Salvation Army’s worst Christmas


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE SALVATION Army is experiencing its worst Christmas season to date, with few donations and no toys, food or clothing for the hundreds of families in need.

Speaking with the Big T, Marsha Deveaux, head of Community Relations and Development said the Salvation Army has received more than 5,000 requests from people needing assistance - almost double last year.

“We are looking at about 5,000 plus people we have to feed and help. That ranges from the elderly to the sick and shut in and the different boys’ and girls’ homes throughout the island but we have nothing to give them. We are at the peak of it right now, receiving hundreds of calls a week from people needing our help but we just do not know how we are going to do it,” she said.

“We have fewer people volunteering for the Kettle Drive, fewer donations but more people needing help. The numbers are continuing to grow but we do not have the assistance, even our food parcels are down. We are living by faith right now because we need at least $300,000 to pull this off. We are looking for volunteers for the Kettle Drive, even if it only brings in $50 a day, that’s $50 more than what we had that morning. We are writing hundreds of letters requesting sponsorship, but for every 100 we write we maybe get a response from 10.”

Mrs Deveaux said they are asking for donations of any kind but food and clothing are top priority. She also said for the first time in years, this year they have no toys to give the hundreds of children who only receive that one gift.

“We are focusing on hygiene products and food right now,” she said.

“We just don’t have the toys to give. We have three children’s parties next week and absolutely no toys. Nothing. We have no clue how we are going to cover these costs. Simple things like deodorant and corn beef people are asking for, it’s nothing elaborate, nothing big, they just want the simple things and we don’t have that.”

Mrs Deveaux said they have a few food parcels to give to those who need them but she knows they will not last until Christmas.

Anyone who can make a donation is asked to contact the Salvation Army on 393-2340 or call our newsdesk and pledge to help on 5022359.


john33xyz says...

Immigration should require all new illegal immigrants that are let out of the fence to work 100 hours for the Salvation Army before they get their Bahamian passports - not just give them to them as they pass through the gate.

Posted 14 December 2013, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

at least we know who the Grinch is rory there is a rock some where that needs you why don't you crawl back from where you came

Posted 15 December 2013, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

oh he popped his head out from the rock again , and such a smart remark
what a a$$

Posted 16 December 2013, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Many businesses are also experiencing what the Salvation Army is going through. Even the big food stores are complaining about the drop off in their sales. Remember at least FOUR big projects came to a completion this summer, two sets of road works,, the airport works and the hospital extension. This left thousands of workers unemployed and with no income. Also hundreds of persons who left school in June are still unemployed. Then there is the fear of the upcoming VAT in July so businesses and persons are holding on to their money. The first quarter of next year (2014) may even be worse.

Posted 15 December 2013, 4:23 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

The economic picture is getting worse, rapidly spiraling down.
The way VAT was introduced, the Government contradicting themselves, flip flopping
all create uncertainty, which causes contraction in spending.
Sensible in the face of increased taxation and the inflation it will cause.
The economic activity of people, and their companies has a dynamic, ever adjusting resilience, which is already stretched beyond anything seen before here.
It may just snap Come July/Aug/Sept 2014.
That "extra" 200 million they claim they will get will come from every Man woman and child in the Bahamas, Poor, Middle class and the Wealthy.
The Middle class will bear the brunt, the poor will sink further.
Our existing cash economy will see a boost, via avoidance.

Posted 15 December 2013, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

I wonder if they are going to realize that this immigration problem is the reason why they aint have nothing in the first place. As soon as they get anything them haitians for example already line up out the door ready to take whats free and spend a little bit. The Army cant even help the natives in need because the immigrants take it all. I remember about 5 or so years ago I went to do some community service for them to give back. They had me work in the clothes shop and them Haitians mussy could have smelled that when that container pull up with all the donated clothes, we couldn't even sort and price (maximum price is probably $5) properly without them acting like a bunch of animals fighting for the 'good' stuff, one of my partners got bitten by one simply because of the desperation. The little problems eventually lead to great problems.

Posted 15 December 2013, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

The proverbial has not hit the fan yet, wait until 2014 when the new tax begins. Successive governments have borrowed more than the country can afford to repay. This was mainly done to ensure political cronies were taken care of by giving contracts and expanding the civil service which is the same as buying votes.

Next Christmas will be a dismal one for this nation.

Posted 15 December 2013, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

you hit the nail on the head ,we now have the largest cabinet ever , rich people being put on the gov payroll ,Baltron Bethel ,F Wilson ,,and they got the nerve to talk about VAT ,,We should close bay street w/ people every time they plan to open the house to stop them from borrowing and spending more ..

Posted 15 December 2013, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I agree. They may be so far on la la land that they believe people are happy, with what I don't know. Maybe the reception they received at their anniversary celebration?

Posted 16 December 2013, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

and cabinet ministers are exempt from VAT as well.

Posted 17 December 2013, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

I gave a few dollars to help the cause but just like many others a few dollars is all we have.
Hope the many unfortunate persons in the country get some glimpse of relief this season. every little bit helps

Posted 15 December 2013, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If you consider at least 4,000 (four thousand) persons that were employed this time last year are not employed at present. Based on an average salary of $300.00 that is $1.2 million a week ***less*** flowing through the economy. If you add the (money) multiplier, the effect is a reduction is close to $14 million a week. So it will be useless for the government to introduce VAT (more tax) unless they can grow the economy and reduce unemployment at the same time. If VAT is introduced while the economy is still contracting, it will have the effect of reducing the money supply and creating even more problems for government. There must be growth else the results of more taxes will be negative.

Posted 16 December 2013, 7:35 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Maybe not saving, but having to help out multiple family members that are hurting too and are in need.

Posted 16 December 2013, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

So arrogant, rory! Hope you are never faced with joblessness! Or better yet.... hope you are!!!!

Posted 17 December 2013, 7:39 a.m. Suggest removal

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