Move after Neil Ellis' resignation


Tribune Staff Reporter

EIGHTEEN Baptist churches in the Bahamas have withdrawn their membership from the Full Gospel Fellowship as a result of Bishop Neil Ellis’ resignation from the international religious body.

Arnold Josey, Commonwealth Mission Baptist Church pastor, told The Tribune yesterday that although Bishop Ellis’ decision came as a complete surprise, there was no question about the remaining 17 churches continuing their Full Gospel affiliation.

They all communicated that position in support of Bishop Ellis shortly after he stepped down on Monday. 

Bishop Josey said Bishop Ellis conceded to Bishop Joseph Walker III of Tennessee because contention was brewing among the 20 Bishops’ Council members during the elections. That body would have been responsible for electing a new presiding bishop for the religious group.

Bishop Josey, a full Gospel Bahamas district Bishop until Bishop Ellis’ resignation, declined further comment on the specifics. However, sources have suggested to The Tribune that on occasion it nearly came to a scuffle between certain pastors over who should assume the post.

“All of the Full Gospel Churches in the Bahamas,” Bishop Josey said, “communicated resignation because there was no need to continue on that vein once Bishop Ellis said he was stepping down.

“During the election, there was a certain kind of atmosphere that manifested itself, one that Bishop Ellis didn’t like and would not support. So rather than having that sort of thing continue, Bishop preferred to step back and let Walker have the post.

“In addition Bishop Ellis was never in support of the elections. He felt that there should have just been a natural progression to the post.”

As for the future plans of the 18 churches, Bishop Josey said they were awaiting the direction of Bishop Ellis who is still recognised as their sitting leader.

Bishop Ellis served the Full Gospel Fellowship for 20 years and has been praised by supporters for bringing large numbers of delegates to conferences. He also worked tirelessly to advance the agenda of the organisation.

Over the past three days Bishop Ellis’ secretary told The Tribune that he would neither comment on the situation nor agree to be interviewed.

The Tribune was also unsuccessful in getting a comment from the Full Gospel Fellowship’s international officials.


vinceP says...

Who cares about this BS.......Just another WEALTHY pastor, who can't get his way.

Posted 23 August 2013, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

adament says...

Its amazing how we have no issues with the number tycoons, politicians or drug dealers get wealth, but the minute a pastor gets wealth its an issue.STOP hating. I'm sick of you all. Do christians need to site the number of wealthy men in the bible. Its not a sin! Myles munroe is a millionaire, so is the pastor of Evangelistic temple (living over PI) and the list goes on. Don't look from the outside and judge, find out what they doing for people, plus his church has said countless of times he doesn't get a salary. Speaking engagements pays him and others. Worry about your soul and hope you see the God you tear down in His vessels.

Posted 6 November 2013, 7:19 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

God is bored, and the way that he watches reality TV is to see "His" pastors duke it out with politics. Jesus did say on the cross that the good thief would get into paradise with Him, so they mussee taking the Bible to heart.

PS. Sign up for your Mount Tabor branded credit card now. There will be a special anointing for those who do. And the singing prophet will throw in his miracle soup, delivered to you in Bentley.

Posted 23 August 2013, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

How are we so blessed that of the 8 billion people on the planet God picks this" Dandy" to speak through ..I ,ve always wondered about LOP backing these girley men ,and manly women ,,was it as a skilled politician he knew they would be extremely loyal ,,,,,,,, C Wells ,Whyly , Pratt ,Mitchell ,Obie , , Peet ,,,,,,,,just musing on my part ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Posted 23 August 2013, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

It is a well known fact that Ping was a man driver and his favourite band was AC/DC.

Posted 23 August 2013, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i don,t know that about LOP , was it just politically smart ,was he of a less biblical and more progressive nature to gay people ,,,,,,,,,its always sort of puzzled me ,,,the Bishop must be on the outs w/ PGC he hasn,t announced a new Mount Tabor subdivision w/ favorable stamp tax rates from the goverment ,,,

Posted 23 August 2013, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...

**1 Corinthians**

I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. For some members of Chloe’s household have told me about your quarrels, my dear brothers and sisters. Some of you are saying, “I am a follower of Paul.” Others are saying, “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Peter,” or “I follow only Christ.”

Has Christ been divided into factions? Was I, Paul, crucified for you? Were any of you baptized in the name of Paul? Of course not!

Posted 23 August 2013, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

This is the kind of nonsense our churches concern themselves with, while our citizens are beaten, brutalized, starved, and sodomized daily in our prisons. Are prisoners children of God?

Posted 23 August 2013, 11:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

All things done by Preacherman' s is done under the ever watchful eyes of God and should be done in a way that will embrace the poor, the needy, the hurt'in. Pray tell me Comrades, if your harvest is ripe with fruits, how is it that using them to drive around Nassau Town in a Bentley, fits in with the spirit of God's love? When the preacherman's uses his (God's) ripe fruits for good, as God intentioned, there is no more a beautiful gift.

Posted 24 August 2013, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

Oh[,][1] well now I just feel silly. Though I don't think the greyfolk really count as they have no direct part or appearance in the story (apart from possibly Angela and Tenga who I theorize are the last remnants of greyfolk)[.][2]

I mean, yeah. They are honestly my favourite books in the world. I've listened to the audibooks (not exaggerating) over twenty times, and I never wanted them to end either, but there is still a certain habit of moments feeling like they take much, much longer than they need to. And other moments of some poetic, thoughtful description of nothing that neither needs a description, or is particularly relevant.


Posted 18 March 2014, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

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