporter

HUMAN rights activist Rodney Moncur has been freed for his next court appearance after two suretors signed for his $7,500 bail.

Moncur, 56, a former DNA candidate, faces a single charge of committing a grossly indecent act.

It is claimed that between March 1 and March 29, he “intentionally and unlawfully” published a photograph of Jamie Smith, who is dead.

Last Saturday morning, Moncur was arrested by police in connection with the images of Smith, who died in police custody last month. On Thursday, he was arraigned and remanded when he could not post his bail.

Moncur returned before Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell yesterday, said he had found someone to post his bail and was released.

Speaking afterwards he said: “I have broken no law. The world needs to know.”

Moncur returns to the magistrates’ court on May 10 where he is expected to be served with a VBI to have his case fast tracked to the Supreme Court.


TalRussell says...

I am sure the sensibilities of many Bahamians were offended by the way the mortal remains of murdered Handbag Designer Harl Taylor was displayed at his viewing, with him sitting up in his office chair behind his desk, and not stretched out in he coffin. And I don't remember the police dispatching their officers to the Funeral Home to arrest the loved one's of the late Comrade? No crime was committed and no damn "sensitivity police" had to be go arrest no one.

In fact the funeral Comrade Funeral Director was reported to have told the media that "the idea for this was something he had in mind for a long time." Luckily for the funeral director the window of opportunity for a potential charge by the police against him for his creative display of a dead body has now exceeded the Statue of Limitations.

When the red shirts held power they sure as hell knew how to test the people's sensitivities about lots stuff they allowed to go on, still no one was calling up the Commish to go arrest their leadership?…

Posted 6 April 2013, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

how long will last his liberty?<img src="" width="1">

Posted 7 April 2013, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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