Minnis: 150-bed hospital pledge is not realistic


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FREEPORT – FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis said the 150-bed hospital being promised to Grand Bahama by the PLP government is not realistic.

The governing party is merely “selling a dream” he said – one that will never become reality, just like several other promises made in the PLP Charter for Governance.

Dr Minnis said it would cost $300m to construct a 150-bed hospital in Grand Bahama.

“The Charter of Governance is a dream they sold to the Bahamian people. They promised mortgage relief – a dream. Job creation – a dream. A decrease of electricity bills – a dream. Double investment in education – a dream,” he said.

“And now they come with another dream with this 150-bed hospital. This is another one that will not materialise. We have done studies and we know what it will cost.

“You are looking at $300m. Where are they going to get the money from?”

“You don’t make statements (like that) without scientific evidence to back the number of beds that you will need.”

Dr Minnis was speaking in response to remarks made by Minister for Grand Bahama Dr Michael Darville.

Dr Darville said bed space is an issue at the Rand Memorial Hospital.

He said the PLP plans to construct a 150-bed hospital that is much bigger than the Rand, which will also have a private wing.

But Dr Minnis noted that the former FNM government left plans in place for the redevelopment of the Rand Memorial Hospital.

He said the old Freeport Inn Resort next to the hospital was purchased for $1.9m as part of the ongoing redevelopment.

“This would have allowed commencement of the development of the internal structure of the Rand which would have addressed the problem of bed space.

“When you are talking about bed space, you do not just make ad hoc statements about how many beds you are going to put in,” he said.

Dr Minnis said when determining bed space one must look at the occupancy and disease patterns and the type of patients being admitted to hospital.

He noted that the Rand is typically at 60 per cent occupancy and there are times when there is an overflow.

“That happens internationally, and you must take all those things in consideration, but you don’t make statements that you are going to build a 150-bed hospital which will cost $300m,” Dr Minnis said.

He said the Rand has one of the best operating theatres in the region.

He said the PLP should have continued with the redevelopment plans that were left in place by the FNM government.

“Health care is moving toward prevention and therefore primary care facilities is what they would need immediatly so you can prevent as many disease as you can and minimise the increase in patients coming to hospital.”


Ironvelvet says...

The Christie Government keep trying to make an edifice or something they can say they built: the 150 bed hospital, a renovated house of parliament, a bust of MLK in Bimini, foolishness, foolishness, and more foolishness.

You know what is a realistic dream that the Christie administration should do and focus on for the rest of their time as government.....increase the pay of police officers, increase the number of trained/qualifed police personnel, build a better/bigger prison, increase youth rehabilitation, increase the quality of education, and increase the opportunities to go abroad and become qualified on a tertiary level.

I promise you they will have enough to keep them busy if they do that and it would make a world of good for the present citizens, and future well-being of this country.

Posted 15 April 2013, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Has the PLP kept any of it's campaign promises? Far as I can see not one of their promises have been fullfilled. Bahamas wake up! Don't let the PLP swing you no more!!

Posted 16 April 2013, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Oh well our sick and needy will be sleeping in emergency room chairs for the next 4 years. Even though there is an empty bulding capable of holding at 300 patients right next door.

I am FNM, yes. But if the PLP showed even an inkling of actual governing, I WOULD SUPPORT THEM. But so far the PLP has lived up to it's reputation of lies and corruption.

Posted 16 April 2013, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

carlapark says...

A new hospital is clearly needed, even if it won't be a 150 bed one. There are many people who need medical care, some will have to undergo surgeries while others will have to go through <a href="http://www.otterbein.org/rehabilitative…">rehabilitative care</a> at some point during their lives, so they should start working on the project as soon as possible.

Posted 17 February 2015, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

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