Man on remand for Christmas as judge runs out of time to check file


Tribune Staff Reporter

A MAN seeking bail ahead of his murder trial spent Christmas on remand because a judge did not have an opportunity to look at his file.

Elandro Missick, 23, of Kingston Street, made an application for bail before Justice Indra Charles on December 20 after his murder trial had been delayed on two occasions.

Justice Charles said she would reserve a decision on the matter until Monday, December 23. However, she gave notice to defence counsel on Christmas Eve that she has not had an opportunity to look at the file and that Missick would have to be at Her Majesty’s Prison a little longer while she considers her decision.

Missick’s December 2, 2013, trial date was delayed because the judge was presiding over another case. The court adjourned the matter to December 13 and then December 16 but no witnesses were present for the start of the proceedings.

Prosecutor Kevin Farrington relayed to the court that a witness was in fear for his life after receiving threatening phone calls from prison.

However, defence attorney Krista Mason-Smith pointed out that this issue was just being brought to the court’s attention despite the fact that, by the Crown’s own admission, the alleged threats were made in early November.

Missick is now slated to stand trial on January 20, 2014. He is accused of the September 1, 2011, murder of Damian Bowe who was shot and killed in Kemp Road.


carmichaelrdgal says...

Yeah good, if witness get threats dam you spend xmas behind bars. Don't come out here to add to the count before di year out! You think the court does anything round this time aye?

Posted 28 December 2013, 4:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Shirley says...

Decent members of society have been forced to live in their own prisons. I don't see see why scum like this should be considered for, or granted bail under any circumstances.

Posted 28 December 2013, 7:22 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? We cannot condemn someone until after a fair trial people. We must not allow our judgment of those accused to be clouded by the high crime rate in the Bahamas. Every case should be looked at individually.

Posted 28 December 2013, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

What is the murder count up to now?

Posted 28 December 2013, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

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