FNM deputy fears for nation's reputation


Tribune Staff Reporter


NOW that documentation has gone public to verify the abuse of detainees at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre, FNM Deputy leader Loretta Butler-Turner is questioning how the country’s international image might be affected.

Speaking to The Tribune yesterday, Butler-Turner said the fact that the documents were leaked emphasises the need for greater transparency by the government.

With that, she raised concern over whether Prime Minister Perry Christie had the ability to control his Cabinet Ministers. She drew that conclusion, Butler-Turner said as over the years Mr Christie has been slow in dealing with serious governmental issues.

“If in fact everything that I have read is factual and indeed correct,” she said, “it therefore shows that the those on the government side would have some explaining to do.

“We now have to worry about how we would be looked at in those diplomatic circles, that our Foreign Minister represents us in.

“What I have realised though is that what Mr Christie has demonstrated over the years is that he certainly doesn’t have the fortitude to deal with his wayward Cabinet Ministers. Something is definitely remiss of him.

“Obviously he is very slow to make a determination and maybe that is why so many people in the government have their own way. I think that Christie needs to be decisive and act in the best interest of the Bahamian people.

“We demand that there is better transparency and to ensure that our name is not tarnished.”

However she said the government must pay close attention to human rights conventions and our treatment of persons who are apprehended in our waters.

She called on the government and its Cabinet Ministers to act with a level of accountability to carry out the work of citizens of the country.


TalRussell says...

No slap ever was heard around the world that ever from the hands of minister Freddy. And, they come before the same Bahamalanders they had so turned their backs on to say these things, with a straight face. Loretta's performance as Long island's MP has been a disappointment. She really needs travel to Long Island to tend to the needs of her out of paychecks constituents, over her always runn'in her mouth like a leaky faucet.

Posted 30 August 2013, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

So is Butler suggesting that these abuses did not take place while they were in power? This is a new thing altogether in the Bahamas? Funny.

That doesn't make it right - BUT, she should say what THEY WILL DO if the are given power again.

Posted 30 August 2013, 9:44 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

It seems like a lot of children comment in here. these cant be adults WOWWWWW

Posted 31 August 2013, 8:19 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

It is truly sad to see how some people 'think' and try to rationalize things.

Posted 31 August 2013, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades try rationalizing how is it that the deputy of the reds can appear on the red friendly pages and there's no booers out booing the chorus of booers, all who think her time in politics is all but finished?


Posted 31 August 2013, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Still ticked for being kicked off the ZNS airwaves for being a rabid partisan?

Posted 31 August 2013, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Today is september 1st 2013 ,PGC is PM ,,PBD is DPM and FM is Minister of foreign affairs ,,,

Posted 1 September 2013, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

When reading these pages it is sad to see that political partisanship in the Bahamas has devolved to the point where the public disclosure on heinous acts or outrageous failures by the serving government are first denied even in the face of overwhelming facts to the contrary, but then - and here is the sad part - are excused, on the flimsy grounds that the other party, sometime in the past, did some allegedly heinous things as well.

Doesn't the Bahamas deserve good government? Don't Bahamians of all political points of view deserve serving cabinet ministers and a serving Prime Minister, who are serving their interests honorably? Shouldn't errors, particularly errors that are compounded by cover ups and the intentional dissemination of misinformation, be challenged by all Bahamians? Wouldn't the serving government of whatever party do a better job if that were the case?

What seems to be the state of Bahamian political discussion, both in these pages, as well as in the country at large, is a kind of silly beauty contest where the test of government is relegated to an argument over whether your candidate or your party has more warts than mine does. Is this the path to good governance?

I have no idea what bones some of these writers have to pick with the Ingraham Administration, but based on my observation, the level of transparency, and attention to trying to solve real problems by the former PM and his party make the current operation of government look like amateur hour and corrupt amateur hour at that. Who can suggest such a government is good for this country, and in any event would not the current government do a better job than it has done so far, if it were challenged from all quarters over its glaring misdeeds?

Posted 1 September 2013, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Bravo. Well said! Good points about ignoring the real life situation and devolving the discourse into what political party is less better. The bottom line is that the government of the day is responsible for the business of the government. So the RBDF screwed up. They should have acknowledged it, punished them, and apologized and it would have been over in a couple days. Instead the brainiacs like Mitchell and Christie are doing the shuffle hoping that this goes away. No one will take the bull by the horns except to spew it out of their mouths.

Posted 1 September 2013, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Well stated! It is time for the adults in our government and our society to stand up.

Posted 1 September 2013, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

I totally agree with realfreethinker and I couldnt put it better myself Tarzan. Everything becomes political to these ppl. Sheesh!!! Gives me a headache sometimes reading the crap. If a bird pooped on the head of a tourist... its either due to the previous government or something the "red shirts" did caused the bird to do this...lol

Posted 1 September 2013, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

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