Roberts: This is the biggest blunder I have ever seen


PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party chairman Bradley Roberts claimed opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis “needs to go back to political school” after committing the biggest political blunder the veteran politician said he has ever seen.

Mr Minnis was named during a House session on Wednesday after refusing to apologise for comments he made about Prime Minister Perry Christie’s relationship with Peter Nygard last month.

Speaking to The Tribune, Mr Roberts said: “I’ve never seen such a big political blunder in all my life. I don’t see any benefit for them in this exercise.

“It’s a ploy for distraction. This is the same man who approved a stem cell operation in Grand Bahama without regulations or rules yet he’s opposing this Bill when it’s being done properly.

“Look at how his own member of parliament, the member from Central and South Abaco, remained in the House. You can’t say on one hand it’s alright a year ago and then say it’s wrong now.

“I think he used Nygard as a ploy. I notice that he also mentioned Dr Porter, and I was shocked and surprised by that.”

Mr Roberts added: “Try as he may for martyrdom, Dr Minnis simply tried in typical FNM fashion to cowardly hide behind the cover of House privilege to smear and slander the honourable member for Centreville without the provision of proof, even after the speaker gave him more than ample time to produce proof of his claim. Having failed to do so, the speaker of the House in accordance with House rules correctly named and removed Dr Minnis from the House.

“Dr Minnis is confused about the difference between democracy and anarchy as his unseemly behaviour promotes and sows seeds of discord, lawlessness, dishonour, disorder and is a poor example to junior members of the House. He was not standing up for democracy – he was merely standing up for his right to slander a member and get away with it by feigning ignorance or plain naivety.

“His message to young people is to defy authority and stand up to law and order. It was the speaker who upheld the principles of democracy by restoring law and order, decorum and discipline while Dr Minnis sought to abuse our greatest and most important symbol of democracy, the parliament, by disrespecting the rules that govern its proceedings and conventions.”

As for Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key, Mr Roberts said he does not believe the member will suffer consequences for his actions on Wednesday.

“Edison Key is a big man. I don’t think he gives a damn what they do to him,” he said.


abacogrouper says...

"Needs to go back to political school"? God forbid that there is such a school!

Posted 9 August 2013, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

How did Brad get off from that rape thing again?

Posted 9 August 2013, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal



Woman Withdraws Claim Of Rape Against Official
Latin America & Caribbean - In Brief
January 13, 2005

NASSAU, Bahamas -- The woman who accused a Bahamas government minister of raping her has withdrawn the allegation, officials said. The 47-year-old woman accused Minister of Works and Utilities Bradley Roberts of having raped her Dec. 4 at her home in the capital of Nassau. Roberts, 61, had denied the allegation. It was not immediately clear why the woman withdrew the allegation Tuesday in a written statement. No charges had been filed against Roberts.

COMMENTS:It happened. The woman got paid off really well. They made it worth her while to end that drama.

You'd be surprised at the scandals that never make it to the public's ear and even the ones that do, frequently vanish. I wonder sometimes why Bahamians aren't more inquisitive because there's a lot of unanswered questions and unsolved issues 'round here.

nuary 05, 2005
Arrest Bradley Roberts!

MP Bradley Roberts, who has been accused of rape, has received unusually special treatment thus far from the Bahamas Government and the Police. But the accused sex beast may be reaching the end of his privileged status. International observers and the US State Department are carefully watching this case as a barometer of the level of corruption that exists in the Bahamian government.

Mr. Robert's response thus far has been to threaten the Bahamian media with a lawsuit if they continue to report on the rape allegations.

It has been confirmed, by a source inside the police department, that Mr. Roberts admitted that he was at the house at the time of the alleged incident and lab reports can prove that a sexual encounter had taken place.

At the very least, Mr. Roberts should resign for being a despicable character who cheats on his wife. That may seem ridiculous to say, seeing as so many politicians cheat on their wives (and often vice-versa), but let's make 2005 the year we clean up our public service... starting at the top.

Posted 12 August 2013, 9:31 p.m. Suggest removal

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