Haitian migrants land on Long Island

Police are reporting that shortly after 2:00pm today, a sloop landed at Long Island with a large number of Haitian migrants who escaped on land.

Police, with the assistance of residents, have captured 28 male and three female migrants.

A major search for the remaining migrants, who landed at Turn Bull, is underway.


linnassau says...

Amen. They won't get away in Long island.

Posted 3 December 2013, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

When caught they should be interrogated to find their financial sponsors in Nassau first then both should be immediately deported back to Haiti.

If this were implemented as standard policy and strictly enforced, the flow would quickly become a trickle and we would be on the road to stemming the Haitian invasion “humanely”.

Posted 3 December 2013, 10:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

LOL. I see you used the word "humanely" in your posting this time. This is a great idea! Many people do not understand that 99% of illegal and legal Haitians who live here frequently send monies home to bring their relatives and friends to live with them . They facilitate their entry into the Bahamas by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. You see, the Haitian nation don’t give a shit about the laws of the Bahamas, or even respect Bahamian people. Their biggest concern is getting as much of their family members over here as possible. Those of you who like to rant and rave about them being hardworking and less lazy than Bahamians are in for a big surprise. This was true one time ago when the older Haitians only wanted to come to the Bahamas to work in order to support their family who lived in Haiti. But now you have another generation who are entering the Bahamas. These are the ones who are criminal minded: They see no problem in setting up shop or a home on other people’s property or making a shortcut through your yard to get to their dilapidated village. The sad thing about this is that the government agencies that are responsible for this area are fully aware of the situation. But everyone is too busy collecting bribe money to care about their children and grandchildren’s future. We will soon reap what we sow!

Posted 4 December 2013, 8:30 a.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

Yep, they picked the wrong island to land on for sure. There is only ONE Haitian living in Long Island for many many years now - and his "owner" is constantly harassed by the residents there. He may have even left by now for all I know.

The sad part really is that the "sponsor" part is becoming less and less important. Haitians know now that they don't need Nassau relatives to send them enough gas money to reach Nassau. They only need a few gallons to reach Ragged Island and the Defense Force will give them a free ride the rest of the way.

* * *

Posted 3 December 2013, 10:59 p.m. Suggest removal

VDSheep says...

Once again a Haitian boat came all the way into the Bahamas and we know nothing about it until they are on land. RBDF and RBPF has to search and find them on land; then, repatriate them to Haiti. Again and again at cost to the tax payers. Why is it that the Ministry of National Security refuses to establish its own DRONE surveillance system. Drones can find a boat and give the coordinates to the RBDF - they interdict the vessel before it is able to get into the central Bahamas, or further. Activate a Drone system Mr. Minister and stop this obvious unneeded apathy! The technology is available and cheap. Amazon.com is delivering packages to customers in the US by drones. What are you doing Mr. Minister of National Security? Get up to date man! Forward, upward, onward together.

Posted 3 December 2013, 11:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

(Amazon is 5yrs away, at minimum, from delivering by drone **if** it ever materializes). Would drones go the same route as the defence force's planes? Maybe we could allow the US to operate the system, they benefit as well, immigration, drug trafficking etc. I don't know how we would keep such a system longterm on our own, I imagine it would be very expensive and we're already on a payment plan for that 30person trip to see the pope.

Posted 4 December 2013, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Kinda scary...but can you imagine report of a crime and the satellite zooms in on the exact location of the criminal? Since there are unsolved crimes in the states I'll assume it's not that simple. But it would be both neat and scary, man has a way of corrupting the purpose of everything ever created.

Posted 4 December 2013, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

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