31 Haitian migrants detained on Long Island

AUTHORITIES, assisted by residents, yesterday detained 31 Haitian migrants who made their way onto Long Island.

According to police, a Haitian sloop landed at Long Island with a large number of Haitians who had escaped onto land at the Turn Bull settlement around 2pm.

 Shortly after, police and Long Islanders captured 28 men and three women.

 A major search for the remaining Haitians who had landed at Turn Bull later took place. Immigration officials were said to have flown to the island to lead the search efforts.

All of the Haitians were detained and taken to the Long Island Airport from where they were flown to New Providence. They are to be sent back to Haiti in the coming weeks.


Greentea says...

My people, Long Islanders don't play!

Posted 4 December 2013, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

God Bless Long Island,God Bless The Bahamas,Amen.

Posted 5 December 2013, 12:51 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

"All of the Haitians were detained and taken to the Long Island Airport from where they were flown to New Providence. They are to be sent back to Haiti in the coming weeks"???

That's it?

The penalty for illegal entry to the Bahamas for Haitians is a free plan ride to Nassau, free food and housing better than they have ever experienced or ever imagined possible and a free plane ride back to Haiti??

So the worse Haitians have to worry about when smuggling themselves to the Bahamas is winning a free exotic vacation?

This is insanely stupid of the government. Where is the deterrent to dissuade them from trying again on the next boat?

No wonder they’re lined up by the 1000's and can't wait to get on leaky boats to come here.

They should be interrogated to find their financial sponsors in Nassau first then both should be immediately deported back to Haiti.

If this were implemented as standard policy and strictly enforced, the flow would quickly become a trickle and we would be on the road to stemming the Haitian invasion “humanely”.

Posted 5 December 2013, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Maybe we need to get a Long Islander to run things at the Immigration Department. Perhaps then we wouldn't have an influx of illegals trying to get in this country.

Posted 5 December 2013, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

Haitians are going to continue coming here,thier goal is to bleed the Bahamian people of all resources,they don't pay to come here are own money what their country men make brings them here,we need to start denying permits,taking back residency,thats the ones who are facilitating these trips,Haitians don't talk on one another don't mind that bull shit,what their so called leaders say,they are all in it together,you don't see them making an effort to go back?i say limit permits to one year,increase it to two thousand,residency needs to be looked into also,these suckers are bleeding this country,check them,if they own a business they are only hiring haitans,i have seen it happen on many occasions,but I don't blame them,i blame us for standing by and letting it happen in our own country,enough is enough.

Posted 5 December 2013, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

ccthemusicman says...

Way a go Long Islanders. Continue to stay on guard on the island. Let that be an example to the other island especially Abaco and New Providence. Work together and run all those illegal immigrants out our country we don't need them here. We should be recruiting the Long Islanders as the immigration officers of the Bahamas. If I was the Prime Minister today automatic deportation of non-Bahamians who have no legal status here and don't bring them to New Providence, and also all Bahamians will help their government to chase and round up those illegal immigrants and take them into custody and send all them back to Haiti.

Posted 9 June 2014, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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