'Parliament a good idea - and a house for PM too'


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie insisted that despite being faced with fiscal constraints, the government’s plans for a new Parliament complex and more benefits for MPs are good moves.

It is embarrassing, Mr Christie added, that the Bahamas might be the only country in the world that does not have a Prime Minister’s residence or a place to entertain international guests.

The Prime Minister assured Bahamians that the government will only act in the best interest of the country.

He was responding to claims that the government should be focused on more pressing issues, including unemployment and the national deficit.

Mr Christie said: “We are the only place in the world where there is no Prime Minister’s residence. The fact that Mr Ingraham didn’t need one and I don’t need one, and Sir Lynden didn’t need one is not the question. We are the only one in this region if not the world without one. 

“It is the most embarrassing thing for a Prime Minister to have to borrow a suite from Sol Kerzner to entertain or go in a little room in a hotel when you have international guests to entertain.  

“If we had a Prime Minister’s residence, I may elect not to live in it like other Prime Ministers do, but entertain in it.

“My goodness me, expect a government to also look at all of the other aspects of the country and be able to instil pride in a country for its institutional growth. That’s what we are doing. We do not compromise on it. We are not going to relax on it. And it ought to have been done a long time ago.”

And when it comes to increasing the monthly allowances of MPs, Mr Christie said ministers, especially those who represent cays or constituencies with several islands, often have to use their own personal funds to fulfil obligations.

“It was never expected that only the rich could represent themselves in Parliament. These people who have a lot of cays (like the Exumas), MICAL or East Grand Bahama, they have to spend their own money.

“When you get $1,500 a month you can’t pay a secretary, or utilities with that.

“You have to be able to bring home to the Bahamian people that every other aspect of governance in our country is receiving attention and they must not neglect this thing of Parliament,” Mr Christie said.


Deepdrop2 says...

Use government house Mr. Christie. We are not a rich country!!!!

Posted 13 February 2013, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

tonymontana says...

i agree, i dont think sir Arthur and lady Fawkes would have a problem playing second fiddle to visiting delegates and the PM taking the lead . to many smoke screens are arising , what we need is those 10,000 jobs promised in 100 days and the elevation of the fishing hole road that you said will happen within 100 days of your return.,

Posted 13 February 2013, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

OMG I dont believe this a new Prime Minister house for entertaining! This country is on the brink of ruins and this is all this man can come up with a house for entertaining guest! With these people running the finances of the bahamas this place is going right down the tubes.

Posted 13 February 2013, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

legalmindatwork says...

I am convinced the Prime Minister has fired his speech writers and is now speaking off the top of his head. How can you be so concerned with something that is trivial because other countries have it....that sounds like some high school jealousy issue to me. Regardless of what we have and what we don't have in terms of a place to entertaining delegates is minor to the rising crime rate and unemployment that is plaguing this country. I am convinced this PLP government has the great power of deflection....each member knows the right thing to say to the public by avoiding the issue and placing less serious issues at the forefront so by the time the public realizes what has happened it is too late.


These are all questions that need to be answered before the Prime Minister and his council can even begin to consider a Prime Minister residence...

My 5 cents!!

Posted 13 February 2013, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

turquoisecharm says...

I just passed the UNFINISHED airport here in Abaco - doesn't look like anything is being done to finalise completion. I can't believe with all the work that needs to be done around the country we would even be considering adding extra projects, while at the same time complaining that we don't have enough money to complete necessary ones - Absolutely irresponsible!!!

Posted 13 February 2013, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

And on top of all this they are cutting the budget by 10% at COB and a further 25% in 2014(or15).

That's a 35% cut in edcuation!!!!

Posted 13 February 2013, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Lest we forget they cut the budget on scholarships as soon as they got into office.

Posted 15 February 2013, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

This can't be the same government who made it a top priority when they first took office to highlight the high amount of irresponsible spending and borrowing of the FNM's needed projects. They also made it a high priority to explain how we are in more debt than thought, and all the hullabaloo from Standard and Poor's.

Now we want to spend for something that you do when there is a surplus? You know, I'm all for increasing the monies that MPs get to spend in their constituencies, but at the present time I am NOT for the increase in salary and benefits. These people knew what they signed up for when they ran for election. Again, addressing salary and benefit additions should be done with a surplus budget.

I agree with the many above me who recommended that Government house be used for entertaining international guests. Stop comparing our country and our dealings to others. We have one of the best economies in the region at the moment. I would think that many of those countries with PM/presidential residences wish that they could get the monies back on those residences for their economy.

And parliamentary building?!! We need a new, beautiful, hospitable downtown first! Get real. Oh and yeah that pesky job thing to decrease the unemployment rate we need some of them too!

Posted 13 February 2013, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

lakerfan242 says...

I figure they probably need to repay some supporters, so no better way than to give out some hefty contracts to your loyal supporters to build a new house and PM's residence. Listening to Christie and his boys, the former administration left the country finances in terrible shape (which there is probably some truth to), owing to that being the case, why in the world would you spend 50 plus million on something like that, which the country doesn't need, even if you want to repay your loyal supporters. The PM has officially lost his mind.

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Posted 13 February 2013, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

A couple things on this:
1. It is clear that Mr. Christie is no longer fit to lead this country.

2. It is clear that the PLP government does not have the Bahamian people at heart.

3. Political payouts and favors are deeply rooted in this PLP government, so nothing can stop them from going ahead with this project and giving out this contract to some crony.

4. Mr. Christie, the only embarrassing thing right now is not whether or not the Prime Minister should have a multi-million dollar house just for entertaining, but rather you are the embarrassment, Sir.

Posted 13 February 2013, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

really says...

It is embarassing that the prime minister and mps have such a lack of respect for the bahamian people they would insult us by flashing their ability to do as they please with OUR MONEY and do what makes them comfortable when people are dying and getting robbed everyday, children are not being educated properly and most families struggling to keep their head above water what a bold slap in the face u are not going to serve this full term sorry

Posted 13 February 2013, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Understandfacts says...

Perry Christie has officially lost his blue black cotton picking mind.. To even allow this "thought" to infiltrate the media is absolutely appalling. Like borrowing a room from an exclusive resort from Atlantis, probably hmmm around 5K a night is embarrassing. Negro give me a break, PLEASE.
Please stop discussing crap on our time, there are more intense issues that need to be mitigated or relieved to a certain extent.. When the Diplomats come let them borrow a room in your boy Sebas place at Ocean Club, you all could sleep over, it’s quite comfortable and you can just repay him by allowing him to open a webshop in Palmdale Primary.

Posted 13 February 2013, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Once again talking to the public as if we are dumb. I am ready to protest the Government so they can see our expression of democracy

Posted 13 February 2013, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Even as the government is directing all governmental departments to cut their budgets by 10%, the PM believes that now is the right time and that building a new Parliament complex and a PM residence to "entertain" are good ideas. Personally, I like PC and think he is a good person at heart, however, he is one of the most out of touch and incompetent leaders I have ever witnessed. He has proven that he can win an election but he has also proven that he cannot govern. PC, it is time to exit stage right with your dignity just barely intact before it is too late.

Posted 14 February 2013, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

The Prime Minister is being guided by outside forces as well as inside ones, which want to see the 98% of us suffer. I think he is counting on the fact that we the people will never cross party lines to protect our country. A vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the prime minister can began from the constituency level through your Member of Parliament.They are betting that the people do not have the GUTS to sign a PETITION, neither will your MP take a vote of NO CONFIDENCE to parliament on your behalf. If we the people are not serious about our country now,tomorrow will be to late. Are you prepared to push for a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE if the prime minister goes against the will of the people and, give themselves a PAY RAISE and, build a PM RESIDENCE to entertain at OUR EXPENSE? This is truly the year of the SNAKE!!! There is only one way to deal with SNAKES.... FOCUS ON THE HEAD......

Posted 14 February 2013, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

I agree. Although I believe internal forces (i.e the Min. of Foreign Affairs) has a strong hand in this as he is always quick to defend the PM and is the strongest advocate for this nonesense.!

Posted 14 February 2013, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...


Posted 18 February 2013, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

G O V E R N M E N T...should put a hold on **all** major spending for the next two years. Allow those projects already in the pipeline to continue to completion but focus on paying down the national debt and avoiding fiscal deficits. As the economy strengthens by the third quarter of 2014 government revenus will also increase. That way the country can continue to reduce its debt and free up capital for new developments. To continue to pile debt on top of debt will surely spell disaster in the near future. As the country climbs out of recession then government can consider the phased redevelopment of the Entiire Rawson Square/ Parliment complex. Any developmet should encompass adequate parking for MP's and jurors.

Posted 14 February 2013, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

put PGC in exile on one of them cays he talkin bout for the next 4 years

Posted 14 February 2013, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

muddo - das all i can say. im ready to leave this country!!!!!!

Posted 14 February 2013, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

I say ring the Bell Perry!!!

Posted 16 February 2013, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

akbar says...

The man want build a official state brothel. Leave the man alone.

Posted 17 February 2013, 7:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Drea says...

There has been a lot of foolishness going on in The Bahamas for as long as I can remember, and enough as of late...but reading this has been the first time I've literally been afraid for the future of my country and for our prospect of survival.

Posted 18 February 2013, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

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