Bus driver dead after he was shot at Toote Shop Corner

A BUS driver is dead after he was robbed and shot by a lone gunman near Toote Shop Corner.

The bus passenger was taken to hospital after the armed robbery and shooting which happened on Monday.

It left the driver dead and the passenger detained in hospital until today suffering from gunshot wounds.

Police said that around 6.15pm the bus driver was held up and robbed of cash.

The driver and a passenger were then shot by the gunman who fled on foot.

EMS personnel transported the two victims to hospital where they were detained. The bus driver later succumbed to his injuries.

The suspect is described as a dark male clad in brown khaki pants, white shirt and white tennis shoes.


concernedcitizen says...

we are becoming quite skilled killers ,,,,,,with a homocide rate 6 1/2 higher then the U/S ,,when you make more babies then jobs and 75% are to single mothers w/ dead beat dads that have to be drug to court so their mamas can find money to pay their child support ,,,crime and poverty will increase..

Posted 20 August 2013, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

We are in trouble. It's time for people to get serious about who we elect to office. Rapists, woman beaters, thieves simply cannot qualify...if they are our leaders what do we expect of the followers?

Posted 20 August 2013, 10:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

Come on man...would you stop thatttt??? How good are you? You go and run for office then Mr. Clean Nose and Clean hands. Go and make a difference and stop pointing fingers at who is there. Our people really need to stop man... This story is so sad man. That fella was only trying to make a living and probably about to head home for the day. My God, be with his family today, in Jesus name. Our people play politics with everything. No matter how much jobs you create, some people just don't want to work and want the money the easy way - the wrong way and they are unconscionable. Not everybody born in the world has a conscience... This is such an senseless killingggg... heartless and cold....

Posted 21 August 2013, 7:04 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

What bothers me, is the killing after the robbery. That shows that we are breeding a class of sociopaths who by definition, have no empathy for their fellow human beings. These types of psychopaths cannot be rehabilitated and will continue their sociopath ways until they are physically eliminated from society. This is a sad state of affairs for the Bahamas, where we have a couple of generations of illiterate, dysfunctional sociopaths.

Posted 21 August 2013, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

we are not a responsible people ,,,75% illegitimacy rate ,,,,,,we can look at our region ,Haiti ,Jamaica to see where that leads ..then our heads are filled w/ idiotic notions that we are somehow more blessed by God then others and some divine blessing is going to protect us b/c we are special ,,,if we keep doing the same thing as others ,rampant baby making ,theiving ,killing we will end up the same ..i give my country 10 yrs until we are like Jamaica ,,large ghettos and poverty ,,5 if cuba opens ,,we are already to the point where we can,t keep borrowing to "make up ' jobs on the public payroll

Posted 21 August 2013, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The angel of death has been released on to the earth. The killings and rapes and child abuse will not cease unless and the people (believers) repent of their sins and and turn back to God. If will continue in our ways things will get progressively worse. The wages of sin *is* death! And the bible does say perilous times will com and by all accounts, these times are upon us. You can be at home and lose your life, you can be on your way to church and get robbed or killed. Persons are unsafe at home or school and some are even getting molested at church. We may criticize the government as much as we like and change them as many times as we like. But man, cannot fix these earthly problems unless God is included in the plans. And rather than the church teaching about a new heaven and a new earth, they are teaching about a new car and a new house.

Posted 21 August 2013, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

how come some of the danish countries , ,,,denmark ,finland ,sweden , norway ,,also switzerland that are not overly religous but have stable birth rates ,,2 children per couple ,married or not ,,have extremely low crime rates ,both for stealing and murder ???????????????and many of these countries are more liberal in their views about gays and soft drugs ,,,preacherman can,t put a consience in people when they have none ,,w/ all the God talk ,big hat wearing , sreaming bout hell we do ,if that worked there shouldn,t even be litter on the streets ,,religion is a show here and has nothing to do w/ morals ,,look at the number of cretons that tote a bible to court to face charges

Posted 21 August 2013, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

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