Teenager sneaks out of station


Tribune Staff Reporter


SENIOR Royal Bahamas Police Force officials were embarrassed yesterday after a teenager escaped custody prompting an intense investigation of holding procedures at the Grove Police station.

The 13-year-old girl had been in protective custody at the station on Baillou Hill Road since Friday after it was alleged that she attempted to rob a clothing store in the Town Centre Mall with a shotgun.

After making her escape at 1:40pm, which police believe was through a bathroom window, it took authorities three hours to return the girl to custody. They said her family members, with whom she sought refuge, handed her over on Wulff Road near Montrose Avenue. 

Speaking to reporters during a press conference at 6pm Grove Station Commanding Officer Philip Wilson said officials intended to punish whomever was negligent in keeping watch of the girl.

“She was of course being attended to by the officers here on duty,” he said, “when she requested to use the restrooms. It was while she was in the restroom that somehow she managed to successfully evade police officers here and made good her escape.

“An all points bulletin was echoed throughout the Bahama land and all police officers were alerted as to this particular escapee.

“The internal investigation as it relates to what transpired here that led to this breach within police policy is still in progress. At the end of that exercise if there is evidence, we expect to discipline whomever is at fault and whoever was negligent.

“The internal side is being looked into and at the end of the day, (let) the chips fall where they may. Our Commissioner (Ellison Greenslade) of course is very stern when it comes to suspects being held in protective custody.

“On completion of our internal investigation by the complaints unit and the internal affairs section, yes I expect someone from my staff to be punished for what happened.”

Mr Wilson confirmed to reporters that the attending officer was a woman. Other police sources said the officer was relatively new to the police force.

When asked what officers at the Grove station would be doing to ensure that she did not escape again, Mr Wilson said they had stepped up surveillance.

“Trust me, she will not get away again. She is back here and locked down. Of course she is being attended to and eyes are on her once she has to leave that cell to utilise a rest room.”

He added that officials intended to soon wrap up their investigations into Friday’s botched armed robbery attempt and charges against her are to come shortly after.

As for her accomplice during the robbery, Mr Wilson was not able to give any details.


banker says...

What kind of children are we breeding when 13 year old girls rob shops with a shotgun and then escape police custody? When my sister was 13, she was still playing with dolls.

Posted 6 August 2013, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

xtreme2x says...

Children haveing babies, and times have change. Thats all I have to say..

Posted 6 August 2013, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The police cyber department needs to turn its attention to facebook under 'tings 4 sale' profile. There they have posted a nude picture of a young girl claiming that she is a seventh grader of a particular government school with her private parts exposed. Although the face is not visible, one person even post a name probably that of the nude individual. The police assistance is urgently needed.

Posted 6 August 2013, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Isn't the 'bathroom window' trick one of the oldest in the book? I would think that ANY police station, world wide, would have the bathroom windows barred and secured??
Guess we really are third world if we can't even get that straight!!

Posted 6 August 2013, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades done conducted my own quick internal investigation about how a "child" didn't have be too escape creative, as it relates to what transpired at the policemans station which led to the 13 year old female detainee escaping custody. I done conclude the breach ain't got nothing do with the ordinary rank and file policeman's, but the negligence rests much higher-ups, amongst them who be's wearing them pretty khaki uniforms. Let's not be so damn quick to agree with senior officers, eager use the ordinary rank and file policeman's as scapegoats for their own gross incompetence. Whoever is at fault it ain't the ordinary rank and file. The 13 year old wanted to avail herself to use the bathroom and this police station has been using the same bathroom, for how many years now, for detainees to do their #1 and #2 business? You can't be thinking the policeman's escorting her, should've accompanied her inside the bathroom, whilst you does her business? Nope my Comrades, it's the higher-up ranks who allowed a "sneak free" bathroom window to provide the young detainee with her quick escape opportunity, not the policeman's whose responsibility ended, once she entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her, so she could do her intended business in private. In this case to easily escape custody. tome some of you to get real. and look higher-up the ranks to place the blame squarely where it really belongs. My internal investigation was comprehensive and completed in short order. Investigation closed. If any breach of duty was committed, focus directly at the them parading around in khaki. It would be a first if a khaki was disciplined? Oh, did I miss one who was?

Posted 6 August 2013, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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