Local vets say Operation Potcake row result of a ‘misunderstanding’

AFTER a week of angry public outcry, the Veterinary Medical Association of the Bahamas has broken its silence over the cancellation of the much anticipated Operation Potcake.

According to a statement released by the VMAB yesterday, the row which led to the stray animal population control effort being scrapped was the result of “misunderstandings and unfortunate lack of communication.”

The association emphasised that its members hold nothing against foreign vets, and simply feel local professionals should play a leading role in the effort.

The VMAB also said it plans to hold a meeting early next week with the Operation Potcake planning committee and a government representative, in an effort to “bring rapid resolve to this matter.”

Said the VMAB:

“We wish to state publicly that it is not our intent to participate in what appears to be a staged one-sided media onslaught.

“Bahamians have always been committed to spay/neuter projects. The Eleuthera Animal Rescue that effectively reduced the stray population in the 1990s, similar work in partnership with the government in Bimini, Exuma, Inagua, and San Salvador are similar examples.

“We accept that there should have been more meetings with VMAB and representatives of Operation Potcake to avoid the obvious misunderstandings and unfortunate lack of communication.

“We hold nothing against foreign vets. In fact, several non Bahamians work with Bahamian vets everyday in private practice.

Operation Potcake has realised significant success in New Providence and while we continue to commend the efforts of the campaign, we are of the collective view as an association that we ought to play a more leading role as it relates to the medical aspects of the programme.

“Any suggestion of greed being placed on dedicated, highly qualified, and hard working Bahamian vets is outright unfair and unfounded.

Foreign vets, like Bahamians, recognise that there is a cost factor associated with this exercise. Foreign vets do benefit as a result of their involvement and Bahamian professionals are seeking minimum and reasonable compensation.

“One common factor holds true: Operation Potcake and VMAB are guided by what is best for our animals and what is in the best interest of our country. Accordingly, a meeting with members of Operation Potcake Planning committee and the VMAB, along with a government representative is set for early next week to bring rapid resolve to this matter.”


keithcooper says...

Let me state for the record...Bahamian Vets ought not to be compensated for doing a service to the country. They cannot expect to be paid - this is a TRUE VOLUNTEER INITIATIVE...SERVICE ABOVE SELF MAN...and they want to compensated as noted in the Tribune..."Foreign vets do benefit as a result of their involvement and Bahamian professionals are seeking minimum and reasonable compensation." - WTF is this statement all about!

Posted 4 December 2013, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

It is true, foreign Vets and volunteers do benefit from our work in the Bahamas, we benefit from knowing we helped animals in need with no expectation of thanks, money or recognition, we did it because it is and always will be the right thing to do. So yes, we did benefit from our work there, by becoming a better human being. That is worth more than gold.

Posted 4 December 2013, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree7 says...

What "misunderstanding"? The VMAB letter was pretty clear in its position, and the comments still coming from them today still speak loudly enough to know they are looking to ban foreign vets AND they want to get paid for performing what is a charitable event by non-paid volunteers. So what part am I misunderstanding?

If some of the Bahamian vets do not wish to participate in Operation Potcake, then let them get out of the way so that the people who can and will get the job done can do so without interference.

In the meantime, it's the animals who suffer.

Posted 4 December 2013, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

Here is the link to the letter from the VMAB
Check it and see where the misunderstanding is!

Posted 4 December 2013, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

shantelle says...

# Foreign vets do benefit as a result of their involvement # - the ONLY way foreign vets benefit is knowing they have put their skills and dedication towards the best outcome possible for the suffering animals .They are at a loss financially (after paying for their own travel and lodging) and use holiday from their own jobs and practices . It is a disgrace Bahamian vets want to gain financially from the program , donate your time and skills to help animals in your OWN country and graciously accept all help that is offered to you

Posted 4 December 2013, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Shantelle, I agree with you wholeheartedly. But you do not need to shout to get your point across.

Posted 4 December 2013, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

shantelle says...

Lol EMac ! Don't know how that happened :-)

Posted 4 December 2013, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Lol. It is the passion you have for these poor animals

Posted 4 December 2013, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

and it's blue! Awesome!!

Posted 4 December 2013, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Misunderstanding my foot! This was simply an ill conceived plan to make money. All vets who voted in favour of this scheme ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Posted 4 December 2013, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades far too much dog sex going on in we Bahamaland. The pregnantant as much up on Eastern Road any where else. PM while you're in the taxing mood why not place a special Pot cake Value Neutering Tax on all local vets. While we're on the topic of Pot cakes when will the local vets gong offer low income doggie owning Bahamalander's, subsidized neutering? Over the life--time your doggie you can look forward to spending upwards of $4500 at your local vet.

Posted 4 December 2013, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

GypsySoul says...

SMH - You cannot back peddle out of what you have intentionally peddled head long in to. To think that any of us involved in advocacy would roll over to the VMAB's ill-calculated attempt to hijack Operation Potcake and hold it hostage to their "demands" then attempt to represent that it has been simply a misunderstanding....is also ill-calculated.

Posted 4 December 2013, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

Exactly! But do you think their egos will allow them to back down and do the right thing? They all sat back and looked at all the money the volunteers spent to come help and thought "We need to get some of that, we'll just not let them come and then they will send the money to us!"...........To bad that is not the way it works. We will give until we have nothing left.......UNTIL you try to scam us and not do what's right for the animals, then we will open up a can of whoop as#* on you like you have never seen. ..........but I guess they are realizing that now. What part of NO ONE IS BACKING YOU, do they not understand?

Posted 4 December 2013, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

JackG says...

It was a misunderstanding just like the way they ended the spay and neuter project with Pet Pals in Eleuthera for December 2013??????

Posted 4 December 2013, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

It is obvious mistakes were made, maybe on both sides, but suffering earned or unearned should be redemptive. Let's now encourage both sides to fight the real problem and not each other. Instead of criticising them we should respect them for being big enough to go back to the table because showing humility, especially from our politicians and intelligentsia, has almost become an extinct trait in the Bahamas.

Posted 4 December 2013, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Baha10 says...

Shame on our local vets, who have conveniently highlighted the problem with Bahamian protectionism generally, in that it benefits no one, least of all Bahamians and in this case, our Potcakes.

Posted 4 December 2013, 8:23 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Wait til European, Canadian, Caribbean Vets can come in at will, via the EU-EPA and Carib-Can trade agreements, exempt from Work permit fees, and with their home country financing structures and capital access.
The landscape is changing fast, VAT is only one hot button topic for now, along with myopic Bahamian Veterinarians.


Posted 4 December 2013, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

For God's sake!
Whose testicles are we talking about here- animals or local vets?
If the VMBA wants to "hijack" Op Potcake fine, go ahead- just get it done; for free,
w/ the volume agreed upon and and leave your ruddy egos at the surgery door.

Posted 5 December 2013, 12:14 a.m. Suggest removal

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