Mitchell plans consul role for Chicago

MINISTER of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell announced yesterday that the government is considering opening a resident Honorary Consul in Chicago to help enhance the relationship between the Bahamas and the people of that city.

Addressing the Illinois House of Representatives yesterday, Minister Mitchell said the state of Illinois has a special historical and social resonance with the African Diaspora globally and with the Bahamas as well.

“I am here to seek to expand ties with this area. To seek to learn more about the area and to ask you to learn more about us: the cultural heritage which we both share and the trade and commercial opportunities which exist and can be expanded,” he said.

“Thousands of Bahamians have received their tertiary level education in this state. There are some 333 people who listed themselves as being of Bahamian descent in this state and in the 2010 census; some $10,000,000 of business was done from the Bahamas in this state in the year 2010.

“Clearly, this can be expanded. We do over a billion dollars of business with Florida each year. The base is there and to show you what I mean, in 2005, 40,000 people visited the Bahamas from this area, compare that to just 33,000 last year,” he said.

Mr Mitchell added that the Bahamas maintains regional and hemispheric superiority in the area of financial services – with one of the longest established international financial services sector in the Americas – and remains a high quality destination for wealth management and a hub for capital investment.

In the area of cultural impact, the minister noted how the founder of the Bahamas Dance Theatre, Shirley Hall Bass, one of the Bahamas’ cultural and artistic treasures, was a native of Chicago, Illinois before moving to the Bahamas at the apex of her professional dancing career.

“Throughout her career, she consistently used her craft and capacity as director to foster an understanding between her two loves, the United States and the Bahamas, with the creation of the Foreign Cultural Exchange in 1968, when 58 young Bahamian ambassadors travelled to Chicago.

“These are the types of linkages, not just economically but also socially and culturally, that we wish to develop and expand with this great state.”

As for the Honorary Consul, Mr Mitchell told the Illinois representatives that the government of the Bahamas has asked Michael Fountain, a Chicagoan with Bahamian roots, if this is something he would consider. He noted that this would of course be subject to US government approvals at the Federal level, for which he asked for the House’s support.

“We think Mr Fountain would do an excellent job. As we celebrate today the deepening of the friendship and collaboration between our two governments and peoples, I wish to close with words of motivation from a son of your soil, President Lincoln: ‘The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion.

“As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up [both our] nation’s wounds’.”


SP says...

Mr. Fred Mitchell is a proverbial good roll!

Chicago is surrounded by 12 Midwestern states with a population of over 65 million people that figured prominently in contributing to the Bahamas and Caribbean tourist arrivals in the 70’s by Air Jamaica and by Thompson Vacations Inc. in the 80’s.

Herein lies the possibility for BahamasAir to look at developing wholesale travel packages with and already exposed market and establishing air service links from Chicago or other major city direct to Nassau and or selected family islands allowing visitors a twin destination vacation offering 3 nights in fast paced Nassau and 4 nights on a secluded Island….

This type of product is not offered by anyone in the region and would be unique to the Bahamas.

Chicago is also the largest city in the American Midwest and the third largest in the entire United States. Economically the region is balanced between heavy industry and agriculture, with finance and services such as medicine and education…All areas the Bahamas should seriously target.

Midwestern States also consist of the “farmbelt” states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and the West sides of Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. Again the Bahamas could approach the farmer cooperatives in the region for discussions on farming partnerships.

Outstanding Job Mr. Mitchell…This is one trip I agree could well pay huge dividends if properly managed.

Posted 17 April 2013, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Mr. Fred Mitchell is on a proverbial good roll!

Posted 17 April 2013, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Stephen says...

San Francisco may be more apropo...

Posted 17 April 2013, 8:12 p.m. Suggest removal

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