Minister: Social workers are the key to change

FREEPORT – Motivating social workers is the first step in fighting the increase in poverty, Minister of Social Services and Community Development Melanie Griffin said.

And, as the effects of the global recession continue to be felt by all Bahamians, Mrs Griffin encouraged staff at the Department of Social Services to balance their work assisting the needy with changes in their own personal lives.

Minister Griffin visited the Department’s Grand Bahama office to meet with social workers who help vulnerable women and teenagers in need of protection from abuse and neglect resulting from poverty and general social decay.

“There is a motivational seminar going on for the Department of Social Services here in Grand Bahama. About a week ago, we had one in New Providence.

“Today, in Grand Bahama the theme was ‘Realising Our Full Potential’. We think in Social Services, we all know the type of challenges they have every day. They give of themselves, they give of their heart, they give of their soul.

“We thought to give back to them and administer to them. I believe that social work is a noble ministry and they do it with great sacrifice to themselves,” said Mrs Griffin.

“The ministry is facing some challenges – many challenges – particularly in light of the ongoing recession or recession-like conditions that still exist in the country.

“As we try to recover, you know that we are definitely confident that God is always with us, guiding the government, as a country, as a nation, and I believe that He will bring us through.

“So that is the message we bring to the social workers here – the people of our country – that the Bible says ‘Wait on the Lord’ and He will renew your strength and give you good courage and certainly that is what it is all about. The challenges are many but we are not afraid of challenges,” said Mrs Griffin.

“We have seen an increase in persons seeking social services, particularly in the area of food assistance, and we expect that (in) the coming mid-term year budget statement that we will be able to explain to the Bahamian public that we will require more resources definitely – particularly in the areas of food and housing, those are the two areas hitting us very hard at this time.

“I have been able to meet the needs that have been coming forward as best we can. Yes we have (met some needs), but I can tell you, we need more resources.

“For food, we know it might be in the region of about $4 million. So food is a very critical area for us right now.

“We are having a lot of problems with homelessness right now. As for persons who have been evicted from apartments, it’s a very critical area for us.

“Things are tight, but we have confidence in the government. We have confidence in the fiscal prudence in our Prime Minister and our Minister of State for Finance and we believe that as we move forward, we will all see the plans that are put in place to guide us through the economic times,” said Mrs Griffin.

She also expressed confidence in the government’s plans for social safety net reform, designed to break the cycle of poverty in the country.

Mrs Griffin said the idea is to put Bahamians in a position to assist themselves during difficult economic times.

To this end, the ministry has added a social services unit to Urban Renewal that will work closely with the Environment and Housing Ministry.

Mrs Griffin also said the government is concerned that it has projected the image that it is Nassau-centric, so they are reaching out to solve social issues in the Family Islands as well, including launching emergency unemployment programmes to assist Bahamians with economic hardships due to unexpected joblessness.

“The government in its Charter for Governance foreshadowed that it will have an emergency unemployment programme. It is one that has already kicked in place and you will be hearing more about it as we move forward,” said Mrs Griffin.

Social Services deputy director Mavis Darling also commended the social workers for their selfless work.

“We are here to say, work hard, do well, and enjoy it. When there are cases that you need to discuss with your supervisors or even a colleague, do it. Listen to them, but that doesn’t mean you are going to do exactly what they say, that’s where social work is so important.

“You get a concerted feedback from everyone and you can decide how you go about the case based on your information at hand,” said Mrs Darling.

“And what is important too, is when you are feeling stressed out and you feel that you need a break, then you need to know when to take that break. That’s the only way you are going to be able to refresh yourself and come back another day and do what you are supposed to do. And so that’s what we are encouraging that you do.”


stopit says...

Social Services should not carry the blame for a government that is BANKRUPT of original ideas to address the problems that we face. Urban Renewal 2.0 is not anything with substance. If it were, the Madness we are experiencing not be soo high.The fact of the matter is that we have people governing us who is out of touch with the hurting people. That is why they are talking about INCREASE TAXES and, a NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDING and, INCREASE SALARIES FOR MP'S. The citizens must speak out before this group wreck our nation.

Posted 19 February 2013, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

i do not know what the minster sound so concern for because she is not you know how many persons go to social services and they are not help if you have a job and go there and need help with your light and rent or even mortgage they will not help you have to be livening in the ghetto your house have have to be leaking or falling apart those persons who work at social services have no heart for no body they did deep in your business and still take over 4 months to respond to you and still do not help so please tribune tell the mister that we will have more sucides even you have a good job the preassure is still on you if its only you one the misters the mps lived in big homes they get free gas for their cars they drive gorvemnt cars get perks tell tell them to help not only the poor but the middle class we pay our taxes

Posted 19 February 2013, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

The best way to motivate a social worker is to stop making them the lowest paid people on the government payroll. It is pathetic the salaries received by social workers when most of them have Bachelors degrees. Most government office secretaries earn more than them and many of these secretaries only have high school diploma, chew gum and gossip on the phone all day.

Posted 19 February 2013, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 20 February 2013, 7:26 a.m. Suggest removal

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