Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday declared that public servants “double-dipping” on sick benefits is against the law and the government intends to end the practice.

While the government is working diligently to abolish it, Mr Christie said, there is a process that must be followed.

“The government obviously is aware of the fact that double-dipping is against the law,” he said.

“Let’s look at it this way, making more money by being sick than you make when you are healthy, it is a contradiction.

“And so the government has been taking steps to deal with this issue.”

Mr Christie’s statements suggest a unified front after conflicting statements from Cabinet Ministers – some of whom were outspoken in their opposition to double-dipping, while others gave less clear responses.

Asked about the claim from one of its most strident critics that the practice would end in March 2014, Mr Christie said: “I do not know what Leslie Miller said, but when you hear it from the Ministry of Finance then you will know its gospel.

“Let me say this, yes it must be outlawed as quickly as possibly, but there is a process and we want to confirm what the practice is in the process, but there is no doubt whatsoever of the result that we are intended to achieve.”

Controversy over the sick leave benefits began in October when Mr Miller issued a corporation wide memo telling BEC staff they will no longer be allowed to collect both benefits. Mr Miller advised workers that the changes will be implemented November 1. However the decision was later overturned by the government after Labour Minister Shane Gibson said changes could not be made without consultation from the workers.


Bahamianpride says...

What process he has to go by B.S. You cannot collect full employer sponsored sick pay and national security benefits period... It's not only illegal, its immoral and idiotic... Stop it today... People go to jail for this in other countries its called stealing..

Posted 6 December 2013, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

How could Mr. Christie state that he does not know what Mr. Miller said? This typical of his adminstration one minister does not know what the other says or does. I guess he is again too tired to know.
Mr. Miller has shown that he cares more about BEC and the owners, The Bahamian People than Mr. Christie. Now may be the time for them to switch places in the cabinet.
How long Oh Lord how long must the Bahamian people put up with total incompetence?

Posted 6 December 2013, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal

john33xyz says...

I don't understand the two negative comments above. If the PM is saying it will end by March 2014 - that is great. That is progress, and an improved future. That is fantastic.

Of course, if it hasn't ended by, say, May 2014 then I will join the critical persons above. I was with them last week then Shane said it was legal. But now things have changed and we must support a direction of progress. March will SOON be here. Time flies.

Posted 6 December 2013, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I'm sorry john33xyz, but how brave of him. Weeks after giving Stephano Greene some indication that *everything would be resolved* public pressure finally comes to bear. March 2014 is too late. It should end today. Will drug dealers and human smugglers be given a moratorium for the same period?

In any event thank God for the light. I look at Mandela whom we just lost, who LED, who in prison **on a deserted island** somehow managed to keep abreast of world events vs this PM who follows, has a million and one advisors and never knows anything... it's an extremely sad time for our country.

I reject Mr Gibson's rationale, I just doesn't make sense that you have to consult anyone to end an illegal practice. Taking a closer look at the PM's comments *it doesn't make sense that you make more when sick* . I hope the smarty-pants resolution isn't to increase base salaries.

Posted 6 December 2013, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Meanwhile, webshops are being allowed to facilitate banking transactions!?!?! Anyone can deposit money on an account anywhere. What is the US saying about money laundering concerns?

Posted 6 December 2013, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

PGC does not say it will end in march ,he says Miller said it ..PGC is just buying time hoping the public will forget and Miller will be quiet ..S Greene said it all ,poltically does he want to do that " its 25,000 votes ,,IT won,t be touched before 2017 ..Has one number house /casino been closed ???

Posted 6 December 2013, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

John33xyz, In what universe is this progress on an illegal, dysfunctional matter.. what process needs to be undertaken when u know as a fact money is being syphoned illegally out of National Security by these persons double dipping right now as we speak.. What moral person would do this anyway? They know its wrong.. It can be stopped today, enough with the stealing of money, and for the idiots doing it u are bankrupting your future benefits for temporary gratifications and greed.. The same people stealing the money will be in church praising Jesus

Posted 6 December 2013, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

If its illegal then I have two questions for the PM. a. Shouldn't all the millions obtained be repaid in full? Since you and BEC have known the pyments to have been illegally advanced all along will you freeze future illegal payments to All government employees, effective as of NOW?

Posted 6 December 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Tal you raise an interesting point. The PM states that " The government obviously is aware of the fact that double-dipping is against the law" yet later says "the government is taking steps to deal with the issue and "Let me say this, yes it must be outlawed as quickly as possibly". So just what is it Mr. PM, is it illegal or not? If the government believes it is illegal then what process is necessary, just enforce the damn law. Pardon me but this is crazy!

Posted 6 December 2013, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

PM do you understand why so many are dismayed when a conviction of possessing a gun with no evidence of criminal use intent, can get you an instant three years behind the walls at Her Majesty's Fox Hill Prison. That not one of the numbers "bosses" has ever been charged since the people voted "NO," yet the government's own damn workers can illegally, your own words PM not this Comrade, ripoff the public treasury and in full view of your own eyes? PM what in the hell has happened to you?

Posted 6 December 2013, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

The PM's remarks here now should now leave no doubt whatsoever for any of us: THIS MAN IS CLEARLY BRAIN DEAD TO SAY THE LEAST!!

Posted 6 December 2013, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 6 December 2013, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

croberts6969 says...

You got what you voted for. So shut up and live with it.

Posted 6 December 2013, 11:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

40% of the people got what they voted for

Posted 7 December 2013, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

henny says...

In the US it is against the law if you are collecting disability and working. If you do so you can be fined or go to jail. You must report any wages earned to the disability office. They can determine if you are eligible to continue receiving disability benefits. They can also determine if your disability affords you the right to work in a suitable position according to the type of disability.

Posted 7 December 2013, 12:52 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

it cant be illegal,The Honorable Prime Minister has sit his backside in government for over thirty years collecting a salary what he don't deserve,show me something significant this man has done besides saying he don't know what happened?

Posted 7 December 2013, 1:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

"The government is obviously aware that double dipping is against the law". What hope is there for The Bahamas when the Prime Minister sees nothing wrong with that statement?

Posted 7 December 2013, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

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