Meet Roger - the once in a lifetime potcake

ROGER, one of Operation Potcake’s most moving success stories, has undergone a delicate surgery to save his paw.

Now back in Nassau after accompanying Roger to Florida for the five-hour orthopaedic procedure, his rescuers are appealing to the public for help with the $5,000 medical bill.

Found on day nine of the ground-breaking spay and neuter drive in Strachan’s Alley off Kemp Road, Roger was unable to see or walk.

Emaciated and covered in sores, he was suffering from severe demodectic mange, which had caused his face to swell so badly he could no longer see.

“We originally thought that he had to be euthanised, but he showed such incredible spirit during his first few hours with us that we decided to do whatever it took to bring him back to life,” said Lissa McCombe. “And so our Roger love story began.

“When we saw him, he was in misery trying to lay down on the rough gravel. Within days, his eyes were visible, and he just cried blood. I swear I’ll never forget that – just tears of blood came from his eyes once they opened. He moaned as we bathed him that first day because his whole body was so sore.”

Only three months later, Roger looks like a completely new dog.

Ms McCombe said: “Slowly, we watched this larger than life personality emerge from this shell of an animal. And now, he is a vibrant, playful puppy who loves so unconditionally it is difficult to believe the condition he was once in.

“To help the helpless is an incredibly rewarding sensation and to watch Roger’s transformation has changed us. He’s a once in a lifetime kind of dog.”

A scavenger hunt covering Paradise Island, Bay Street and the Palmdale area is being held on Sunday, April 28 to raise funds for Roger’s treatment. Those wishing to take part are asked to gather at The Green Parrot on East Bay Street at 1pm. Each car/team may have up to five people, at the cost $10 a head.

Prizes will be awarded to the first and second place teams.


proudloudandfnm says...

some people just aint got nuttin to do wit dey money. I know one thing Bahamians better get real about the stray dogs in this country before a child is mauled to death. Time to start destroying these pests now. Wake up people we have a dog crisis in this country.

Posted 15 April 2013, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

children are being mauled to death but its not by four-legged dogs. every other night its by a fist, knife or gun and the 'stray dogs' responsible walk up-right as human beings. they even at one point attacked the very same people whom came to our bahamaland to assist our country with our four-legged dog situation.

Posted 15 April 2013, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

jazzclio says...

Dear proudloud...
in case you haven't realized Operation Potcake dedicated hundreds of selfless hours TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE STRAY DOGS you mentioned above. Thousands of dogs were spayed and neutered. (google it) This will go a long way to help the stray dog problem. But citizens have to do their part as well and not let their unkept dogs roam the streets. if people cared more for their animals things would be a lot different.

Posted 15 April 2013, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

KimAra says...

Dear proudloud.
The stray dogs in this country is a people problem. If the citizens of this nation exercised responsible animal ownership there would not be a problem. Parents do not even restrict their kids, the young people of this nation are allowed to go where they want and do what they want, those same people let their animals roam, if they don't control their kids how can you expect them to control their pets.
This country needs discipline in every facet .... and nobody has the guts to enforce the law...
then people like you come up with incendiary comments like above that are totally unfounded and do nothing but encourage panic and reckless behaviour....I have the courage to put my name to this response and not hide behind a fake and fictitious name.
KIm Aranha
President of the Bahamas Humane Society

Posted 15 April 2013, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

steplight says...

Roger says alot about who sees what and why it takes a person with a conscience and awareness that how you treat animals you actually treat people. If you take a good look at the way animals are treated some people are treated likewise so it has been a never ending cycle. Getting to that place where the spirit of the animal shew signs of hope followed up with evidence that he changed for the better almost overnight is an inspiration.
When anyone can reach out and make a difference in a animal, human life it certainly would take the Bahamas in the right direction. What is most sad to see if that Grace Megan a pitbull with a gentle heart was dead at 2 years old with the police justifying a bullet to the head of an animal who was loved. We must come to terms with the fact that everything we now face as a country has its root causes in the effective laws of a country and persons without remorse for the pain and suffering of animals, humans and those whose voices could never be heard.

Posted 15 April 2013, 8:52 p.m. Suggest removal

steplight says...

Correction - The incompetency and ineffective laws of this country added with lack of remorse for the pain and suffering of animals who in silence suffers. Roger as a disney movie speaks volume of how there is hope through love. Money will flow from unexpected sources..

Posted 16 April 2013, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

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