'FNM has no moral authority to criticise mortgage plan'


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE FNM lacks the moral authority to criticise to government on the Mortgage Relief Plan because it was their poor management of the economy that caused the mortgage crisis in the first place, PLP chairman Bradley Roberts claimed.

Speaking at a luncheon in honour of Alfred Sears, Mr Roberts said the FNM has sought to malign the mortgage relief plan – a plan endorsed by the Bahamas Clearing Banks who are holders of mortgages – when the FNM did nothing to help struggling home owners while in office.

“To its credit, the PLP government committed $10 million to assist these families and Prime Minister Christie has committed to doubling down on this to bring relief to struggling Bahamian families. I thank him for his determination and compassionate leadership.

“The FNM is now saying that employment is the solution to the mortgage crisis, but they failed to create jobs – or for that matter preserve jobs during their term in office where unemployment doubled. Their poor management of the economy made the recession worse and caused a protracted recovery,” he said.

“Secondly, I thank the government for and urge them to bring to Parliament the Borrower’s Protection Act that will ensure fairness when a lender is exercising its power of sale over a mortgagor’s residence and will also address the major issue of salary deductions which contributes to thousands being left with little take home pay.”

Mr Roberts said the Credit Report Act must be brought to Parliament as soon as possible as it contains provisions allowing the Central Bank to supervise the credit reporting industry and the licensing of credit bureaus by the Central Bank. He said this new structure is intended bring greater order to unregulated lending institutions.

The PLP chairman also praised the members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force for their efforts in fighting crime and “cried shame” on FNM leader Hubert Minnis for making the crime issue political. “It is regrettable that the leader of the opposition continues to trot out untruths that are mere political talking points with no connection to reality. Even though the success to date in the fight against crime is an inconvenient truth to the likes of Dr Minnis and the FNM, they are reminded that the facts do matter,” he said.

“While some among us of the ilk of Dr Minnis prefer to ignore reality, hide their heads in the sand, live in a parallel universe and show hatred for the truth, the PLP remains confident that the gains the country is making in the fight against crime will make for a better, safer and stronger Bahamas to the benefit of all Bahamians.”


Ironvelvet says...

Bradley Roberts, shame on you! The economic crisis is due to the GLOBAL recession!!! Get it right! People worldwide lost jobs and many of those people who are much more qualified than these Bahamians crying about jobs can't find jobs for the last few years. Did you expect Mr. Ingraham to work a miracle and let our small country be the only untouched land in the world when it comes to this economic crisis? Get real! You talk about the FNM playing politics, who is playing politics now?!

And again let's not forget Ingraham's attempts to get the unqualified masses employed, remember that 52 week job program that your government demonized while campaigning and quickly did away with once you were sworn in....seems a lot like the PLP administration's National Job Program you all are about to roll out. Same thing, different name.

You all haven't done jack since you got in there! Face it, get to work, and stop running ya mouth!

Posted 23 April 2013, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Can we please stop giving this alleged rapist a venue? PLEASE?

Posted 23 April 2013, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Some one please remind this fool about the billboards about crimes that they setup all over Nassau . FNM leader Hubert Minnis did not make the crime issue political PLP and there band off dummies did that .This FOOL really think all Bahamians are fools like them.This loud mouth no brainier need to rest his ole ass and stop talking fool .What Mr. Ingraham did for this country no other Prime Minister has ever done . The late again Prime Minister .

Posted 23 April 2013, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

Understand now the lies have worked in the past and maybe they may still be working.
The majority of us Bahamians get your news from other sources rather than the independent papers so all he have to do is make sure that that gets in the circles of the ignorant and they will be chanting the same bull. Thus there is another victory for the PLP crew lest we forget 'ALL FA ME BABY CREW."

Posted 23 April 2013, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

WTF he must live in another country....The all should be briefed or read the news papers, listen to talk radio or something before they talk this nonsense, E.T. please phone home

Posted 23 April 2013, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

Here we go again!!! Could the newspaper stop giving this jackass the time of day to sit and make dumb comments like this. The mortgage so called relieve plan was bogus from the beginning it never was going to work and it never will work. So Bradley you and the rest of your followers including your leader please go sit down cause aint a one a yinna know what the hell to do to keep this country afloat! Can we please vote these bunch a wutless - all talk and no action people outta government NOW!

Posted 1 May 2013, 11:53 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

In response to TimeForChange - NO you cannot vote them out now. It would be nice though if our Constitution was changed to have elections every 3 years instead of 5.

Of course that would give too much power to the people, and remove their slavery status - so it will not happen any time soon.

Slavery is no longer a problem in the modern era - it is just considered normal now.

Posted 18 May 2013, 10:32 p.m. Suggest removal

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