Man fighting for his life after being shot in head


Tribune Staff Reporter

A MAN is fighting for his life in hospital after he was shot in the head.

Police received a report of a shooting at Ida Street at around 11pm on Thursday. When they arrived they found a man at the rear of a residence with gunshots to the head.

He was taken to hospital by ambulance where he was last night listed in critical condition.

In a separate investigation, a 29 -year old Jamaican man is in custody after he was arrested for burglary on Thursday.

According to reports, around 11.15am, Western Division officers acting on intelligence went to the suspect’s home in Kennedy Sub-Division, where they arrested him in connection with a burglary that occurred on Saturday November 30, at a home on West Bay Street.

The officers also recovered a quantity of electronic items stolen during the burglary.

Western Division officers are also requesting the public’s assistance in locating 31-year-old Jamaican national Malachi Anthony Brown of # 56 Rosebud Street, Pinewood Gardens/ St Catherine, Jamaica in connection with this matter.

A 15-year-old boy is also in custody after he was found in possession of a handgun with a quantity of ammunition at 7.25pm on Wednesday.

Officers from the Drug Enforcement Unit were on patrol on Lewis Street when they saw a man acting suspiciously.

When he saw the officers, he dropped the object on the ground and ran off. Police chased after him but couldn’t catch him.

Police found the object - a handgun - with a quantity of ammunition.

Around 3.30am on Thursday, DEU officers arrested a 15-year-old year old boy at his Anderson Street home in connection with the find.

Investigations continue.


Honestman says...

Instead of wasting money on the creating of non-jobs in the Public sector, government needs to create an elite force with a mandate to be as ruthless as needs be to rid our communities of these gun toting young thugs. Anyone who is charged with illegal possession of a gun should be held without bail and if convicted should be incarcerated for a minimum of 20 years. At the same time trials involving gun crime should be speeded up even further and if necessary heard by a judge only. Yes, this is draconian but in a war situation special measures need to be taken.

Posted 8 December 2013, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas676 says...

LOL so many retards on this website 20 years for a hand gun?1st of all thats unconstitutional , 2nd are you going to grow money out of your ass to pay for the expenses for a crowded over populated prison for the next 30 years? This is not the United States where we have the privilege of printing money out of thin air because of the federal reserve fiat currency.. I guess prisoners will be eating mud and water everyday.

Posted 8 December 2013, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

In Florida when armed robberies there was out of control they passed a law like, If you use a handgun in the commission of an offense it is an automatic 5 year prison term. If you discharge the weapon it was 10 years in jail, If you injured someone it was 20 to like and you got the death penalty if you killed someone while committing a robbery or serious crime. For a while hardly any robberies were committed using weapons and the high crime in South Florida especially disapated.

Posted 8 December 2013, 7:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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