Family's plea over missing teenage girl

THE family of a missing young girl is urgently seeking information about her whereabouts.

Bradkiah Bain, 16, was last seen by her relatives on Sunday, January 27, at her Bernard Road home.

Distraught relatives said she may have had plans to go to Charlies on the Beach with a friend that night, but they cannot say for certain if she did.

Bradkiah is described as having a light complexion, brown eyes, standing 4’ 4” tall, and weighing around 120lbs.

Anyone who may have information on her whereabouts is asked to contact their nearest police station, or call the family at 364-9071 or 552-2393.


MartGM says...

Going to Charlies at 16???

Posted 4 February 2013, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

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