Monday, April 15, 2013
Tribune Staff Reporter
HUMAN Rights activist Rodney Moncur said there is no reason for police commissioner Ellison Greenslade to remain silent over the leaked crime scene photos of the murder of Nellie Mae Brown-Cox.
Addressing a caller’s comment yesterday on a radio talkshow about Mr Greenslade’s failure to charge the person – thought to be a police officer – who posted the photos on the internet, Mr Moncur claimed the commissioner was “wrong in law” to suggest that as he is being sued over the leak, he is barred from speaking about or taking action over the matter, as it is a civil and not a criminal case.
Mr Moncur is himself facing charges in connection with leaked photos, and wants those responsible for the crime scene leak to be treated the same way.
Family members of Brown-Cox filed a lawsuit against the police commissioner in 2011 for the embarrassment, mental anguish, nervous shock and extreme depression suffered because of the leaked photos.
During a radio interview in July 2011, Commissioner Greenslade confirmed that the leak came from within the police force. He said he was almost ready to make a decision on the investigation and make a public statement on the matter, which to date, has not been done.
Police officers who are found to be in breach of protocols could face “severe disciplinary action,” including dismissal from the force, the commissioner said.
After Mr Moncur accused the force of “double standards” for charging him with committing a “grossly indecent act” and not doing the same to the officer or officers who leaked the photos of the gruesome crime scene, the police commissioner responded to the public outcry about the investigation into the leak by saying that he could not comment because of the current lawsuit against him.
Mr Moncur said: “He is wrong in law. It is always the criminal charges which take precedence over the civil charge. And all that is needed is for the honourable Attorney General to ask the court to stay the civil action until the criminal action is filed and completed,” Mr Moncur said.
He claimed charges will never be brought against the person or persons responsible for the crime scene leak.
“They will never charge that officer. He did not break any law. He was carrying out lawful command,” Mr Moncur told the caller.
ayatollah says...
Posted 15 April 2013, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal
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