FNM says minister should sacked

By Paul Turnquest

Tribune Chief Reporter


FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell last night shot down calls for his termination from the Cabinet of the Bahamas, denying any alleged cover-up of physical abuse to Cuban detainees at the Detention Centre earlier this year.

Answering Opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis who called on Prime Minister Perry Christie to sack him, Mr Mitchell said he always knew Dr Minnis and his colleagues had problems with the English language, but did not know that “comprehension was one of those problems.”

“The government has indicated that there is an investigation into the allegations made at the detention centre. This will mean a review by a retired Justice of the Court of Appeal and a leading cleric. Those are my instructions. That has been my consistent public statement. The statements have been in the public domain for weeks. Until the time of the completion of the investigation, the FNM can spin what spurious lines it wishes, the facts are stubborn on this matter. When the investigations are complete, the government will act and the chips will fall where they may,” Mr Mitchell said.

Yesterday at a special press conference called at his party’s headquarters, Dr Minnis said his party had uncovered a “major cover-up” of international proportions that has the potential to “damage for many years our relationship with our long-standing friend and ally, the United States of America.

“To date,” he said, “the Minister of Foreign Affairs has not given a full and honest account of what took place at the detention centre on May 20, 2013.

“The FNM has been advised that several senior government officials and ministers became aware fairly early that a major instance of abuse had taken place.”

Dr Minnis said the FNM had found out that in the early hours of May 20, there was an attempted escape from the detention centre by seven Cuban detainees.

This escape was prevented, he said. As punishment for the attempted escape, at least five detainees were physically abused to a severe degree. The abuse was so significant that three of the detainees had to be taken to Princess Margaret Hospital for treatment. One person was detained and two others returned to the detention centre.

Following the beatings, the remaining detainees performed and videotaped a reenactment of the earlier beatings.

“Our information,” said Dr Minnis, “is that the reenactment was facilitated with the assistance of one or more Defence Force officers who provided the fatigues for the actors in the performance.

“The FNM has been further advised that several senior government officials and Ministers became aware fairly early that a major instance of abuse had in fact taken place. There was at least one major meeting of senior law enforcement officers and cabinet ministers who were briefed as to what had transpired. As a result of that briefing, a more intensive investigation was ordered.

“We are now aware that the report of the government’s preliminary investigation has been completed and is in circulation. This has been completed from as early as late June. It is now late August.

“Despite becoming aware that a serious instance of abuse had taken place, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has continued to use well-chosen language to mislead the public.

“Minister Mitchell continued to use strong, combative and undiplomatic language intended to deflect attention from the underlying legitimacy of the issue raised by the demonstrators. He had multiple opportunities to tell the Bahamian people and the international community the full truth of what had transpired. Instead, he has chosen to engage in a full-fledged cover-up.”

However, Minister Mitchell shot back at the FNM last night, stating that he does not know how many times he must tell the Opposition that an investigation is still ongoing into the matter and when it is done the government will follow the results of the investigation.

“That is no cover up. That is clear, pellucid, easily understandable and verifiable. Only the FNM cannot understand.

“All of us understand what a difficult job the FNM has where their Leader simply cannot properly read the tea leaves; where the Leader of the FNM organization is uninspiring and simply cannot comprehend the magnitude of what is before him, even though it is in plain sight. To help this poor performance, he has to sully the name of others.

It is simply unimaginable that we have today something which is so simple and direct be twisted into some vast political conspiracy,” he said.

Mr Mitchell added that he is very careful about his reputation and will watch every word and accusation levied against him, as one false allegation or innuendo will face court action.

“I have never met a more unpatriotic, un-Bahamian group than the FNM. They opposed independence and now they are siding with enemies of the Bahamas against Bahamians. When will they stand up for the Bahamas? Their supporters in the press need to ask them that question. In the meantime, I will pray to God for the patience of Job,” he added.

Late last night Dr Minnis shot back in response:

“The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fred Mitchell’s statement issued this evening in response to my statement on reports surrounding allegations of abuse at the Carmichael Detention Centre reveals him to be the purveyor of vitriol and hatred on my person and on that of my colleagues in the FNM. He should know however that no amount of personal insults will prevent those of us in the Free National Movement from doing the necessary to expose all those who seek to do harm to The Bahamas and to its good name at home or abroad. We love The Bahamas unconditionally. Mr. Mitchell is no more Bahamian than anyone else; indeed I, Hubert Alexander Minnis, am a Bahamian on all sides for many generations.

“Mr. Mitchell should also know that all Bahamians know the difference between the truth and a lie. We all know the difference between open government and a government that seeks to cover up. We all know the difference between a government that accounts and one that obfuscates.

“Mr. Mitchell, himself a former journalist ought to be ashamed to be uttering threats to members of the media. If he guards his reputation as much as he claims he should ensure that in all things he acts so as never to bring even a hint of offensiveness to his person.

“His recent rude utterances in the media suggest that he is permitting his emotions to get the better of him. This is not appropriate for a senior member of the government. We again call on the prime minister to relieve Mr. Mitchell of his portfolio responsibilities.”


concernedcitizen says...

what old political hack and clergymen are going sell their soul in the name of party loyalty ,,,,lmao,,,the Flying Dandy has resorted to highly emotive language to rally the undereducated base ,,When even he knows when a country provides 90% of your revenue they pull the strings ..Wasn,t it Freddy that signed the order to extradite 90 Knowles and take him out of his cell in the middle of the night after the U/S backed up pre flight clearance at LPIA for a week ,,,,,even after he financed the PLPS 2002 CAMPAIGN and was promised he wouldn,t go ...Come on Freddy you talking to amp up your base ,but you know push comes to shove the U/S get there way ,,its the same way people can,t tell their boss F U ,,unless they don,t want a job ,thats reality ,,,,

Posted 22 August 2013, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

can someone please translate this to English, (or at least Spanish so at least the Cubans can understand).

Posted 23 August 2013, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Someone tell Minnis the guy that made the video is still saying it's Bahamians beating Cubans, on the 19th of this month some liar named Gomez says he "walked in and started shooting the video of Bahamians beating Cubans". But we all know there are no Bahamians in the video. Minnis has been lied to by some moron about this being a reenactment. I am no PLP but Fred is right on with this one. Minnis don't oppose just for opposing sake.

Posted 22 August 2013, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

the video is a fake ,but w/ our lack of conflict resolution skills ,how do you know they weren,t beat ,,geez i,ve been arrested 6 times in the old days ,and never resisted and three of those times were held and punched repeatly in the stomach to either pay off or snitch on others ,until youv,e been in the war on the streets btw 1am and morning or been to fox hill you can,t imagine the brutality ,,,and that us on us imagine difficult detainees ,

Posted 22 August 2013, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade leader Minnis has himself repeatedly established that facts can not be used as his defense, before he bad mouths to the entire world, the reputation of his own Bahamaland. Any wonder why Abaco's Edison is the lone member of Her Majesty's Official Opposition still sitt'in up in the House? Minnis job is suppose to oppose, oppose PM Christie. not annoy, annoy Minister Freddy. His attempts at foregoing the facts in the House, is the reason Edison sits all by he lone self.


Posted 22 August 2013, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i,m sure they let out a collective sigh of relief that you don,t give a crap ,,,,,,,,,,hatred and violence ,,gee just a bit of hyperbole ..lmao

Posted 22 August 2013, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

no i haven,t looked at the U TUBE stuff

Posted 22 August 2013, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Back on July 3, 2013 following his tour of the detention center some two weeks after a purported video appeared to show Cubans being beaten, this is what the red shirts own St. Annes' MP Hubert Chipman had to say; "I found NO signs that detainees were assaulted or are being mistreated."

Posted 22 August 2013, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Fweddie has already been caught in a lie with the Americans. Now he is hiding behind the story that there is an official investigation. It is a simple matter. Does he or does he not have any knowledge of the Cubans being beaten? Man, he would make life simpler for the Bahamas, his own perfidious government and himself, if he were a "Straight" shooter. But sigh, that would be impossible. He should quit his verbal Onanism and pellucidly give a "straight", honest answer.

Posted 22 August 2013, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

you ever see them ship Cubans back to Cuba so fast ,,,,,they are getting rid of anyone that was there when it "may" have happened so there is no one to interview,,, they couldn,t be sent to Panama b/c they could talk from there on TV...What cronies are going to prostitute themselves and say the investigation is complete and nothing happened ,,get ready for slow downs at LPIA

Posted 22 August 2013, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The Americans have Fweddie's number. Long long lines for the departures and the visas.

Posted 22 August 2013, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

No Government I know admit wrong to something this big and for you guys that is on him to come clean, why would he come clean? If something was done wrong and he admit to it, he is only hurting you guys that is in the tourism sector, because any admission of guilt could hurt tourism, so wise up. Lastly, this problem with abuse didn't start with Freddie, it was going probably before he was born, so he wouldn't be saving his hide by covering up anything.

Posted 22 August 2013, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

you look worse if people know and you lie ,,,,,,,

Posted 22 August 2013, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

Let it blow over, it isn't a Freddie problem, it is a Bahamian little man problem.

Posted 22 August 2013, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

evazquez says...

Of course, this is a major cover-up in part of Minister Fred Mitchell. Please, Minister Fred Mitchell go to Cuba, you don't belong in Bahamas. EV

Posted 22 August 2013, 6:46 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Here is the bottom line. People die in police custody from being tortured. Prison guards get away scot-free with extra-judicial murder. RBDF officers beat the Cuban detainees. The uniform-wearing Bahamians are a bunch of brutal thugs with not an ounce of humanity, ethics or moral uprighteousness. This is an exact reflection of the PLP as well. As a result, they are corrupt liars and the rest of the world can see that. As someone pointed out above, it really looks worse when you lie. And lying is the only play in the book of the PLP.

Posted 23 August 2013, 7:17 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

ALL or our politicians need to change their occupations to magicians (they always making illusions) fighters(they seem better at this than anything else) foreign ambassadors(they all seem to want to sell out the Bahamas at the spin of a coin) or wrestlers(they always wrestling with the truth) or slaves (they always seem to be serving another 'massa) So when are they gonna start to govern this country? Everyone seems to be campaigning *dirty* when elections are more than 3 years away

Posted 23 August 2013, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

I deployed to Afghanistan for the first time this past summer and was very shocked about some of the things I found out[.][1] During the winter, there is an unofficial ceasefire (at least in the area that I deployed) in which the Taliban go into hiding/flee the country[,][2] often times to beach resort areas in the middle east! Once spring hits, they release a statement informing the US and it's allies that the spring offensive is now on effect. When I was there, it was so odd to me. I'll tell you this though: when we received the info that the spring offensive had started, it definitely put me on edge for an attack.

[1]: http://www.vfunny.com/profile/ponygirl.…
[2]: http://flappygamers.com/index.php?task=…

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

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