Church leader warns over attempts to sway vote

THE “national disgrace” of illegal gambling has hijacked the Christmas spirit, turning the tradition of gift-giving into an attempt to sway public opinion on the upcoming referendum, Pastor Lyall Bethel charged.

The Grace Community Church leader hit out at the recent trend of numbers operators giving away houses, cars and money at huge holiday events. He also criticised successive governments allowing the underground gambling racket to flourish for decades.

According to Pastor Bethel, the lavish prizes given away by some numbers houses over the last month were nothing more than an attempt to “bribe the Bahamian electorate” into voting for the decriminalisation of gambling.

“During one of their block parties . . . children were seen being given $10 notes in envelopes, while later moneys were thrown into the air for residents to scramble to get.

“How sickening to see Bahamians grovelling on the ground for filthy lucre, encouraged to give in to a spirit of covetousness by these supposed Robin Hoods of the industry.”

Pastor Bethel added: “Successive governments have allowed these crime bosses to flourish unchecked (perverting justice and showing partiality since other crime breakers are arrested for breaking the law) and according to these crime bosses, they have received ‘donations’ for their campaigns.

“And while the Prime Minister continues to assert that he (and presumably his government) has no horse in the race, he only speaks of the money to be made from taxing the illegal industry, not once taking a moment to reflect on the devastation gambling brings about on individuals, families and society.

“We are grateful that at a recent meeting he vowed to change this by speaking to the negatives associated with gambling. Meanwhile the chairman of his party is brazenly posting pro-gambling posters on his Facebook page, seemingly oblivious to narrative the PM wants to maintain that his party is not taking a side.

“Once again we wish to emphasise that we believe and maintain that gambling is inherently dangerous to any people trying to achieve a disciplined and ordered society – something the Bahamas is in desperate need of.

“We are an independent nation that has entered it’s 40th year of independence, we are a people still in the throes of self-determination. We must be careful therefore, not to set a course for ourselves that will spoil any opportunity for greatness that we may wish to achieve.”


akbar says...

How many of church members work in the casinos. Why is there so much outcry on numbers? In my 39 yrs of living in the Bahamas I have yet to see any organisation ,religous or otherwise outside of the Crystal Palace Casino or Atlantis Casino protesting the evil of gambling. Or is the foreigner soul not as important as the native? GAMBLING IS A MAJOR INDUSTRY IN THE BAHAMAS. We benefit every year from taxes placed on casinos. No protest against that. Is this issue really about gambling or is it just a halfhearted effort to make it seem we are a "religous" society with value and morals real or imagined? Do we really fear the wrath of God? We have allowed and profited from gambling for years now. It seems the Church just going through the motions. No real effort in being the beacon of morality.God help us all!

Posted 4 January 2013, 7:59 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamasGamingAssociation says...…


The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

Posted 1 July 2014, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

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