PM'S call to Baha Mar

By Sancheska Brown

Tribune Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie publicly appealed to Sarkis Izmirilian, Baha Mar Chairman and CEO, last night for a “closer relationship” despite their many disagreements.

While addressing the crowd at Baha Mar’s topping off celebration, Mr Christie said the success of Baha Mar not only depends on the support from the people of the country but also the relationship between the resort and the government.

“Sarkis and I have had many disagreements, we are going to have more but I think as the Minister of Tourism said to him ‘You two started off together and you owe it to yourselves and the vision to overcome any divisions that materialise’.

“This is about the people’s stake, clearly this is not about Sarkis and Perry Christie, this is about something much more meaningful, something that ties up and gives us a path to securing our future,” he said.

“Many times I wondered whether I was right when I persuaded my friend Phil Ruffin to sell.

“There is a whole story behind that. Ladies and gentlemen the real challenge though is how we prepare going forward.”

The Prime Minister said when the project first started he personally sat down with members of the unions as well as the executive team of Baha Mar to ensure everyone understood the vision. He said the government has invested and still has to invest a tremendous amount of money in this project and it simply cannot fail.

“So this means to the trade unions and the potential employees, the process must begin now. We must intensify the process so as not to leave any doubt whatsoever about our commitment not to compromise on what has to happen here on this site. The government of the Bahamas will have to invest an enormous amount of money in marketing. Sarkis indicated when we first were negotiating that we would put in the agreement what we would spend prior to the hotel’s opening to be able to get the markets of the world to know they should start their bookings now,” he said.

“I am going to have to begin the process in the budget next May or June, where we are going to have to find the money to put in to begin to conform with the obligation that we have in the agreement and therefore the country, as it did with the roadways, will increasingly, have a direct commitment in the success of this enterprise. And so we have no second chance. This has to be right from day one. The preparation must begin.”

The Prime Minister also appealed to Mr Izmirilian for a better working relationship.

He said: “Now is the time and this is the call I make this afternoon, to ensure that you and Perry Christie have a relationship that will enable us to cut through some things that happen on this site that shouldn’t and that will prove to be to the enduring benefit of the Izmirilian family and the people of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. I believe that. It is important that we make sure, and I say it again, we make sure that people understand the value of your contribution to this country. That is important, particularly because in hard times people are anxious and we are still in hard times and I thought I would make this public appeal to you because you understand me and I understand you and going forward now, beginning tomorrow we should have a full agreement on this training programme that you have and how it is going to unfold and be for the benefit of the people of our country.”


tonymontana says...

for this man to come to this realization means that he has been a sleep at the wheel these past 9 months, the union (even thou they are just as bad ) has been screaming these past few months for the government to step in and reign this group in,. Rip van winkle waits until Rome is burning before he makes this clarion call for peace and reconciliation.

Posted 22 February 2013, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

Having attended this topping off ceremony personally, i was both amused at the level of egoistical rambling this PM is capable of, as well as embarrassed for the people of the Bahamas.

Posted 22 February 2013, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I can only speculate that the rift between these two who were very close since the Izmirilian family came to our shores has a lot to do with after 5 years of negotiating and dealing with Hubert "Give Away The Farm To Foreign Investors" Ingraham the Izmirilians aren't in the mood to bending or yielding to a new regime’s desire to cut in on the dance with all the sweet deals that went to the established local merchant class or God forbid any revisiting of another one-sided deal they already have in hand. Why should they be? For once again similar to Atlantis the people of the Bahamas will be on the hook for $100M’s in infrastructural improvements (roads, water & sewage, electrical, airport etc…) marketing & promotion specific to this resort, subsidizing airlift, dealing 100’s of the recently or soon to be laid-off more costly older current employees, finding meaningful employment for the dozens of rejected or displaced local university educated professionals to make way for another influx of expats with pay and benefit packages to die for; all for a few new lower level jobs and pennies in taxes all while $ billions in profit will be repatriated to foreign accounts over the coming decades.

Posted 23 February 2013, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 23 February 2013, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Concerned, we like all countries need direct foreign investment, but we should negotiate with them from a position of leveraging our strengths so as to be treated as equal partners at the table while crafting these deals. For without us they don't have the beautiful crystal clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, amiable friendly English speaking natives within a stable democracy, with little to no taxes that gives them free reign to repatriate all their earnings with no foreign exchange risk only 30mins-2 1/2hrs flight time for over 100+ million of the worlds wealthiest citizens to put their damn hotels. Your attitude is the same broken spirit colonialized inferiority complex that got us in to this second class citizen mess we’re in today.

Posted 23 February 2013, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

we are competeing w/ other places w/ beaches and much lower operating cost ,,that our whipping our butts in service and tourist numbers ,,we are only doing 1,35 million stopover ,,DR has long passed us and Cuba is doing 3 million w/o the US ,,PLUS , our service sucks and our younger arrogant and undereducated generation are not so friendly ,,then the cost of our goverment unions ,,PGC had to give away the farm to get Baha mar ,, i just worked w/ the crews doing the new commercial in exuma ,,a high ranking figure from the MOT told me we can,t compete on price ,because of the taxes need to pay the municipal unions and our service is not the envy of the region ,,we better get what we can now ,,cuase cuba opens we are done ,,why do you think the gov is going to slap us with 15% more taxes and further price us out of the market ,,to feed the monster thats eating us ,,the civil service ,,,jobs for votes u see the discount count Atlantis is giving in high season ?? but keep telling yourself we got something different from our neighbors and people will pay through the nose for it ,,,

Posted 24 February 2013, 7:38 a.m. Suggest removal

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