New street to honour MP spelt wrong

POLITICIANS, family and friends gathered to pay tribute to Frank Edgecombe, the former MP for Fox Hill, by renaming the street on which he lives in his honour.

Prime Minister Perry Christie said he saluted Dr Frank Edgecombe not just as someone who successfully represented Fox Hill in politics, but also as someone who has given great service to the teaching profession and his church, helping to shape the lives of hundreds of young children who have become productive citizens of the country.

The Prime Minister was speaking at the street renaming ceremony from Springfield Road to Frank Edgecombe Street, on Thursday. Unfortunately the street sign itself spelt Mr Edgecombe’s name incorrectly.

Dr Edgecombe was among the first group of 30 teachers, who were pioneers of The Bahamas Teachers’ College.

He taught for 26 years and was a founding member of the Primary Principals’ Association.

He was honoured by that body in 1990 in recognition of “long and outstanding service” in the field of Education in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

He also served as a Member of Parliament and at the Mt Carey Union Baptist Church as Sunday School Superintendent and Financial Secretary.

Prime Minister Christie said: “The meaning of Frank Edgecombe’s life today is that he has done enough things in his life for us to lift it up as an example of a man who was not born with a silver spoon, but who willed his way through life, improving his circumstances of life, educating himself and always giving back in return for what God has given him.”

He told Dr Edgecombe: “I salute you for what you have done for the membership of Mt Carey for the young ones who came in letting them know the old fashion religious way that if you are good you are going to Heaven and if you are bad, you are going to Hell and what that means in terms of the principles of good citizenship, behaviour and conduct, respect for elders, respect for neighbours.”

The Prime Minister said one of Dr Edgecombe’s grandsons recently reminded him of what the educator has done for the country. As a result, Prime Minister Christie said he was inspired to honour Dr Edgecombe for his extraordinary service and for being a source of inspiration for the younger generation.

“For you to be alive to hear us is the important issue for me today. To be able to express a sense of gratitude to you, and I do so today on behalf of the people of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

“God has graced you with a life that has been long and fruitful and that which most certainly serves as an example not just to your community but to the people of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.”

He also praised the wife of Dr Edgecombe’s wife, Clementina, saying she had matched Dr Edgecombe step for step.

The Prime Minister told Dr Edgecombe: “The strength of your life has been the partnership you have had with a lady who has served you magnificently and stood by your side throughout all of these accomplishments you have had post your marriage. So I thank and salute her and I know she shares this occasion with you.”

Dr Edgecombe and his wife have nine children, a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and several great great grandchildren.

The street sign is due to be corrected.

IN the above picture, by Peter Ramsay, Dr Frank Edgecombe stands next to his wife Clementina (standing at the right of the sign) as he was honoured with a street named after him. Also pictured is Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of Parliament for Fox Hill, Fred Mitchell; Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis; Dame Marguerite Pindling; Prime Minister Perry Christie and far right, Janet Bostwick.


Right242 says...

Good job, PLP. Show the world how stupid you really are.

Posted 9 August 2013, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

Spelt wrong,

No way,

Tribune you have to stop making this stuff up....

Not My PLP..

Posted 9 August 2013, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

L O L...Classic emperor and his new clothes, somebody needs to tell him;

Posted 9 August 2013, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i say the PLP needs to quit fooling around ,and monday morning give every man women and child an award just for being Bahamian ,,i mean geez they got about a zillion stalward consullers...

Posted 9 August 2013, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

I am not surprised at all. I have seen too many errors in spelling in the newspapers, internet, etc., mispronounced words by politicians, TV newscasters and those in customer service positions. What does it take to have someone PROOFREAD before sending something out for the public to see??? Is it any wonder why children aren't learning to read, write and spell when you have adults who can't even assure something is right.

Posted 9 August 2013, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

bring back Rudy King ,little plastic trophys for everyone ,, b/c we so special ,we are like the israelites that wandered in the wilderness ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lmfao

Posted 9 August 2013, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

BlessedGuardian says...

Is The Bahamas government gone BANANAS? Why does it want to name a street after
Dr Edgecombe when we have people who are more deserving? Such as our four Bahamian heros that all politicians and the Bahamian people have forgotten: FENRICK STURRUP; AUSTIN SMITH; DAVID TUCKER; EDWARD WILLIAMS; and of course the HMBS Flamingo. These forgotten Bahamian heros should be on our bank notes and they should have a STATUE in their hounour downtown Bay Street. And we should name a road the HMBS Flamingo.
I am very surprise that Mr Perry Christie has not done this.

Posted 10 August 2013, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

How About,

Nygard Way

They should renamed Bay Street - NYGARD WAY.

To honor a man who has done more then any other!!!

Posted 10 August 2013, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

But that sign will be spelled:

Niggard Way

Posted 10 August 2013, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

abacogrouper says...

So many connotations.... but funny.

Posted 10 August 2013, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

USAhelp says...

Graduates of the college of the Bahamas. What do you expect.

Posted 10 August 2013, 11:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Universit*E* of the Bahamas. We're ready for the move to a higher level

Posted 11 August 2013, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

As expected, the "One Man Band - Hologram" crew of losers are at their very best here today!

Posted 11 August 2013, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

That's because half the PLP side can't even read or write, and those that can, can't spell. (Why do you think that the PLP has to have a crabby sign for woter identification?).

Posted 11 August 2013, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

"Banker" and the rest of these one man band hologram crew of geniuses couldn't see anything wrong with selling BTC below half of market value to an internationally known group of telecom failures.

Banker and the Eastern road well educated smart ass geniuses also missed that their one man band leader forged a mega-$million deal of an essential state asset to a company with a highly questionable track record.....Without any semblance of PERFORMANCE clause 's and NO OUT clause!

But they can band together and find a misspelled word on a street sign? LOL...LOL....LOL!!

This same crew of one man band hologram illusionist also have no complaints about the worse telecommunications service the Bahamas has ever experienced just because C&W are white foreigners.

God forbid if a black group of Bahamians had purchased BTC at the right price and Banker's Eastern road boys and washboy's "business" had just ONE DROPPED CALL AT ALL.....

The Tribune and Eastern road boat people would have inundated us with complaints 24/7 about the inability of black Bahamians. Jesus himself would never hear the end of it.


Posted 11 August 2013, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

There is one important question I have for the PLP as a concerned citizen and entrepreneur.

Who was the FNM genius that Hubert Ingraham relied on to write and negotiate the BTC/C&W deal?

We all know Hubert Ingraham didn't dream up the purchase agreement...Although he is ultimately responsible for accepting the badly written deal with no performance or out clauses to protect an essential National asset.

Hubert Ingraham is known to be a man of making quick decisions...Unfortunately he is obviously incapable of making "GOOD DECISIONS".

With Lynn Holowesko as Senate President and every other deal vaguely associated with $millions going to the family, something tells me the culprit that got the finders fee and responsible for forging this grossly incompetent BTC/C&W deal is Mark Holowesko.

The PLP has an obligation to inform "us" the owners of BTC who drafted this deal.

I need to know so as to enable me NOT to do business with the incompetent idiot that drafted the deal.

That would at least explain Hubert Ingrahams position that nothing could stop the deal from going through.....As it was out of his hands. As a puppet Prime Minister his strings were pulled by Lynn Holowesko and the white knights.

Posted 11 August 2013, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Heh, heh, heh. Like the street sign, your conspiracy theory is a day late and a dollar short. The sales agreement was hammered out by an independent international telecom consultants, consulting merchant bank with expertise in these deals, and a legal team, all overseen by Julian Francis. There were no finders fee paid for the deal. The privatisation of BTC was the best thing that ever happened to the Bahamas. Ask around to find out the real reason why Leon Williams was fired. You might want to ask Archdeacon Patrick Adderley who sat on the board at the time. He won't lie to you.

You are about as right on the street sign on this issue. And this issue is about the street sign. Over to you.

Posted 11 August 2013, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Rudy King will be in rawson square monday morning to give little plastic medals to anyone flashin the crab or half in the bag fools shouting " i is a Bahamian "

Posted 11 August 2013, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

@ Banker "The sales agreement was hammered out by an independent international telecom consultants, consulting merchant bank with expertise in these deals, and a legal team, all overseen by Julian Francis"

Translation...One Man Band and hologram crew of dumb impotent jelly fish got "swing" by smiling white foreigners and well known FNM yes man Julian Francis.

Posted 11 August 2013, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

What happened to your Mark Holowesko theory? Have you no sense of shame? You were dead wrong in the first one, so you blithely move on without batting an eyelash. You must be trained by Fweddie. Keep shooting the shiite, hoping that something sticks somewhere. It comes right out of the PLP training manual on page 2. Page one says "Bahamians are dumb, so steal from them". I would say that you have no Shame, but that's not true. Your Shame is named Gibson.

Posted 12 August 2013, 1:36 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

The same thing that happened to your Hubert Ingraham is proven, trusting and competent leader theory.

Let's not forget the Brent Symonette theory that the best way to raise government revenue
is to issue $40M in work permits to blue collar workers and put 10's of thousands of Bahamians out of work.

Remember your genus one man band theory that it's best to go against the advise of IDB to split the road improvement works with Bahamian firms and instead he decided to bring in a foreign road building company and pay them $100's of millions which could have remained in circulation to help the country through a deep recession.

The biggest theory of all was that you red shirt clowns would win the last election by a landslide after decimating the middle class with five years of stupid, dumb decisions.

The FNM is really the UBP in drag, hell bent on destroying the middle class. Hubert Ingraham saw to it that your goose is totally cooked.

Get over it my brother.....there is no way back for the FNM!

Posted 12 August 2013, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

Hell with this country. All these PLP want is to take a picture. All these politicians smiling but aint nothing funny to the citizens. Still many people are without jobs, those that are graduating from college and are qualified cant even find jobs. First they say, you aint qualified, then you go and get qualified, then they say, but you dont have any experience. Its always an excuse for crookedness over here. When will the people wake up and start protesting for all the bullshxt that is going on? We rather sit back, relax, watch tv and be on the phone while no money comes in at the end of the week. Let us demand the slashing of these big hefty cheques that these MP's are receiving and see who really sticks around to govern this country. Then we will truly see who's in it for the country and who's in it for the money.

Posted 12 August 2013, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Slashing MP salaries?!?!...didn't you hear BJN? The next priority item on the agenda after stem cell research is a review of their remuneration packages...I'm going to assume in the northward direction

Posted 12 August 2013, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

The stem cell was never a priority on the agenda. This is something that just came up. You really think that they are going to review the remuneration packages? thats just sweet talk.

Posted 12 August 2013, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

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