Roberts calls on FNM to dismiss Minnis

PLP chairman Bradley Roberts encouraged Bahamians to “dismiss Dr Hubert Minnis” as nothing more than a “clueless interim leader” who he said is “clearly out of his depth on national issues”.

Last week, with the city dump smouldering, the FNM’s leader Dr Minnis sounded the alarm over the availability of the asthma medication “Albuterol” at the Princess Margaret Hospital. Following his remarks, the Public Hospital Authority issued a statement denying that there was any shortage of the medication.

Criticising the FNM’s leader for doing nothing to improve the conditions at the public landfill while he sat around the Cabinet table from 2007 to 2012, Mr Roberts said that Dr Minnis has sunken to a “new low” by “wilfully misleading the Bahamian people” on the availability of the asthma drug.

“Dr Minnis knows full well that as the shadow minister for Health, he simply has to contact the office of the Minister of Health or the Director of the Public Hospitals Authority with any concern about public health, but doing so clearly would have been politically inconvenient because the truth would have gotten in the way of his self serving political stunt. He was unable to defend himself by responding to the PHA statement that the government provided him with the wrong information. It was a pitiful and futile political stunt.

“Dr Minnis is advised that there is more to being the leader of the Opposition than seeking out cheap headlines in the dailies in order to remain relevant even if it means creating public hysteria, misleading the public and sacrificing the truth at the altar of political convenience. Dr Minnis was incapable of getting his facts straight and came across as awkward, which was embarrassing.”

Mr Roberts added that it was important to note for the benefit of the public that a number of viable renewable energy project proposals, including bio-mass, were submitted to the FNM government for consideration but were shelved to “gather dust”.

“These project proposals have the capacity and scope to convert waste into cheap energy that would reduce electricity costs, create a cleaner environment and improve public health for the benefit of all Bahamians while contributing to the sustained development of our country. These proposals are currently under active review by the PLP government as it works assiduously to move this country forward.

“If Dr Minnis and the FNM actually cared about public health and environmental protection, their dismal record in government (in these areas) miserably betrayed their intentions.

“I have said this before and I will say again: The public is advised to dismiss Dr Minnis as a side show and a clueless interim leader who is clearly out of his depth on national issues and brings no value to the public discourse because of his deftness at engaging in the wrong conversation,” he said.


vinceP says...

I won't even read all of this, but simply will say that Dr. Minnis is a jackass of the highest degree. This man is clueless, and disagrees to EVERYTHING just for the sake of disagreeing. Real JackAss!

Posted 29 April 2013, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

jo says...

Many would say the same about the PLP party. Should we count on them to dismiss themselves then?

Posted 29 April 2013, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Man Brad you need to look in ya own house. Here you are sitting under the worst Prime Minister this country has ever had, a man so weak he can't control any aspect of his government and you want to carry on about Hubert Minnis?!?!? Dread you need to get real.

Posted 29 April 2013, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Bradley Roberts makes some of the stupidest statements in public life period. It appears he says as much as possible and hope something sticks. His writers, because clearly what he reads and submits to the papers do not match they he actually speaks need to shift and upgrade.

Further, it is not a secret that the present Minister of Health is failing, just as the PLP Government; highlighted by their great mortgage relief programme. The Mortgage relief programme that has helped "No not one, No not one". Maybe Bradle Roberts and the PLP need to better explain its failure.

The PLP had 100 day Challenge - PLP failed!
15 Million Urban Renewal - PLP Failing!
Gambling/Numbers Referendum - PLP Failed!
Mortgage Relief Programme - PLP Failed!
Medication Shortage at PMH and Clinics - PLP Failed!
Crime Solution - PLP Failed! Yet they continue to tell is up is down and down is up

Bradley Roberts, what the PLP needs to do is dismiss their entire Parliamentary team; they are complete and utter failures in this the first year. How about the PLP's new generation of

PLP all the way - Fail!!!

Posted 29 April 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

All I will do is remind the good Mr. Roberts that people should not throw stones from glass houses! The leader of the PLP and unfortunately our PM is "wutless"! He never knows what's going on, hasn't fulfilled any campaign promises (and he's a seasoned politician and former PM), and doesn't seem to be able to control the ministers that came from his party.

Again, shutup Roberts, please worry about your own dilapidated house with a leaking roof and unstable flooring that is painted in blue and gold.

Posted 29 April 2013, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

Ah the art of distraction. While the PLP is falling apart its chairman worries about the leadership of another political party.

Posted 29 April 2013, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

The PLP Chairman is worried about the FNM leadership in 2017 because he knows his party sucks.

Posted 29 April 2013, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

This jackass in the news again when is going to shut the hell up. No one is listening to him!

Posted 1 May 2013, 8:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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