VIDEO: Lawyer says group of men attacked him


Tribune Staff Reporter

PROMINENT human rights and environmental attorney Fred Smith, QC, claimed he was assaulted and his car was damaged during a visit to Jaws Beach yesterday.

Mr Smith, who was still visibly shaken when he visited The Tribune, said he went on the beach to take photos of ongoing construction when he was assaulted by a small group of the workers.

“Everything was fine when I first got there. I was talking with some of the workers and even gave them some money for drinks. I was explaining to them about the group I was associated with and they were open to it. When they broke for lunch some more people came and one of them was Koed Smith,” he said.

“The next thing I know, I was being pushed and shoved and cursed out and I was in fear for my life. I got into my car and tried to get away but a few of the guys got into the back and the front and I was boxed in. They surrounded the car with crowbars and hammers and steel.

“There was a heated exchange and when I realised nothing was being resolved I tried to escape by driving on the beach. At one point I got stuck in the sand and then I heard a loud crash and realised my rear windshield was broken. Someone threw a piece of steel and completely shattered my glass.”

Mr Smith said he took some video as he was leaving and is pressing charges. In fact, he says he is looking into filing a civil suit.

He said he was afraid for his life and will do whatever it takes to ensure the person or persons who assaulted him are held responsible.

Mr Smith is a member of The Coalition to Protect Clifton Bay – a group of concerned individuals and organizations that are committed to preserving and protecting Clifton Bay and other common marine environments surrounding New Providence.


Collin says...

We are in serious trouble in this country. He is a former MP for our country and he feels quite comfortable allegedly being involved in such type thuggery.

Truly sad and disgraceful...

Posted 26 April 2013, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Notice its always the same people in problems. Fred Smith always poking his nose in people business and Koed Smith is a jungaliss. So there ya go, Smith Smith and Co. Two media ho%&$. One vision.

Posted 27 April 2013, 1:06 a.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

Correct me if I am wrong,

but it would apear the Keod just tampered with a crime sceen!

Why would he remove the piece of metal from the car.

He is an officer of the law?

Where is the police involvement in this incident?

Posted 26 April 2013, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

OK let me see if I read this correctly? He is or had already pressed charges, before telling his story to The Tribune?

"Comrade Fred, who just happens to be a high powered lawyer, says yesterday how he was surrounded on Jaws Beach by a group of men's with crowbars. The next thing he knew he was being pushed and shoved and cursed out and how he was in fear for he life. Then he clams that while he was getting into his motor car as he attempted to get away, a few of the guys jumped into the back and front seats, and he was boxed in. The men then surrounded his car with crowbars and hammers and steel. Following a heated exchange and only then did he smart head tell him that nothing was being resolved and tried to escape by driving on the beach. Being scared as hell he got stuck in the sand and then he heard a loud crash and realized his motor car's rear window had been broken., cause one them men's tossed a piece of steel shattering he glass.”

Now, what does he do? if you read this it sounds like he didn't call the police from the scene, drive to nearest police station or try to locate the nearest police officer? Nope. You get the picture that he smart head says, you need drive your still shaken self over to Shirley and Deveaux Streets, park and rush upstairs to tell The Tribune ya whole story, about how you were attacked by men's on the beach?

Even now he says the civil way might be right way handle these thugs?

Comrades you just can't make this comical sh*t up. First the two billionaires were go'in at each other. Now, it is alleged that the two lawyers been go'in at it, on da beach of jaws?…

Posted 26 April 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Honeybun says...


Posted 26 April 2013, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Mr Greenslade I expect Keod Smith to be in custody by days end!

Posted 26 April 2013, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Keod is nothing but a ghetto thug. Wow!

Posted 26 April 2013, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Big grown behind men acting like little mean teenaged girls !!! What the hay!!!!!

Posted 26 April 2013, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Crazy how both sides have let this thing get out of control. I'm still not clear on the issue though. Can some kindly explain? And how did the Bacon guy and Nygard get involved? Its all confusing really.

Posted 26 April 2013, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

The Crime sceen was tampered with. Finger prints form the wepon have been tampered with.

Could it be the Keod gave the thugs a piece of metal and said go break he window out, Then he relized that his prints were on the metal so he goes and retrieves it to cover up.

Good thing thing that Keod is protected under that yellow umbrella....

The international press will have a field day with this one I bet you facebook .

Good job Bahamas

Posted 26 April 2013, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Keod has been biggety since he whupped a big big man in the cabinet room a few years ago.

Posted 26 April 2013, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

i feel this is just the beginning<img src="" width="1">

Posted 26 April 2013, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

queenfrank says...

Peter Nygard is a bad representation for our country, amazing what pay offs will get you. Now I now what selling your soul to the devil looks like.

Posted 26 April 2013, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The focus should be on other more important things in this country. Two overly rich men , who seem to have getting on each others nerves as their common pass time, has now decided to engage Bahamian puppets to do the mud slinging and crowbar swinging for them. I am not buying Fred Smith's story or even half of it. If he knew Koed Smith's people were on the beach working he went out there looking for trouble and /or something to make headlines. Don't trust either of these men or the goons who have them employed....They have the same last name: smith vs smith aka spy vs spy they may even be family!

Posted 26 April 2013, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

At different times I have tuned into the talk shows and listened to both Comrades "Beach Scavenger" and "KO" preaching how they are dedicated to fighting to protect Bahamaland's shorelines and beaches?

When I read this upsetting article and while watching this violent video, it makes me want to compare these two men's behavior to being served a disappointing banana split. It's a hot summer day and you have this refreshing picture in your head of enjoying a tasty banana split. You place your order for a trio of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate ice cream each paired with perfect toppings of crushed pineapple, sliced strawberries and homemade chocolate syrup. All finished with fresh bananas, whipped cream, sprinkled with chopped nuts. But it's not what it looks to be. One bite and you can't taste no banana. You dig deeper hoping to find some sign of a nice sized slice of banana but there was none. The banana gone missing. It completely takes away from that goodness experience you pictured in your head.

Right about now the picture in the natives heads ain't about goodness when it comes to some of those constantly in the media professing to care so damn much about protecting Bahamalnd's shorelines and beaches? But protecting for who?…

Posted 26 April 2013, 7:27 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Baltron ,the funnel ,Bethel had a meeting with Nygard ,,Mr Nygard is now allowed to claim as much seabed as he sees fit ...

Posted 26 April 2013, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Seriously? If Bethell is negotiating for the government then I'm really disappointed in the PLP. A man most 90 they bring back. Its not so much his age that bothers me though. Its that people from a bygone era don't seem to know when to train younger Bahamians and to retire gracefully. We talk about foreigners not training Bahamians, but Bahamians with experience and skill don't want to train our younger generation. Anyhow another day for that. CC in short whats deal with Clifton? I haven't been following this story over the weeks.

Posted 27 April 2013, 1 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

the deal is Nygard keeps expanding his property by filling in seabed,,,there was an article about Bethel meeting with him ,its not Bethel age its his character ,,hotel corp ,,bahamasair ,,,whereevver he goes money dissappears ,,just b/c we recomended him for a SIR doesn,t change the fact he is a rouge was o k in the 70,s b/c we were tryin g to get some back from the minority ,, Now we are fleeceing and selling out oursleves is a man susposedely a beacon of that staunch church even considering stem cell nonsense for rich people that don,t want to age ,,Bethel just took over for Bannister and Nine Rolle

Posted 27 April 2013, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

True, the issue isn't his age and I don't know the man so I wouldn't accuse him of anything. But I do know that the youth of this country is fed up with government lies about training etc. Both FNM and PLP bring back these old foggies when there are qualified, innovative young Bahamians to do these jobs. So stop selling this story that foreign companies won't train Bahamians because Bahamians won't train Bahamians. Look at the cadre of Ambassadors recently sent. The same old stock of people. Nothing new nothing fresh. The FNM did the same bringing back people who have milked this country for years. The fact is, and many Bahamians who have worked in government would can attest to this, is that there is simply no training from the "so called" experienced service members. They act as if they're indispensable and no one else can do the job. We need a proper training program for civil service. Mr. B has been is service for many years are we are thankful for his service but when is enough enough?

But its not only in government. There are executives in this country who have held positions that no Bahamian has ever held in international companies yet we have a huge generational gap in qualified Bahamian executives. The hotel industry is a classic example. The few Bahamian hoteliers and GMs have done nothing to promote and protege young Bahamians in that industry. Its all for me baby. I suppose that they love the feeling of parking their fancy vehicles on the hotel door and hearing the valet boys say "the boss reach or you can't park there that spot for the boss." Pathetic.

Posted 27 April 2013, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i once had a small cabinet company ,i noticed one of the best carpenters i,ve ever seen wouldn,t even teach his helper to read the tape measure ...

Posted 27 April 2013, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

also truth be told since the english teachers left ,our schools are not turning out the kind of person that can advance ,,,,looking back we went to Bahamian teachers too fast and when enough couldn,t qualify abroad we made COB to give us substandard teachers .. I am a proud Bahamian and i think my opinion is borne out in reality ,,,

Posted 27 April 2013, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

They are closing us in from all sides...Can't we see the plot: Atlantis and Bah Mar takin us from the North, Old Fort, Lyford Cay, Nygard and Bacon gat us cut off in the West, Albany and South Ocean got the South on lock, the Bay Street Boys and White Knights always controlled the Eastern road and we wondering why lil black boys trapped in the middle, killing up each other...economic dis-empowerment from all fronts! They chasing us outta our own country.. now they say we aint even qualified to work for them even.. Lets really take our countyry back

Posted 26 April 2013, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

we got sun ,sand and sea to sell so all of us can eat ,,duhh ,,we have had mmajority rule for 40 years ,,anybody can achieve whatever they want ..i have ,,alot of " lil black boys have grown up to own homes on the eastern road and even Lyford cay "...your inferioty complex shines through in your xenophopic racist nonsense

Posted 27 April 2013, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

akbar says...

Wow that aint Keod Smith hey. Disgraceful.

Posted 27 April 2013, 6:53 a.m. Suggest removal

akbar says...

This whole Clifton thing confusing. It just seem like two rich white foreigners using black/half breed lackeys to fight a personal war.

Posted 27 April 2013, 6:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Don't name call, but I agree the issue is confusing. I still don't understand how Nygard and Bacon are involved. If Clifton is a heritage site for Bahamians and the government is to protect this site for future generations whats all the fuss? Why is there private interest at all in any of this? But like I said earlier it always seems to be the same players in these things. Then the BNT seems to compromised because these people donate to their coffers. Its all crazy and the government is allowing it to spiral out of control. Just deal with it. That's what we hired you to do.

Posted 27 April 2013, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I hope you are nodding your heads when I say what is being alleged to have taken place on Jaws Beach ranks at the top of the most unsettling news The Tribune has featured. And, this time you can't blame it on the usual media hype of blaming it all because of some poor soul out on bail, having been raised by a single mother as the foundation for such disturbing alleged serious criminal actions? If this is what it appears to be we could be witnessing a totally new rich upper class of gated community membership led gang leadership?

Why are there not men sitting behind bars awaiting assault charges for the intent to cause bodily harm? My how quickly they arrested Rodney for publishing a morgue photo. What is being alleged at Jaws Beach is no simple misdemeanor charge? IWe could be talk'in some serious Fox Hill Prison time?

The Commish has been in the media a lot recently asking the natives to respect his office and his officers. It is only by your actions can that trust have a chance not being lost for good. Let's hope the unsettling impact for all to see in this video, is not lost on our policeman's and policewoman's?

We all are watching to see if only a Rodney can be so quickly arrested in our Bahamalaand?

Posted 27 April 2013, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Bethel done been in Nygard livin room ,,his goons can throw things through anyone window now ,and he can open a clinic to inject rich people w/ all kinda stem cells from who knows where done just like the numbers Tals

Posted 27 April 2013, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Grimmer says...

Typical actions of a GANGBANGER
Rest assured if these people who metamorphosed into gangbangers (1) once the catalyst of bravado (2) arrived had been talking to more than one person, the event would not have happened. A witness with a camera or a well trained dog in the vehicle would have altered the balance of power to a neutral and civilized level.

(1) gangbanger
gangbanger (plural gangbangers)
1.(slang) A member of a violent gang.
2.(slang) A violent person.

(2) bravado
n. pl. bra·va·dos or bra·va·does
a. Defiant or swaggering behavior.
b. A pretense of courage; a false show of bravery.
2. A disposition toward showy defiance or false expressions of courage

Posted 27 April 2013, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades is it really true that both the present Christie administration and the previous Hubert regime have their own list of politically connected advocates approaching them to grant "Beach and Shoreline Welfare" to foreigners?

Ask this same Fred what the residents of Grand Bahama did when they put up gates and padlocked them to prevent beach access to Grand Bahamians? They cut the damn locks off and flung them gates wide open. That's a fact.

The talk show host who brings his mommy to work with him says he wants to mount a Protest March to cross the Sidney Poitier Bridge over the licensing of casino internet gambling.. But let's wait and see if he's gonna blow up like he normal self over this alleged Jaw's Beach violent assault? We all gonna tune in at 7:00 O'clock Monday morning.... ... right after he done finished giving us he dally benediction?

And, all The Tribune readers say's ..... Amen!…

Posted 27 April 2013, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

"Everything was fine when I first got there. I was talking with some of the workers and even gave them some money for drinks. I was explaining to them about the group I was associated with and they were open to it."

Why is he giving them money for drinks? Bribing perhaps? I find it hilarious that he claims to have been in such fear of his life but he had time to pull out his cell phone and record a short video before he left the premises.

Posted 27 April 2013, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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