government considering implications of returning Baillou Hill to two-way


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE government is reviewing the implications of returning Baillou Hill Road to a two-way thoroughfare, Minister of Works Philip Davis told reporters yesterday.

The Coconut Grove Business League (CGBL) has been lobbying for months for an end to the system that currently sees traffic go one-way northbound on Baillou Hill Road and one-way south-bound on Market Street.

That group was among many others which complained that the adoption of this system adversely affected their businesses.

Mr Davis said: “We were listening to the concerns of the persons who were expressing their disapproval of that exercise and in that regard what we were doing is, we said we would look at it and see what impact it had and is having firstly. Secondly, what it would take to reverse that decision and we are going to be looking into that exercise.”

To date, the government has offered tax and utility cost exemptions to business owners who claimed they were badly affected by the traffic change.


positiveinput says...

In returning the road to a two way, how much more will that cost the tax payers. Anyone who travelles that road knows that because of the sidewalk on both sides, that road cannot comfortably allow the flow of traffic from both directions, unless everyone is driving a Honda Fit. Therefore the simple painting of north and south bound arrows would not work. Now if the Minister wishes to carry out an easy fix to a portion of Baillou Hill, go further south to the junction of Soldier Road and swap the direction of the two-to-single lane merge. At that junction because the sidewalk projects out to the right and the right lane is directed by the painted street arrow to merge left, many fender benders occur at that point because motorist travelling south using the right lane have a straight path to continue on. However the left south lane must drift to the right to follow the design of the sidewalk.

Posted 17 April 2013, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

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