PM rejects claims of improper relationship with Nygard


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie finally broke his silence yesterday on claims of an improper relationship between the PLP and multi-millionaire stem cell supporter Peter Nygard.

Defending his integrity, Mr Christie insisted that Nygard’s research application will be subjected to the same regulations and scrutiny as others.

The Prime Minister also explained that he was not surprised – but was displeased – to see the media attention given to an affidavit in which Mr Nygard claimed he was a major financial backer of the PLP’s May 2012 election campaign.

“I resented it,” Mr Christie said. “I took great objection to it.

“And the people for Louis Bacon knew and the people for Nygard knew it.

“I told them I resent my name being called in an application before the Magistrate’s Courts where they tried to prosecute each other. I told them to get my name out of it and I thought that was that.”

Mr Christie further attempted to set the record straight over speculation that he met with Nygard privately to discuss the investor’s personal interest in stem cell research in the Bahamas.

“When I met with him it wasn’t Perry Christie and Nygard. It was Perry Christie, Nygard and scientist from the University of California. And the matter wasn’t what you could do for me, the matter was what can you do for the Bahamas.“

Nygard and his neighbour Mr Bacon have for years been rivals over a land dispute which has gone public. But Mr Christie said that his administration intends to settle the matter.

“I don’t want to be judged in mitigation but rest assured we will do something. Because I looked at the developments and evolution of Lyford Cay and the impact of Lyford Cay. And the Deputy (Philip “Brave” Davis)  and our lawyers now have the benefit of moving forward. That’s why I said meet me in court then. That’s where I want the end of the Nygard matter (to be).”

With regard to applications for stem cell research, Mr Christie insisted that no Cabinet minister is going to “sit down and approve” licenses.

Rather, he said, an ethics committee, a scientific committee, and “layers in the law to determine the fitness of someone to practice stem cell research and intervention in this country” will be put in place.

He said Mr Nygard’s proposal will face the same scrutiny as any other project.

Mr Christie also accused the FNM of hypocrisy, saying the “lead person” for a stem cell research proposal superintended by Dr Minnis when he was Minister of Health, has declared bankruptcy.

“It’s just so absolutely incredible that in this 21st century parliament, someone could actually participate in giving someone permission to be in the Bahamas, then get up here and contradict it and deny it,” Mr Christie said.

“It is the worst; it is the most sensational display of hypocrisy one could ever want to see... It’s difficult to express.

“How in today’s Bahamas, someone who is leader of the opposition, who wants to be prime minister, could sit in this parliament having superintended a process where people apply for a license and where not even the rudimentary investigation was done.

“Because if only an investigation you do for investors was done, they would find out that the lead person on the team was before the courts of Florida for bankruptcy.”


ThisIsOurs says...

But wait a second, if they met with univ of California, why do they now have to meet with univ of Miami...this makes no sense...this is the most *directionless*, *visionless* group of bumblers that I have ever seen. It's completely scary...

Freedom of Information, I call for the immediate release of the Commissioner.

And exactly who are these people from the university. Are they officially sanctioned to act on the behalf of the university? You have to ask these questions in light of all the missteps to far as we know, they could be speaking to a medical intern who just happens to be enrolled at the university.

Posted 8 August 2013, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

theres not going to be any agreement with UM ,,,UM was used ,,Nygard is rich enough to get stem cell therapy anywhere ,,he wants it some where w/ his own regulations ,ie the Bahamas ..We now have 2 aging queens running our country and niether live in the UK ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted 8 August 2013, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal


Mr. Christie, can you tell us whats happening with the case involving your Deputy Leader? The Gun charges involving your Minister of Education?

Posted 8 August 2013, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

This is utter nonsense. HPC knows that Nygard is or already gave up that alleged $5 million. He cannot deny that he does not have an improper relationship. The relationship/s are improper because it shows us the citizens and the public around the world that the PLP is ready to jump and skip toward anyone willing to invest money. Yes investments are good, but not good when majority of your 'neglected' lands are being auctioned off to the highest bidder. The country's debt is growing and growing and you just keep borrowing more and more, instead of finding ways to incorporate the people, provide the neccessary information so that the people know what it is that they are involved in. If it was not disclosed in your agenda for this 5 year term, it should not be undertaken. This is a democracy, the people vote for who they think/hope will help the Bahamas in the form of governance. The people vote for what you are proposing to do/accomplish in your agenda. This matter has not been disclosed. This is an investment for Nygard, not a donation. Do not for any reason think that Nygard is not going to benefit from this more than the people you are trying to help with this. Just like the picture of Margaret in PMH, there will also be a portrait of Nygard in the alleged 'stem cell facility'. There is much more than meets the eye and when you always try to defend/deny your obvious dealings to the public, it only shows the true intention of you, your party, and government. This is why the freedom of information is so important. So the citizens themselves can see where and how the line is drawn in order to better determine what is being done, the risk vs reward, and ultimately who is right to govern next.

Posted 8 August 2013, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

Once again the PLP is involved in another "scheme" -- thi one is only going to benefit Nygard and his investors. With all the other criticall issues affecting this country, like crime, jobs, etc., the government is wasting time and money discussing a project to benefit one of their backers. Backing away from the whole ineptness of the PLP, and also the moral and ethical issues of stem cell research, what will be the overall benefit to the Bahamas? How many jobs would this facility create -- maybe 100? And most of those jobs will go to non-Bahamians since I'm sure it will be argued that no qualified Bahamians will be able to fill the jobs (except maybe the receptionist and janitor). Also, will the average Bahamian benefit from stem cell treatment? I would say a resounding "no" since the cost of these "treatments" are well beyond the means of ordinary working Bahamians. So I ask -- why is this a priority for the PLP? As usual, it comes down to which politician is getting his kickback.....

"Kudos" to Hon. Loretta Butler-Turner for her "guts" in standing up to the cops in the House of Assembly yesterday!!!

Posted 8 August 2013, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The most memorable and action-filled thing that Christie did the last time that he was Prime Minister, was to have a stroke. It looks like that benchmark is way too high this time around. With his blown head gasket, he doesn't even make sense any more. He says that he resented the fact that his name was used in the court case by Nygard. If he didn't want his name to be used, he should not have taken Nygard's money.

It's effete clowns like Christie, Wilchcombe and Fred Mitchell, along with the hard core criminals like Shame Gibson that makes the Bahamas the laughingstock of the world.

Posted 8 August 2013, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Be a man Comrade Banker and not resort to such sick comments. You disappoint me. .

Posted 8 August 2013, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

why Tals ,everyone and his cat knows some one "soft " when they see them ..We should, for 35 years we been watching the girlfriends of prominent women and boyfriends of prominent men on our nigthly news ,,,i,m not anti gay i,m anti hypocrete ,,we go round thumpin the bible shouting no adam and steve while i say our parliment is full of girley men and manly women ,,

Posted 8 August 2013, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade from sounds it one them girly man's must have been trying humpi'n some'tin you gots? Ever heard of a man's chastity protector? Get one.

Posted 8 August 2013, 7:13 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Available by mail order.
Mens Chastity Protectors.…

Posted 8 August 2013, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

funny tals but never happened ,,,check out the youth zone host or one of the principals of urban renewal ,,damm even some of those churchys protesting the gay cruise ,,we are such a bunch of bible thumpin hypocretes its amazing ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted 8 August 2013, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Waiting for Joshua to blow the trumpet, and the PLP walls tumble down. Unfortunately, they will tumble down on the Bahamas, taking it with them. Come to think of it, they already have taken the Bahamas down.

I asked my grandfather when he thought the best time was in the Bahamas for him. He said 1965.

Posted 9 August 2013, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

I'm not a crook! "Richard Nixon"

Posted 8 August 2013, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

Well there you have it kid's. He did not give me money, well he gave me a little. He's not a friend, well we had him over for dinner. He never gave me or my party money, well he gave me a little.

Posted 8 August 2013, 8:15 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

As the 5mil was used for research can you please ask the researchers to name themselves, their credentials, the dates and times of the studies conducted, the methodologies, the hypotheses etc, th current state of the research etc. the whole episode is time consuming and on the surface there are way more important issues to be discussed...but I dunno...the appearance that anyone with money can sway an entire govt seems like an important issue to me. Please clear it up quickly with hard facts. Our good name has been dragged through the mud long enough.

Posted 8 August 2013, 9:50 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

hahaha man these comments are so funny... too bad this whole matter is far from funny for this country

Posted 8 August 2013, 10:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's actually not ridiculous, if you owned a company would you say it doesn't matter who I hire, they all misuse their association with the company in some way, or, would you work to implement policies to curb the behavior..with the policies taking effect on the **current** employees and in place for any new hires?

I reject the argument from either side that *the other party is corrupt so how can they call me out*? What happened with that 2nd NIB audit...not one word..did they get another million...can the minister tell us today how much the exercise will cost?

Crime and education are important but so is this. This corruption and influence peddling thing is the tiny whole in a jar full of water.

(Btw dId the PM just accuse Nygard of submitting a false affidavit/perjury?)

Posted 9 August 2013, 6:06 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Correct its not. There are 2 concepts known worldwide but seemingly foreign in the Bahamas, theyre called Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct. They have very little to do with illegality.

Posted 9 August 2013, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Strawman argument, frequently used by local politicians. *Don't look at what I'm doing check what he's doing over there*. (See 2nd paragraph of original response).

The major difference between us and the States is that they have a very strong force of investigative reporters and watchdog groups. When politicians are found with associations to nefarious characters, those politicians flip over backwards to downplay the associations, at minimum. To the extreme they sever the ties. In the Bahamas it seems as if we glorify associations with anyone who has money. I swear that if Bin Ladin passed enough money around, he would have been safe for eternity on some Bahamian's that bad. There is absolutely no moral compass.

The PM speaks about integrity and then uses the strawman argument. He is fond of using big words but I sometimes wonder if he knows what they mean or whether he just thinks it makes him sound intelligent. Integrity has nothing to do with what someone else is doing but everything to do with the standards and principles you have set for yourself.

Posted 11 August 2013, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Strawman - refers to the act of introducing a new target/argument to distract from the real issue/target.

You are still missing the point and most likely will continue to for the next 100 replies. His reputation is questionable and that is putting it mildly. Character actually does count. I was questioning why our local politicians were bending over to align themselves with such a questionable character. But today I realized what **I** was missing, ..the feathers on this bird are not much different from those of the rest of the flockers. You know ..birds of a feather...

Posted 12 August 2013, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Strawman...look at them not me

Posted 13 August 2013, 3:45 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

In the US, by law it is illegal for foreigners to make political contributions in local, state or general elections, directly or indirectly. Further, there are limits to the amount of contributions that can be made by individuals and accepted by politicians from any one individual or group in any given year. Therefore, your premise that in the US political parties receive contributions from literally anyone is just not accurate.

Posted 12 August 2013, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

does anybody expect PGC to say ,yes we are rushing this bill through so the metro sexual crypt keeper can get his hands on embryonic stem cells ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,naw PGC will talk for hours and drop all kinda names and universities ,,,calling Dr Porter ,,calling Dr Porter ,,,,,remember we voted no to the numbers man so now they going to get a casino ,,,,,,,,lmfao

Posted 9 August 2013, 7:15 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Is there anyone in government that can now be called honourable? Up to this point my composite impression of PC was that he was a decent man, a dynamic election campaigner who understands how to win an election but otherwise an indifferent, lazy and incompetent leader with a gift for hyperbole. I did not consider him to be corrupt. Over the past year my impression has been greatly altered as PC appears to be either complicit or knowingly turning a blind eye to the corruption of his party members, often acting as the front man to mislead the public. He is at it again above. You will note that he never says that Nygard was untruthful in his affidavit, he merely states, "I resent my name being called....... and I told them to get my name out of it". As a Bahamian am once again embarrassed by this group for the last time. 2017 can't come soon enough!

Posted 9 August 2013, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Was Perry at Shane's daughter's wedding at Nygard Cay last year???

Posted 9 August 2013, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 9 August 2013, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

VDSheep says...

The PLP boy is Peter Nygard and the FNM boy is Louis Bacon! Let’s be clear about this! Two foreigners fighting each other and has our politicians fighting on each selected side. So what? - its nothing new! Politicians only need the people for votes. After they are elected; do you really think they will make policies for the people or for the moneyed elites? The people ought to get a life and realize all politicians everywhere are vampires and the closest to them in kind are mosquitoes that suck your blood! Look out your windows at the world and see the nature of politicians - then you can realize what we are dealing with. Unfortunately the condition of the people (the 99%) is sheep to the slaughter. Look again at history, unfortunately - that condition will only change with more of the same: exploitation of the masses for the good of the plutocrats and their running dogs - their gatekeeper politicians!

Posted 10 August 2013, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

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