'PM taking Bahamians for fools'


Tribune Staff Reporter


WITH confirmation that an agreement will soon be signed for partners of BEC, the FNM is questioning whether special interests are driving the government’s push to privatise the Corporation.

Darron Cash, party chairman, believes that the Christie administration has already awarded an entity the contract to manage the energy overhaul initiatives that are to take place, although it was said signing would not occur until year’s end.

“Really? The PM and his government must take the Bahamian people for fools,” Mr Cash said. “The only credible way for that to be achieved is if the fix is in and the deal has already been made.

“Under ordinary circumstances, an interested team of serious, respectable persons would take at least a year to prepare credible proposals for the government. Such an extremely tight time line clearly disqualifies any new Bahamian group that has not already been on the inside and knew that this deal was coming.

“We wonder which special interest is pushing the buttons now. We expect that the PM, as he always does, will be offended by the suggestion of being pushed by special interests. But what else explains this determination to rush everything of significance without engaging the people?”

Noting that the FNM only views this move by the government as another rushed effort, Mr Cash said it appeared that the government did not respect the opinion of Bahamians who should have a say on what is to be done with BEC.

“Once again he is hell-bent on rushing the process without the benefit and value of engagement of the Bahamian people in meaningful dialogue. Why have the people not been more fully engaged in a broader debate about whether privatization of BEC is a more appropriate solution?”

Mr Cash further criticised Mr Christie for offering Bahamians shares in the cash strapped BEC after refusing to allow the same with the Bahamas Telecommunications Company.

“The Prime Minister states that after a fundamental realignment of BEC, there will be investment opportunities for Bahamians. This is a curious promise for a Prime Minister who had the opportunity to enable Bahamians to invest in a profitable BTC but denied them that opportunity. Now he is saying Bahamians can invest in a money-losing BEC. This promise is not to be believed. “

The FNM chairman said that as the government already has several failed initiatives under its belt, which include the mortgage relief programme and the referendum to legalise gambling, the party hopes that the Christie administration will find success with BEC.


proudloudandfnm says...

So they're gonna reduce costs to us by starting two new corporations and hiring management companies to run them?

How will taking on more costs reduce our electric bill?

Posted 15 August 2013, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

why is the fnm always asking and wondering - TELL US FOR ONCE!!! dont they do any investigating of their own??

Posted 15 August 2013, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Nation Builder haven't you noticed the similarities the red shirts have with birds? Why would birds stay put in the same area when we all now they can fly anywhere in the world. I asked myself why would the red shirt loyalists stay put when even Hubert flew away?

Posted 15 August 2013, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Fortherecord says...

@Tal - I thought you were complaining the other day cos Hubert hadn't flown away! So you really want BEC to be taken over. Wonder how Mr.Miller feels about that!

Posted 15 August 2013, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

You wanna know how I feel. If we follow the evidence it points to Hubert ain''t gone fish'in in Cooper's Town for long, just like the time when he played Tommy T. for he personal fool. Why in 2012 did he fly away? Cause like in 2002 he didn't possess the bullocks to show up in the House to face he former trusted law partner's heckling. With Hubert it's all about me, me, me. For a man who says he doesn't crave power, he sure can't live without it. None other than then PM Hubert had himself floated the idea of privatizing BEC, but only once his pet project to sell off BTC to foreigners had been completed. In case you're wondering who my reliable source was, it is none other than a Tribune Business interview with PM Ingraham in May 2008,

Posted 15 August 2013, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Fortherecord says...

But how do you feel about the privatisation of BEC? Is it going to be good for us? or are you only concerned about what the former PM has to do with it all? PMC can do no wrong as he takes the country wherever he wants? with no-one able to stand up to him it would seem!

Posted 15 August 2013, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Freeport's Grand Bahama Power Company is a private company, yet Freeporters still are saddled with paying the highest electricity rates anywhere in the entire Caribbean, including Nassau. Government's privatization has its equal share of supporters as while as detractors. If you ask me I think the majority of Bahamalanders voted against the way Hubert's regime went about selling-off the controlling interest in BTC. Governments are known for entering into poorly conceived contracts. I would have to be convinced that private ownership of BEC could produce lower electricity costs and a more reliable services which would surpass the in-house capabilities of non-politically run BEC? BEC is far too vital to Bahamalanders, and our tourism industry, to ever risk placing control into the greedy hands of private profiteers. For the Bahamaland's government cancel the BTC sell-off, it would cost taxpayers millions of dollars in penalties. Now, go ask Hubert what it would cost BTC's foreigner owners, if they decide to tell PM Christie to stuff the BTC shares up his you know what? Not a damn red cent in cancellation penalties. Is taxpayers till footing the expenses to subsidize BTC workers pensions?

Posted 15 August 2013, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Fortherecord says...

why do you keep on muddying the waters!! We are talking about B.E.C. NOW and what Perry Christie plans to do!! Stay with the program!!

Posted 15 August 2013, 8:22 p.m. Suggest removal

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