Myles Munroe brands Pope's decision to speak on gay priests 'reckless'


Tribune Staff Reporter

A BAHAMIAN pastor has branded as ‘reckless’ Pope Francis’s decision to reveal that he would not judge priests if they were gay.

Dr Myles Munroe, Pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries, said he was disappointed the Pope had voiced his personal opinion.

During his first foreign trip, to Brazil, Pope Francis said: “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” Francis spoke in Italian but used the English word “gay.”

Dr Munroe said: “People who want to perpetrate a lifestyle are waiting for affirmation,  confirmation and credibility. (But) what the Pope said is very dangerous in my view. He in his, what I would consider reckless statement to the press in Brazil, which of course is global, every time he speaks, will give people who are looking for credibility to embrace, promote or even accept a lifestyle. (It’s) exactly what they need.

“(I was) very disappointed in the Pope’s statement which seems to suggest that he is claiming that he cannot judge individuals who embrace, chose and encourage a lifestyle that is clearly (prohibited) and stated in scripture. 

“I don’t think that it’s the Pope’s prerogative or right to personally pass judgment. In that particular sense I think the Pope did not perform his duty as the head of the Catholic church.

“The scriptures are very clear that we who claim to follow Jesus,  we are ambassadors of Christ. An ambassador never gives their personal opinion or their judgment. The ambassadors of any country, we know they only speak for the position of the government So it would have been correct for the Pope Francis to state that he is not qualified nor required to speak.”

Dr Munroe was visiting Brazil when the comments were made, hosting his own meetings.

He believes that the Pope’s comments came in a bid to ‘revive’ Catholicism.

He said the statements seemed to contradict the position of the previous Pope, Benedict XVI and the position of the Catholic church.


nationbuilder says...

ah boy; if only people around here would cite the pope's comments in the context he made them. guess das asking too much

Posted 2 August 2013, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Too bad Preacherman's Miles didn't understand what Pope Francis was saying. But don't worry yourself too much Miles, cause I can assure you that the Holy Father has not become a card carrying gay. Why would you say the pope is acting recklessly with your making it sound like the walls of fiery hell are going befall the Catholic church, when all he said was; "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge?" Comrade Miles, where is your christian goodwill? It's painful when some of our own local preacherman's won't start acting and talking like the humble Pope Francis. It ain't like some them ain't in dire needs to change some they lacking goodwill ways. Preacherman's Miles is one of we good one's but this time he's one being reckless with his mouth. I pray with you Miles and you pray for me. deal?

Posted 2 August 2013, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ILB says...

Love it, keep up the good work Dr. Munroe. The popes statements were tantamount to a snow ball gaining momentum only to result in an avalanche of disproportionate consequence..

Posted 2 August 2013, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Man ,we got Potcake armed and blasting ,we got 13 year old armed robbers ,we got tourist tied up ,old weird men sticking anti bogey man juice in their belly ,,,and this jack a nenny wants to down the pope for saying something christ like ,,,,,geez i,m not highly religious but i know Christ is love ,,

Posted 2 August 2013, 8:06 p.m. Suggest removal

donaldmmccartney says...

As usual , here is a case where the opinion of the Pope speaking to an issue of critical importance, in my view, has been taken out of its proper context. I understand the Pope to be saying that those who are in the gay lifestyle, like all of us, must seek salvation in fear and trembling. After all, God is the ultimate judge. The Pope appears to recognize that we are all God's children, and as such His love is sufficient for all of us. In that light, let us accept people where they are, and hopefully by our good example they ill have a change of heart. If we continue to judge, then we will never have a chance to be witnesses to the goodness and mercy of God. There are many issues in The Bahamas to which, I think, Dr. Myles Munroe could and should address his attention. Unfortunately, like many Bahamians, he has taken the path of least resistance....It costs him nothing, in The Bahamas, to criticize the statement f the Pope.

Posted 3 August 2013, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal


The Pope was speaking with two tongues; in the one breath he admonishes love to all people no matter who they are, and then he uses salvation and repentence, but at the same time, it could appear or be construed that he supports Gays. A very cunning way to play it safe Mr. Pope. We all know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and what God has to say about this Sin and all others, Myles does not need to prove anything, that is and has already been written in the good book. Homsexuality is an abomonation! PERIOD, STOP! So stop calling people homophobia and all those other words. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. So people, get on with life, those who continue sin have to seek their own salvation, the problem is when alternative lifestyle people try to throw in your face that is natural to sleep with the same sex, and they have no equal rights, sure they have rights, if you want to leave your earthly possessions to your lover or whatever, who's stopping you, because no matter how you slice it, a same sex marriage will never be the same as what God ordained to be between a Man and a Women.

Posted 3 August 2013, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

There is no doubt Pope Francis words were spoken as an intentional major departure from the tone of his pontiff predecessors, yet it is misleading for Comrade Preacherman's Miles to take the position that it signals a shift in the church’s official stance on "sexually active" gays. The biggest change away from his pontiff predecessors has to be, The Holy Father never used the term homosexuality. All the pope said, whether you're a straight or gay priest, keep your zippers up, cause both are against your priestly vows taken. Lord knows many in the prachermna's own "Sunday Morning Christen Flock," knows exactly what the pope is talk'in about. Preacherman's Miles next Sunday morning sermon; "Comrade Men's, Keep Your Zippers Up, Past the Sunday Morning Services ... Always in Front Them Married Other Men's Church Sisters?"

Posted 3 August 2013, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

justsayinbuddy says...

Who are we to judge? We are followers of the Lord ... but judgement is not up to us... he with out sin cast the first stone... Now .. a few questions for Mr. Munroe ... how do you feel you have the right to judge someone when all who come to your church are sinners you are there to help them seek God not judge them in their wrong doing .. but rather directing them in the way God sees fit. Was it just the other day they said Munroe is married but keeps sweet heart .... in the church... true or not .. Im not the judge .. God knows the truth.. nothing to prove to mankind ... but a person who seeks another person in marriage sin is no less than those who have an attraction to the same sex .... the Pope can not judge ... he didnt say he agrees with it... he just left it in the Lords hands... Leaders (pastors etc.) ..He said to be God like .... not pretend that u are him.

Posted 4 August 2013, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades although I am not of the Catholic faith I do believe that in Pope Francis the Inner vocice of Christ's love for each of us is at work. This pope is unlike any of his pontiff predecessors, going back to the designation of Apostle Peter to be the temporal head of his Church. Why Comrade Preacherman's Miles would want to single the Holy Father out for criticism, is beyond rational thinking. It is he, not the pope, who is being reckless with his words.

Posted 4 August 2013, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Hye4Jesus says...

Well stated, Dr. Munroe. As an ambassador of Jesus Christ with such leadership position, it is unfortunate that the Pope would be so careless in his stated opinion. The Bible says in
John 12:43... For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God. Also, Galatians1:10 and 1 Thess. 2:4 ..... But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. We are all accountable to The Lord for our words and actions. When in high places, it is prudent to represent The Lord in the most holy ways. We serve a Holy God. To Him, it is an abomination and should be presented just as stated in the Bible. The Pope's opinion does not matter. What matters is what God says.

Posted 2 February 2014, 11:22 p.m. Suggest removal

pbega says...

Late Dr Myles had clearly explained the standard of God the Creator in light of popes view. Those who agreed with pope's opinion must understand that homexuality lifestyle is forbidden and, that is God's standard. Who is pope to give opinions about the ultimate standard of the Creator of Universe? Please read your Bible carefully, and never accept someone's opinion without thorough understanding of the Bible, I am praying for those going against Dr Munroe's stand. God bless.

Posted 9 July 2015, 1:33 a.m. Suggest removal

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