Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie has admitted that he was surprised with the outcome of the referendum which sought to legalise the numbers racket.
Up to yesterday, Mr Christie remained tight-lipped over last Monday’s failed referendum, which was poorly supported at the polls and resulted in an unanimous no vote to both questions on the ballot.
In fact, the only utterance members of the public had from Mr Christie was a brief statement released by his office on the following day in which he said that the government would act in accordance with the no vote. He said all the web shops throughout the country had to close down. Later on Wednesday in the House of Assembly, he repeated his statement and refused questions from reporters.
Since then, and almost a week later, the numbers bosses have taken legal action to keep their businesses running.
Breaking the silence, Mr Christie said he believed that the “yes” and “no” votes would have been closer.
“Yes, I probably was surprised,” Mr Christie said, “I thought it would have been a much closer election.
“But you know I was prepared for any outcome. The matter is before the courts now and really I’m not going to speak to that issue, but we are prepared even for whatever decision is made in the courts.”
When asked if his administration dropped the ball during preparations for the referendum, Mr Christie said no.
The government has been heavily criticised for offering little to no education on what Bahamians were to expect in the event of both outcomes. Mr Christie had promised such initiatives, but those plans did not materialise.
What happens next is for the Minister of National Security Bernard Nottage and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson to decide, Mr Christie said.
On Monday, documents were filed in the Supreme Court seeking an injunction to prevent the government from interfering with web shops.
Paradise Games president, Kevin Knowles, claimed that since 2010, the Ministry of Finance had knowledge of “all aspects” of the web cafe business. The Ministry still continued to issue business licenses, he said to those operations. It was that act on their behalf that qualified Paradise Games as a legitimate business.
He believes that Mr Christie’s order that all numbers businesses be shut down is unconstitutional as the referendum was nothing more than a non-binding opinion poll.
HarryWyckoff says...
Krishna Virgil may need to look up the meaning of 'unanimous'.
Posted 6 February 2013, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal
hj says...
Mr.Christie was surprised but also "prepared" for a no vote. In fact he was so prepared that for a whole week he wouldn't take any questions from reporters. You might as well believe that he had "no horse in the race" and that he "believes in Bahamians".
Posted 6 February 2013, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal
tonymontana says...
the real questions to be asked be asked are how much money was wasted by the government to facillitate this illegal referandumb(1) how much was the south africans paid and are they staill in town ?(2) how is it that the illegal numbers bosses were allowed to to pay persons to vote .
Posted 6 February 2013, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal
watcher says...
Please help me here....the electorate resoundingly defeats the referendum, and says a big NO as loud and clear as it can, but the PM will not act on that choice of the people ? Is he next going to say that we got it wrong !!! Close down what has been deemed by the people to be an illegal activity, or expect the worst at the next election (or will you allow the Courts to overturn that decision as well)
Posted 6 February 2013, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal
jackbnimble says...
The Government can amend the Gaming and Lotteries Act to put a final stop to ALL gambling so that there would be no question - no loopholes. That was the solution to our voting NO. In my mind they are without excuse. The court action is a co-op not to do anything and let the matter be swept under the carpet and drag on for a few more years (as most court actions do) despite the majority of Bahamian people who voted clearing voting NO! I
Posted 6 February 2013, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal
jackflash says...
To Jacknimble,
You are probably right - swept under the carpet.
Hopefuly it will be that way until 2017 and then we can all vote NO again and put the goverenment back in that can be trusted!
Posted 6 February 2013, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
Com'on PM cause I go'in tell you the truth. What Bahamians really know is that the only real surprise you got from the January 28 vote, is that ever since the 'No Vote,' you been mumbling to yourself and to "Big Bad" Brad, that if only you coulda, woulda or hada a faster Horse in the damn race, you wouldn't be in such deep sh!@?
PM I seriously doubt we will be seeing a Donald Trump "you're fired" played out anytime soon on Comrade Chairman "Big Bad" Brad, for all his horsing around in the media with the race?
Lardy me PM ain't you know that the Comrade Chairman was too damn big to be rid'in no wining numbers race horse?…
Posted 6 February 2013, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal
John says...
What PM Christie should learn is refrenunda do not work in the Bahamas, simply because Bahamians say one thing and vote something different. When you add politics in the mix Bahamians tend to vote along party lines and when religion or nationality is thrown into the mix, they lose full site of the issues being voted on. Hence you get a mind boggling result (not unlike the results on the gambling poll) and can even get results that do not seem to follow logic. The moral of the story here is that government should only go to a referundum when absolutely necessary, and avoid poloitcians and religious leaders from clouding the issue. If fact for the important ammendments that are mecessary for our constiitution all of these sectors need to come together and work as a team to educate and inform the electorate so that a sensible poll can be done.
Posted 6 February 2013, 6:54 p.m. Suggest removal
TalRussell says...
Mostly great points.My Dear Comrades.
People didn't follow Martin Luther King, Jr. because he was a great preacher, orator and writer. During his day there were many other pastors equally gifted to speak great words but they didn't know how to use the power of words to make others feel that they really believed in what they were preaching.
PM Christie is also an orator but no matter how many years he continues to dance around what Bahamians done know, there will not be much believing that he had no horse in the January 28, 2013 numbers rackets vote. Do all the PR dancing around the truth you want, few, if any, believe you. .…
Posted 6 February 2013, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal
John says...
The reason we have seperation of church and state is so that, while leaders of the country can make decisions in consultation with the church, the ultimate decision on a state matter is their own. One time ago the king use to be the head of the church and state. He had control over the church affairs and the affairs of his kingdom. He had the authority to ban certain religions and to curb the practices of any church. Many church leaders today feel the reverse is now true: that the church has powers over the state and want to diciate to government on how to run the country. But we have religious freedom, the freedom of worship. I dont gamble, but if the people wanted quail instead of mana from heaven then let them have quail unil itstinks..just don't bring none and put on the alter.
Posted 6 February 2013, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal
Concerned says...
Sorry Mr. Prime Minister but at the moment you are a complete embarrassment to this country. In the words of Forrest Gump "That's all I gatta say about that"
Posted 7 February 2013, 1:43 a.m. Suggest removal
PKMShack says...
Believe in the Bahamas like the solgan says,,,,,,,,,PGC take this article in your pocket to the polls in the next election. .......
Posted 7 February 2013, 7:45 a.m. Suggest removal
stopit says...
I would like to make a few matters clear on the recent HISTORIC VICTORY in the Bahamas against numbers gamgling... (1) The prime minister tried to deceive the Bahamian people when he said that he had no horse in the race...(2) The numbers boss were BRIBING the people with, HOUSE,CAR,FLAT SCREEN TV,MONEY AND PROMISES. The people knew they were being used, so they turned the table on the numbers boss...(3) Every community have rules (laws),which governs that community. The CONSTITUTION governs this community. The constitution says that we were founded on SPIRITUAL VALUES and, we recognized the SUPREMACY of GOD and, we have an ABIDING RESPECT FOR CHRISTIAN VALUES. Now those among us who do not share the values of this community can either... (A) Try to change the laws of this community.... (B) Live among us and OBEY the laws of this community... or.. (C) LEAVE THIS COMMUNITY FOR A GODLESS ONE.
P.S. You are FREE to leave.
Posted 7 February 2013, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal
PKMShack says...
PGC you sure making us proud that you lead this country....but do us all a favour and call election so we can make the change we really need before you and ya boys run us in the ground with no way out.
Posted 7 February 2013, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal
TimeForChange says...
Wow Perry Christie decides to breaks his silence after a whole week of ducking and dodging. Talk about a man with no backbone he is a disgrace to this country and not even fit to hold the title of a Prime Minister. Christie wouldnt even answer questions from the press but instead go into hiding to avoid any questions but before the referandum he on the news every night what a laugh! Once again this just goes to show this man doesnt have a vision for this country and he is incompetent and wutless. As long as this man is the prime minister this country is going nowhere except downhill and fast!
Posted 10 February 2013, 1:26 a.m. Suggest removal
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