16-year-old boy shot by police following robbery


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 16-YEAR-OLD boy was shot in the buttocks by police moments after he and another 16-year-old robbed a John Chea Food Store.

The incident took place on Saturday at around 11am.

Police say the two suspects, armed with a handgun, entered the shop on the corner of East and Fowler Streets and robbed the store of cash and cigarettes before fleeing on foot.

The police were immediately notified and found one of the suspects running in the area of East Street and Windsor Lane, and ordered him to stop.

The suspect ran to Plantol Street, where he pointed a gun at the officers and was shot in his left buttocks.

The officers were able to recover a handgun and the cash taken during the armed robbery.

The other suspect was arrested a short time later.
The injured suspect was taken to hospital where he is listed in stable condition under heavy police guard.

Meanwhile, police in Grand Bahama detained three men after a robbery on Friday in the Eight Mile Rock Area.

Shorty after 7pm, police received information that two men held up and robbed a gas station with a firearm.

Officers responded and acting on information, detained the men in the Hanna Hill area.

They also confiscated five .38 bullets, five rounds of .35 ammunition, one chrome .357 Magnum revolver, one fired .38 cartridge and one .357 bullet along with $195, thought to have been taken during the robbery.


Thinker says...

Sadly inevitable. At least he's not dead and he has the choice to live a different life from this point on...sort of. The truth is, there are many 16 year olds just needing a little hope that they might become something other than a Big Hotel serviceman. Here, we have government expanding and not much hope for the young people to KNOW they can be whatever they want to be. Who is telling them this? Nobody! Who is helping them? Not government! Who leads the future? Not the same old guys that you see standing tall in their suits shuffling accross the floor doing business with Chinese! Think REGIME change. Think schools, top level education for all and you will need very little police in the very near future, IF this is what you demand of your leadership. Otherwise, keep paying more taxes and become a police state.

Posted 30 December 2013, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

star says...

So what happened to the cigarettes?

Posted 30 December 2013, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

croberts6969 says...

Buttocks? Should have shot them in the head. End the escalation now.

Posted 30 December 2013, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

carmichaelrdgal says...

That police didn't shoot to kill. I know it sounds crucial but I wud have taken another potential killer out did world. Imagine the fear he put those people through in dat store, for jus goods that will not last. Y'all may say give him a chance. I live near a house with only young boys who harbours other boys and sad to say they never have anything decent to talk about. They always playing loud cussing music, smoking/selling drugs. I wouldnt be suprise when this end if the parents don't get executed with dem too cuz they always coverin up for dem. They had their car burn down before because of these boys but still have them livin under their roof and all are over 20. Three of themwas shot before and still no changes. All I can say is parenting plays the most important role in developing a good society. I know what most people wanted to hear was to the gallow they will go. Why build more court if the prison is full?

Posted 31 December 2013, 3:58 a.m. Suggest removal

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