JUST IN: Bahamians ready themselves for "equality" march

SCORES of people gathered at the Southern Recreation Grounds today, in support of an "equality" march planned for tomorrow morning.

Organizer of the march, Darold Miller, said the group is not protesting "numbers" or "gambling" but rather standing up for the rights of Bahamians.

Mr Miller, who handed out Bahamian flags and T-shirts, encouraged all Bahamians who felt disfranchised for whatever reason, to join him in the march to Parliament.

The march is expected to begin at the Southern Recreation grounds at 8:30am tomorrow and will end at the bust of Sir Milo Butler in Rawson Square.


B_I_D___ says...

Why do I suspect that this march will end up disasterously?? I hope no one gets hurt or killed...I am sure there are a LOT of frustrated Bahamians out there that are gonna get hot under the collar and lash out. It won't be a march about the GOVERNMENT maintaining Bahamian equality, I can almost gaurantee it will be a racially inciting display of stupidity. Hopefully I am wrong and it will be a peaceful march. Mind you, I don't suspect PGC to step up and do a damn thing about it, but that's just me.

Posted 30 April 2013, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

I hope you are wrong too sir,but i am afraid at the end you will be right after all

Posted 1 May 2013, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

cormeister says...

"Equality" is very ambiguous...

Posted 30 April 2013, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Did you just report that scores of people gathered this morning in support of Comrade Darold's planned March, scheduled for tomorrow? ?

His own radio station's 10:00 O'clock news is reporting that there were but a couple of dozen who showed up? And, didn't you know Darold is no longer calling this a March? It's now being billed as a 'Walk?" The change from "March to a Walk" could very well have something to do with his conversation he announced that he had with God, over the last 24 hours?

Talk about a talk show host and his Comedy of Errors. This has be embarrassing to the Guardian?

But still I sure was moved to tears by Darold's touching story of the Little Tree. Yeah a couple of dozen natives showing up for Free Flags and T shirts is about as tiny a bunch of seeds a beginning as you can get?

Nope Darold. A good early morning try but I got's news for you. You just ain't no Lynden O. Pindling. Seems even your own Guardian news department shares my view?



Posted 30 April 2013, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Our homegrown Martin Luther King!!!!

Posted 30 April 2013, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

hotep86 says...

Are any of you out there "marching" or "walking for anything? Regardless of what he's marching for at least he has a public stance instead of hiding behind his computer. Typical Bahamians: always quick to criticize but can't offer an alternative and unwilling to do anything themselves. Get a life and leave Darold alone - let him do what he wants.

Posted 30 April 2013, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Who is trying stop Darold from Marching or now Walking. But doesn't he earn his living, by talk'in about the bad days of others? He talk so much abut others failures, he should have been better prepared, not to experience such a bad Free Flag and T Shirts Stuff Day? Why stop the Comrade when he's doing such a splendid job of making a fool out himself?

Posted 30 April 2013, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

well said.

Posted 30 April 2013, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

also Tals the entertainment value is priceless ,,the only down side is ,it turns into anti foriegn rhetoric ,that soon goes to anti white rhetoric that is not good when 90% of our guest are white

Posted 1 May 2013, 9:03 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

We should very seriously examine the Bermuda example as they had the same 40 year PLP & UBP corrupt stupidity.

Bermuda resolved the problem by forming a 3rd party (OBA) "One Bermuda Alliance" which won the government December 2012 and IMMEDIATELY made sweeping changes to the benefit of the majority, not just the chosen few.

See their platform and decide for yourself: http://www.oba.bm/index.php/our-plan




Posted 30 April 2013, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

pacifist march let's hope...<img src="http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

Posted 30 April 2013, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

Whitey go home!

Posted 30 April 2013, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

what ?? if whitey goes home i hope you can find 5 million affluant black tourist to visit the Bahamas in a hurry or we are in big trouble ,,

Posted 1 May 2013, 7:43 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

When people sit down and wickedly conspire how to steal your rights and thie'f your share of the economic pie, a passive march in search of sympathy is the last thing you need. These people who conspired to steal our birth rights and deny us equal rights and equal opportunity, in our own country, are nothing more than white collar thieves. Criminals ! and they should be treated as such. They should be denied the right to govern this country for another day. They are selfishly making it better in the Bahamas for everyone else but Bahamians! How many millions did they pocket on this deal?

Posted 30 April 2013, 7:23 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

what birth rights ,we had a vote and Bahamians voted no to gambling !!!!!!!!!!! however the webshops are still open and you can gamble your a## off ..as far as you gambling in the casino ,,with your inferiority complex and racist additude i prefer you have very little interaction with our guest ..

Posted 1 May 2013, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

@ Tal Russell, for sometime now i've read the comments that you post, and frankly it appears that you are nothing more than a bitter, negative jackass. You seriously need to get a life! Just go! Get lost! Walk out your home one day and never return....

Posted 1 May 2013, 7:30 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

@ Vince...he's a PLP supporter, so he fits the mold...it's all good.

Posted 1 May 2013, 8:19 a.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

Because of this walk/march and the possibly violent and unruly behavior ON Bay Street, the cruise ships are advising their passengers to STAY ON BOARD THE SHIP TODAY WHILE IN NASSAU!

There will be lots of FREE FUN AND SAFE activities on board for them to do.
Not to mention that the Chinese Flee market stuff sold on Bay Street and the jewelry can be purchased in the NEXT SAFE PORT!!!
People need to realize that every time they march on Parliament and Rawson square out Tourists see it, film it, uTube it and put it on facebook.

All we need is something stupid to happen, either by someone who is demonstrating or by the police and it goes World Wide Web!

Posted 1 May 2013, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@ jackflash ,,i was quite surprised at your whitey go home comment as you seem intelligent and reasonable in most of your post ,,did i miss something..

Posted 1 May 2013, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Quite frankly Comrade Vince P since you conveniently decided to slip over challenging the truth of what actually transpired yesterday morning over at Darold's mini flag and t shirts day "walk," instead choosing to go personal, shouldn't you then share some responsibility for encouraging such a "walk of negativity" to go forward this Wednesday morning?

Comrade the lack of coverage by his own radio station's news department, and fellow talk show hosts, should be more than enough to speak volumes of reality into that closed brain of yours?


Posted 1 May 2013, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

@concernedcitizen... thank you Sir,some people really need a wake up call

Posted 1 May 2013, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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Posted 3 March 2014, 11:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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Posted 3 March 2014, 11:30 p.m. Suggest removal

steve7876 says...

For that reason walk/march as well as the possibly violent along with unruly conduct ABOUT These kinds of Street, the particular cruise liners usually are advising his or her individuals to be FULLY BRIEFED THIS SHIP TODAY WHILST IN NASSAU! [Online Yacon tablet][1]

[1]: http://www.healthybodyinc.com/organic-y…

Posted 11 April 2014, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamasGamingAssociation says...



The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

Posted 30 June 2014, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

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