A fourth term for Ingraham

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Why not Ingraham for a fourth term?

As Frenchmen cried out for the return Charles de Gaulle and Americans for Franklin D Roosevelt so are Bahamians crying out for Ingraham to return!

“With both political parties in disarray, the Treasury broke and unwelcome signs of economic meltdown looming, we suggest that Mr Ingraham get a well-earned rest and prepare for the day — when like General Charles de Gaulle during the Algerian crisis in the fifties — he is recalled from retirement to right the ship of state.” - by Eileen Dupuch Carron, Tribune Editorial

With the horrendous performance of the Christie-led PLP Government and the poor performance of the Hubert Minnis and Carl Bethell led Opposition, there are voices calling out for The Right Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham to return as Leader of the FNM and as Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

It was Mr Ingraham who led the FNM in opposing the recent referendum.

While Dr Zig-Zag Minnis and Rasputin Bethell were all over the map and could not come up with a definitive position on the referendum questions, the former Prime Minister and again, soon to be leader of the FNM, declared “ VOTE NO”.

FNMs followed his lead.

If it were not for Mrs Loretta Butler-Turner, one would think that the FNM did not exist in the House of Assembly.

In addition to defending the legacy of Mr Ingraham and three terms of FNM governance, Mrs Turner aggressively takes on the PLP on a myriad of topical issues.

FNMs are angry with Minnis and Bethell because it would appear that they are collaborating with PM Christie and the PLP while FNMs are being victimised and treated like second-class citizens in their own country.

Minnis appointed Bethell to serve on a farce and PR-driven Constitutional Commission and recently encouraged FNMs to participate in another farce: “One Bahamas “.

If there is truly a “One Bahamas”, why were 150 Urban Renewal officers fired by the PLP?

Why was Johnley Ferguson victimised?

Why was Debbie Moxey victimised?

Why was Floyd Wilmot victimised?

Why was Elizabeth Thompson victimised?

Real leadership is on the way.

FNM Undercover’s Editorial Board has canvassed FNM supporters on the question of leadership and the consensus is:

• Rt Hon Hubert Ingraham - Leader.

• Mrs Loretta Butler Turner - Deputy Leader.

• Mr Zhivargo Laing or Dr Duane Sands - Chairman.

• Mr Michael Foulkes - Secretary General.

• Dr Mildred Hall - Treasurer.

• Sister Carolyn Hanna - Chaplain.



February 25, 2013.


crawfish says...

Now, who but HAI himself would have penned these lines?

If the entire FNM organisation has not grown its OWN Leadership material since 1992, then it deserves to be lead once again by an old broke down ex-PLP.

HAI got this Country in its present financial MESS - are we fool enough to want him back in charge of the Treasury where he could give "sweet deals" to his buddies who will further rob the Treasury with massive cost overruns? Give me a break, please!!

Posted 27 February 2013, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...


Posted 28 February 2013, 8:29 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Name a country that doesn't have financial problems. right now. In the whole world its probably a handful. One of the country that suffered the worst form the recession was the United States. That is where the majority of our tourist come from. Tourism is where the majority of the money comes into the country. Less tourist, less money. The PLP and anti-FNM politicians successfully convinced a lot of people that Hubert Ingraham himself caused the recession. If you read any news websites or watch any world news channel, it wouldn't be long before you hear the term Global Recession. Unless the FNM went around the entire world and destroyed everyone's economy I don't see how they get the full blame. The only person capable of that is Fred Mitchel because he been to every country on earth and was probably on the Apollo 11 trip that land on the moon.

Posted 28 February 2013, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

We need to give Minnis a chance. Ingraham did not become a phenomenal leader overnight. Each leader has a different style of leading. The FNM can only do so much as the opposition and with a limited number of representatives in the house.

We also need to appreciate the backgrounds of many of the FNM MPs, including Minnis and Butler that sit in the house. Many of them came from private sector including Minnis. They aren't used to inefficency, rowdy behavior, and back-handed deals to get stuff done.

As far as Mrs Butler being the only one giving the PLP flack, I would be careful how I view that as well. Its one thing to make oneself heard and have great ideas, but the delivery of it makes it palatable to be heard by anyone. Her delivery needs work.

They are learning the game give them a chance.

Posted 28 February 2013, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

I agree. Minnis is obviously a leader of a different kind and in my opinion the face of the new FNM and a welcome change. HAI did not pen these lines - some deluded fool did who cannot accept that HAi is OVER. This is a new era which Bahamians will likely welcome after this bunch is through screwing up our country - that is if we have a country in 4 years!

Posted 28 February 2013, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Great Post! Dr. Minnis is doing great things within his own constituency and has always been doing great things there. We're talking about a wealthier area than most but one where Bahamians (born and bred) are of the majority. He has monthly newsletters to update his constituents and recently launched CCTV to curb housebreak-ins, car thefts and other such crimes and this man can ALWAYS be reached!! If you live in his area, you have direct access to his personal secretary who ALWAYS gives you access to him should you have any issues.

Can someone tell my why the government of the day cannot also install CCTV on the streets???? I remember former Minister of National Security, T. Turnquest started this...but when this will continue or has it also been stopped??

In the past 3 months alone well over 30 homes were broken into in the Fort Charlotte constituency yet that lousy MP...gaming board chairman, has done NOTHING!!!!! Thank God the police have increased their presence...but that area can seriously benefit from CCTV!!! Instead he wants to have a "luncheon" to commemorate what Alfred Sears has done. Granted Mr. Sears has done a whole heap of good for that area but this can WAIT!! SMT...I flicking VEX! (sorry for my rant)

Posted 28 February 2013, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Mr Ingraham was wihout a doubt the most productive and clean PM of this independent Bahamas, he can retire knwoing he did the best for this country and gave more to us than any other PM in history. With that said, his time is done, we need new blood, HAI has had his time and today is the best PM this country has ever had.

Minnis is leader now, it is up to him to shine or fail, if he fails then we will look at another. But it will not be the Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham, even though he was the best most productive most clean hands PM this country has ever had.

Over the next 4 years I would like to see Minnis grow and if in say 2 years we are not happy with him as leader then I would like to see Ms. Butler's leadership in action.

But HAi is no more, he is no longer our leader. Funny thing is the people speaking about HAI coming back are for the most part PLP. I wonder why?

Do they honestly think they're lies about HAI sunk in? Do they honestly think HAI is a bigger fear to us than say another 4 years of this pitiful excuse of a PLP government?

I think by the next election the PLP will in fact give the FNM the election. If their performance over tyhe last 10 monhts is any indication of the next 4 years I think the FNM coud win the general with a blind, deaf and dumb person as the leader. The PLP prove every day they have not changed, they are still the corrupt LOP PLP. I fear the damage PGC and his crew will do to our country this time...

Posted 28 February 2013, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Very well put.

Posted 28 February 2013, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

I agree proudloud. Although I don't think the PLP's want HAI back its mostly the die-hard FNM's (you just need to check out the NO SPIN ZONE on Facebook if you don't believe me) who can't face the music and accept that his time is up. Good leader but time for a change. And I also agree that if they run a bandit in the next election, that bandit will win if the present trend continues with this bunch!

Posted 28 February 2013, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 28 February 2013, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

HAI stifled young upstart entrepreneurship tending to favor the established merchant class and foreign investors interest over us. He spent like a drunken sailor on their agenda and may have paraded around as pristine by keeping his MPs hands out the cookie jar all while his private sector financial benefactors raided the country's treasury for their own benefit. The lopsided dealings that totally disadvantage local small to medium enterprises (SME's) was egregious and he through up his hands with regards to addressing the rampant social dysfunction and the crime wave sweeping the country. His negotiation for the sale of BTC is roundly laughed at by every analyst in telecommunication industry where I consult as a complete win by CWC at our expense. Folks he built roads, ports and airports while the average persons finances, minds. hearts and spirits suffered in his last term thus he was roundly rejected by the majority who either held their noses and voted for PLP or took a chance on the DNA to send a message of “enough” to the established political class. FNMs need to get their heads out of the fantasized past and look for fresh dynamic leadership or you'll fail at the polls in 2017 again.

Posted 1 March 2013, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

building roads .ports etc ,,provided jobs ,,or would you prefer to just give money to people and further our something for nothing society ,,,we have a free capatilist society , if a small business person is good he will grow ,,,ask F Wilson . the Williams , the Hannas , T Wells , The Diaguilars , if they want what they worked hard for distributed amongst the masses ,,there is no longer any minority merchant class holding anyone down ,,,,theres always less bosses than workers,,the only thing holding people down is our rampant illegitimate birth rate ,,how many middle and upper class people have 6 and 7 children by the time they are 25 with 3 diffrent fathers or three different women ,,we are out breeding our GDP and will end up like our neighbors with ever growing ghettos and poverty ,,,

Posted 2 March 2013, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Concerned, all you mentioned got their start in 70s name some new upstarts post 1990 who didn't inherit it or got a leg up from family or direct political connections. I know many of these gentlemen personally and most of the young professionals are extremely frustrated by the lock on the economy the established merchant class has in the most lucrative and strategic business sectors. We have tried to emulate those examples of us who had been disenfranchised prior to '67 who got a break in early days after independence, but now they have gotten up on high and they’ve kicked down the ladder too. These local robber barons make the pre-antitrust Rockefellers, Carnegies and JP Morgans of the world look like saints. Virtually the same cabal of individuals control all the commercial waterfront property, most of the strategic retail space, almost all the real estate firms of consequence, most of the large influential legal firms, all the major wholesale providers, most of shipping means to import goods, all of the insurance companies, most of the legitimate press outlets and have undue influence over the banks and politicians, need I go on?

Since the early ‘80s our governments have sided with the established merchant class and a few select usual suspects, and have been primarily set upon an agenda of providing jobs not fostering start-up entrepreneurial opportunities for the new blood. Let me tell you that all you mentioned with the exception of Diaguilar I know personally and most admit in private they got help or assistance from the governments of the day and other forces who were trying to co-op them in the political process. Try becoming a serious competitor in the Communications, Shipping, Large Construction, Food Wholesale, Real Estate Development, Fuel & Energy, Insurance, Accounting, legal, Medical Supply or Financial Services etc... industries and you'll see how much clout they have to crush your ambitions. I have tried along with many of my peers and because we don't have a truly free market economy. It's more of managed one where the government protects the existing oligopolies and monopolies thus igniting the brain drain that is now taken hold since the mid '90s.

Posted 2 March 2013, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

the banks are in the business of lending money ,they don,t make money unless they lend it ..my father a quiet non political man worked 2 jobs and bought a small house ,he was current w/ his morgate and borrowed and built a duplex ,then another etc .At 50 yrs old he had exellent credit to borrow and a good net worth . I lived as a consumer always at the ragged edges of my credit ,,i wanted cars ,boats etc in my 20 to 40,s ,,here i am at 50 with very little credit room left and not much net worth ..my dad didn,t relax and spend until he was in his 60,s ..consumers are not wealth builders ..You want capital and you have built some savings ,,go to the bank with a good proposal and business plan ,thats there job ,not the goverment ,,PLP ,FNM OR DNA

Posted 5 March 2013, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Stifled young entrepernuers?!?!? Man please the PLP just had Bahamas Striping on the stage talking about Bahamians first saying they gave them the contract to strip the roads in Abaco. Thing is Bahamas Striping was a benefactor of the FNM's Jump Start program. There was never a leader like HAI in this country, no leader produced more or helped more Bahamians get in business than the HAI lead FNM. Plp supporters need to get their heads out of their butts and stop listening to these lying PLP politicians! HAI has a record of acheivement and production, the PLP have a record of failed attempts and corruption. 2017 will be a landslide for the FNM. The real question is who will unseat HAI as the greatest Prime Minister of all time, that I cannot wait to see, I think it will be an FNM though, certainly not a PLP...

Posted 1 March 2013, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

@ Loudfnm, You still believing it has to be either the PLP or FNM when next time more and more younger voters will abandon both for what ever viable alternatives present themselves. I also am still laughing you alluding to the failed token efforts both PLP/FNM throw mindlessly at without any real conviction to stimulating new start-up local business ventures. When we all know they both spend most of their resources and time pandering to foreign investors, the established merchant class and their political cronies. Let's wake up if a semi-educated buffoon is the best we can do then we should be ashamed of ourselves after 40 years of independence. Finally besides those in the numbers game name one poorer Bahamian that has been made in to a major economic player in the last 12 years? If you can’t then it's becaise both the PLP/FNM have failed the younger generations.

Posted 1 March 2013, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

our schools and illegitimate birthrate have failed the younger generation ,,,when we can no longer tax tax tax and absorb them with public service jobs the real crime wave will begin

Posted 2 March 2013, 8:13 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Philosopher King, When I see a viable alternative to the FNM/PLP I will take a look. To date I have seen no other viable choice present itself.

Posted 4 March 2013, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

This letter is utter nonsense, the writer poled himself and is still stinging from his cut hip. You know who you are; telling fibs on the good people of Abaco.

I am happy at least you did not put your name on the list.

We are thankful for Ingraham's service and wish him well in retirement. Please join him!!!

Posted 4 March 2013, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

CookieCutter says...

I saw HAI the other day ..... he has lost a little weight, seems very alert and rested...and then it came to me...The man is making a Political Comeback.

When his batteries have fully charged and his band of soldiers have assembled in line, he will lead a leadership revolt that will not only jostle the present Leader, but will springboard him back again as the PM.........Don't get fool people....there is no such thing as 'retirement' in third world politics. He retires in Abaco to 'root' himself and gain ground again in his former constituency, one that quickly lost ground these past two elections...More important, he is looking for financial support simply because you cant come back to the table with nothing to offer.

He will run again next election as the 'Comeback King' making a run for the FNM Leadership promising to swell the party's financial coffers and and victory in the next election. It is why Mr. Laing resigned his Senator seat and you don't hear much from the former MPs...a civil war brews in the FNM party, and as the good Dr. Minnis and his small band are (literally) distracted by the jackals in Parliament he does not see the snake in the grass...and when Convention time comes he will have no organization and no money to defend his position.

Sit back and enjoy the show, 'Election 2017: Return of the King' ....Bahamians love entertainment.

Posted 4 March 2013, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

hellorg says...

PLP's concern: somewhere in Coopers Town there is a guy named Hubert and another guy named Branville are having regular boil fish breakfast at an undisclosed location......

Posted 5 March 2013, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

I would have thought that thier concern would have been getting a grip on crime and working on jobs - for everyone - not just thier cronnies...

I can not believe how long this thread has been going on!

Posted 6 March 2013, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

there criminals ,they are working on crime ,how to get the most out of the treasury for them and there buddies ,,can you say Baltron ,the funnel . Bethel...

Posted 8 March 2013, 7:29 a.m. Suggest removal

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