Bahamas imagines playing host to global band battles


Tribune Features Writer

GLOBAL Battle of the Bands could come to the Bahamas, said the chief executive officer of the global competition.

Tore Lande, CEO of Global Battle Of the Band Worldwide Limited (GBOB) participated in a local video conference to discuss the global competition. He said there exists the potential for the world finals to be hosted in the Bahamas.

Ricardo Berris, chairman of GBOB Bahamas, said the Bahamas has the venue and the resources to host bands from the 20 plus countries who compete on the world stage.

Horatio Smith, a member of GBOB Bahamas board said the festival would have a significant impact on music tourism in the Bahamas.

“Music is our chance. It is the way we can filter and really invite an array of persons. In the city of Miami they have the Jazz in the Gardens that is a major draw to that city. We feel that we have better talent, a better venue, a better atmosphere, better food, better everything and I believe that it can have a domino effect that will really be massive,” said Mr Smith.
Mr Berris added: “There are several pockets of communities in the Bahamas from the Spanish, the European, the Americans. One of the hopes that we have is to invite special guests from those communities outside of the Bahamas to come and connect with their audience here. For example we are hoping to have a Spanish band come to perform as a guests, so those are some of the things. And once you are popular in your space, because these bands have followers, they will need a place to stay and things to do. The opportunity to host the world finals exists, it is still open to the Bahamas.”

As for the competitors, a price cannot be placed on the countless opportunities awaiting the musical group that represents the Bahamas in the world finals of the Global Battle of the Bands.

Organisers of GBOB Bahamas believe the sky is the limit for the next band crowned winner of in November.

A call has gone out for Bahamian bands who have what it takes to compete on the world stage. This year’s winner will be crowned best new band in the country and travel to Thailand to compete in the world finals.

The festival will take place at the Botanical Gardens on November 2. The competition is open to all bands, including those that participated in last year’s event, excluding the winner.

Last year ‘Stinkin Wayz’ band came out on top and also placed third on the world stage, a huge accomplishment said Ricardo Berris, chairman of GBOB Bahamas during a recent press conference. They are also expected to perform during this year’s event.

“We are perhaps the first competition to take a live music band out of the Bahamas to compete with so many other countries. Stinkin’ Wayz would have shared the experience they had not just performing in London, but connecting and networking in London with so many people. That gave them hope and courage that this does not necessarily have to be enclosed. It is not just limited to the Bahamas it can extend everywhere in the globe.

“You are talking about 20 plus countries that you would have the opportunity to meet and mix with. It is valuable and it is difficult to put a price on that. So the significance of a band like Stinkin’ Wayz going and sharing their experience is an encouragement for other bands in doing the same. GBOB loved Stinkin’ Wayz, I could have not been a judge because obviously if I was, I would have voted for Stinkin Wayz. I think the possibility exists, when we have an opportunity in the future, to see what we can do to help continue the band’s progression,” he said.

Tore Lande, CEO of Global Battle Of the Band Worldwide Limited (GBOB) also joined via video conference to discuss the global competition.

“The finals will be held in Bangkok. I think there will be a good crowd during that event because there is a famous Haitian band playing as a guest and of course they have the GBOB all star bands playing. I think GBOB is a little different from other competitions like the TV programs that are out there. You have to play cover songs but we want the band to (also) play their own songs,” he said.


alexispeack says...

You need the equation of time to calculate sunrise/sunset[,][1] but it's not sufficient. The EoT is computed based on your longitude only[,][2] I think. Sunrise/sunset requires both longitude and latitude.

Edit: The EoT is the same for everyone on Earth, so no longitude. However, if you want to tell the difference between your local noon and clock noon then you need to know your position in your time zone.


Posted 18 March 2014, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

cifblu says...

A conference center is extremely necessary in a town that big, giving the fact that many courses are held in this place. Of course they thought about remodeling it. For example, if a contractor is thinking about having his workers take a construction safety course like the guys from <a href=""></a> have to take , at least now he has a place to go. Remodeling this conference center is a smart investment, good job!

Posted 22 February 2015, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Next time they're asking (begging) the Chinese for something hopefully they'll think of asking for a much needed performing arts centre complete with dressing/changing rooms, bathrooms and functioning a/c.

Posted 22 February 2015, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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