NIB Chairman refused to give resignation


and Paul Turnquest

Tribune Staff Reporters

MONTHS after appointing Gregory Moss chairman of the National Insurance Board, Prime Minister Perry Christie was forced to fire him yesterday when he refused to tender his resignation as ordered.

And on the heels of Mr Moss’ termination, which became official at 7 o’clock last night when a statement was sent out by National Insurance Minister Shane Gibson, a new Chairman of NIB is expected to be announced shortly.

Before the termination took effect last night, sources close to the defiant MP for Marco City said he wanted “history to show” that he was “terminated” from his post by the Prime Minister for fighting corruption at NIB.

Prime Minister Christie, on Tuesday evening, ordered Mr Moss to tender his resignation or face being fired from his post after he criticised the Prime Minister on his Facebook page for thousands of Bahamian Facebook users to see.

In that detailed post, Mr Moss also contradicted the Prime Minister stating that he was still in possession of his NIB issued credit card, despite Mr Christie’s assurances to the public that the MP was no longer in possession of it.

In his statement on Tuesday, Moss said: “My conscience is clear as is my resolution that should it ever be determined that my services as Chairman of NIB are no longer required, then it will be my honour to continue to serve the people of Marco City and the wider Bahamas from my seat in Parliament.”

The Tribune was told last night that the Marco City parliamentarian was no longer NIB Chairman effective from 7pm. Minutes later, Minister Shane Gibson sent out a concise statement reaffirming what had been reported to The Tribune.

“It is announced for general information that the appointment of Gregory K. Moss, M.P. as Chairman of the National Insurance Board has been revoked with immediate effect,” Mr Gibson’s statement read.

“An announcement concerning the new Chairman of the National Insurance Board will be made very shortly.”

The Tribune spoke with Opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis about the termination and he reiterated that it was “something that should’ve happened long ago.”

“I’m disappointed the prime minister waited until his hand was forced to make the decision. There were a number of irregularities concerning this whole situation that I brought up in parliament last November, the credit card and the medical bill,” the FNM leader said.

When allegations and counter-accusations surrounding Mr Moss and Algernon Cargill surfaced late last year, the Prime Minister said he would order an investigation into the matter, which is still underway.

“There is no way that he (Moss) was supposed to remain in his position during that investigation,” Dr Minnis said.

“I’m disappointed that the PM didn’t have the guts to make an easy decision. If he had made the decision, he wouldn’t be in the stew he is in now.”

“During his last reign between 2002-2007, he was referred to as late again, so this late termination shouldn’t really come as a surprise,” the opposition leader said.

Mr Moss was contacted last night about his feelings and his thoughts on his termination.

“Good, but I have no comment on it,” i all he would say.


ucargill says...

Justice from the Prime Minister...I also feel badly for Mr Moss and people like him. Sadly, the way for Mr Moss to actually be empathetic occurs when he learns from the school of hard knocks. That is quite unfortunate; the country needs leaders who are decisive, courageous, and operate at the highest levels of integrity. Moreover, the country needs leaders who can relate to the challenges in the plight of the average Bahamian and actually do something to improve that condition. Now, prayerfully, my brother will receive justice and also be made whole so that the excellent work he started at NIB may be continued. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

Posted 4 January 2013, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

lmajor says...

I totally agree.

Mr. Moss is not only out of order in his press release, but was an ignorant pawn in the Cargill conspiracy. ANYONE who knows Algernon Cargill knows that he is a man of outstanding character, unlike those who tried to defame him. As a former co-worker of Mr. Cargill, I am disappointed that my party allowed persons with personal agendas to attempt to destroy innocent public servants - we know the truth and as soon as the reports are filed the country will know who the greedy corrupt politicians are in this country.

Despite my party affiliations I say good riddance to all of them!

Posted 4 January 2013, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 4 January 2013, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

lmajor says...

The party is not corrupt, a few people are - as with all parties. You don't want to go down that road - we have a grocery list from other parties!

Posted 4 January 2013, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 4 January 2013, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Every person has a right to chose to whom he or she will be loyal. To question that right is to question the very fibre that undergirds the electoral system. Loyalty can be based on scientific principle, blind trust or tradition, among other reasons.

Posted 4 January 2013, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i feel NIB is toatally secure w/ Shame Gibson in charge ..lmao ..his whole family dragged around a junkie for every cent they could get out of her ,,,,,,,,,,,maybe the goverment can build a new king and knights to burn down 3 times ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lmao

Posted 6 January 2013, 8:01 a.m. Suggest removal

Nogeniusbutsmarter says...

Mr Cargill still has a job. It is a disgrace that such a high profile issue is not dealt with accordingly. In this current non-punishing world, heads would roll for the mass theft committed by Cargill. The man was hired after being fired from another bank for the same abuse of funds and he still has his position. I do believe that moss should be released also. I was not present but I believe that he did enjoy SOME spoils of the position,but attempted to place pressure on mr Cargill for some reason, causing the initial pressure that occurred. Any other leader in the world would have fired all suspicious parties in the matter. Hon Ingraham would have even fired these men (just for show,albeit) just to look like a true leader. Algernon Cargill owes the Bahamas millions of dollars. He should either be imprisoned or should b held financially responsible. I say scrap the whole board, because they are only honorary appointees, who do nothing and give the probably innocent people another honorary position to do nothing. Last time I heard, there was a CRIME called stealing by reason of employment, BU**T I'm no genius, just smarter** than p.m. Christie thinks I am as a working young black affected bahamian.

Posted 4 January 2013, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Greetings Nogeniusbutsmarter. Rhetoric does not create facts, and holding an opinion denotes the greatness of this country where individual freedoms abound. This government actually owes my brother for a contractual agreement that was ratified in good faith. That is not opinion, no genius; that's the law. When you begin to spew comments about theft, no genius, please ground your comments in facts so that an intelligent conversation may emerge. My brother is no thief and has earned every penny he has received. Maybe you are hiding something? What is your real name? Grace and peace. Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

Posted 4 January 2013, 10:53 p.m. Suggest removal

lmajor says...

It is very sad when people will buy into any nonsense that people make up. PLEASE Mr. Nogeniousbutsmarter, go and check your facts in the name of decency and honor. Mr. Cargill was never fired in his life and has never been accused of stealing - except in the rumor mill.

As stated previously, as a former co-worker of Mr. Cargill, I am possession of ALL the facts and I know all too well how Bahamians spin rumors into lies for a juicy story. I urge you to stop and think for a moment, How would you feel if someone simply took to the blogs and started accusing YOU of being a thief and being fired when it is not true? There would persons like you who would take the story and falsely spread it as truth. Imagine the pain and suffering that this would cause your parents, spouse and children, when they know the truth.

Being gullible is not a crime, but there is a God who sees and knows all things. What you put out there unjustly will come back to bite you and God forbid, if not you then those you love. Please don't continue to sow lies.

Posted 5 January 2013, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

jackflash says...

Count the cookies left in the jar AND LOCK THE LID.

So that my retirement is safe.

Posted 4 January 2013, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

amen ,amem

Posted 6 January 2013, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

If Mr. Mosss was smart he would've let one of his family members post his dissatifaction with the PLP and the process, like Mr. Cargill did. I think Reverend Usula Cargill Ph.D would agree.

Posted 4 January 2013, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Fortunately for me, I am not obligated or bound by a blind association with this ruling party or this government. True justice is my objective; I am blessed that it is true justice for my brother that is motivating me today. If Mr Moss were actually smarter, he would speak truth to power when he has nothing to gain or lose. My brother pursued the greater good at NIB and Mr Moss, in that 22 page letter to Shane Gibson sought to malign my brother's character. This matter could have been easily avoided if Mr Moss and Mr Gibson were not creating smoke-and-mirrors in that 22 page letter about my brother that was 'leaked' to the public by an unknown coward. Grace and peace. Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

Posted 4 January 2013, 11:11 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

What Cookie what jar, man they already break the jar and you cant even find crumbs now. I heard the Minister of Foreign affairs talk about how they already use half of the money in their budget and een even been there a year yet, please correct me but did we have any repatriation excercises going on weekly as he said, I cant recall. I know for certain of several corrupt persons holding high office within this governing party. Its sad that after being faithful and supporting the party, to get a lil contract you have to be willing to give kick backs to the person who gave you the contract. What you say bout that Frank Smith you getting your 1500 every month out of the deal. its a crying shame and all that money your wife people gat yall still taking the little, from the SMALL MAN WHO TRYING TO PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY. GOD cant be please with that Mr. Smith

Posted 4 January 2013, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...


Posted 9 January 2013, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Unfortunately, forming an opinion about my brothers experiential record like the unsubstantiated opinion shared by 'nogeniusbutsmarter' is one of the reasons why the Bahamas' traction on the road to success has been slow and slippery. Nogeniusbutsmarter is true to the first part of his/her name. Words are not facts and opinion is not evidence. Any funds my brother receives is for hours he worked - no more and no less. Furthermore, being the first to get misinformation into the public arena does not make something factual. Grace and peace. Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

Posted 4 January 2013, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Cargill is paying the price for making Jones ,Baby tiger et all ,pay there national insurance ...

Posted 6 January 2013, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

national issureance is only a cashcow for the government any how we dont need no board thats only more money come out to pay these high class friendsf any government who is in power the fromer prime minster should have fire cargill and the entire board then this mess would have never happen all that monies what i pay on weekly goes to these type of men my money what i woirk hard for am sure most bahamain feel the same way i feel and to think the small man is go jail or get finned for stealing a few dollars frm nib come mr.primeminster do the right and fire cargill and let him see what it is put gas in his own car and to use his own cerdit card and the like of what evry hard working bahamain does you see some of the fnms now they hurting so bad no goverment car to drive liveing high of the bahamain pepole now its gone they see how much it is to filled thier car with gas i say do the right thing mr.primeminster

Posted 6 January 2013, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Greetings Big Dee,
How would you like to be fired for doing your job? How would you like to be fired for doing an excellent job for the pay that was agreed upon? You are asking the Prime Minister to fire my brother, who has done nothing wrong; that is unconscionable. My brother's experience and job responsibilities are lined up with the salary he earned. Moreover, at least six (6) of the leaders who are in NIB now received 'bonuses' before they had been on the job for 6 months. That is incredible. Yes, some people do live high on the hog because of the brow, sweat and tears of the Bahamian people. My brother is not one of those people.
My brother does not receive pay for hours not worked. He does not receive kick-backs or bribes. His integrity is second to none; he works very hard; years ago he went to college while he worked full-time where he earned an MBA; he has decades of experience in finance, banking, corporate Bahamas; he worked an average of at least 65 hours per week and was on-call 24 hours per day; 7 days per week. My brother earned every dime he was paid; he prospered the Bahamas Treasury by $1.6 billion and embraced all of his duties as Director of NIB.
The fact of the matter is that Gregory Moss took your National Insurance money and charged up a credit card to the tune of $811.10. Those in power knew about it and did nothing. That is shameful and disgraceful. Simply because Mr Moss later paid back the money does not make his actions less shameful. Further, Mr Moss used a phone call as his reason to pay $15,000 of your hard earned NIB money to someone who could afford to go to Doctors Hospital. Folks in power knew about it and did nothing about it.
Yes, Big Dee, there is something peculiar going on at NIB and yes, the Prime Minister needs to do something about it. The solution starts with conducting an audit to see how your hard earned money sent to National Insurance was spent in 2002 and another forensic audit to see how your hard earned money was spent after my brother was mandated to move aside. Then, let's talk about who should go to jail. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

Posted 6 January 2013, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...


Posted 9 January 2013, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Moss tabled nothing but speculative accusations against Cargill. Cargill tabled documented proof in the form of replies from Shane. Moss will be disbarred this year for stealing from his clients. Cargill will most certainly be cleared of all allegations and will most likely come out as a leader in our party, who knows maybe PM one day. He has my vote. I am in awe of this situation. Moss accused Cargill of wrong doing but WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE! Cargill put in his documented accusations and is now just sitting back and watching PGC, Gibson and Moss just killing each other. The PLP really are inept at everything they do. Nothing but dirt in that party. I fear for my country over the next 4 years, these people are going to damage our country. Again.

Posted 6 January 2013, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Algernon Cargill is a man of integrity and honour, Moss is not. What is happening now is the result ofca crook accusing a good man of wrong. The crook is now fired and about to be disbarred, maybe even imprisoned for stealing milliins from his clients. Right always overcomes wrong. Moss is finished, and deservedly so.

Posted 6 January 2013, noon Suggest removal

jackflash says...


Moss is in hot water and better find a way to pay that fisherman his money after that bad fuel messed up his crawfish season.

It ain't long now....

Posted 6 January 2013, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

voooww ucargill sorry the thing is information is a powerful thing just one side of the story so all my comments i need to retracted them on this issue i understand now whats going on the thing is bahamains need to know two side of the story and we are only getting it one sided if your brother was indeed fire for doing his job then i say we do court system which can deal with it the thing is i just dont want bahamain hard earned go down the drain in next 10 or 20 years what will our national fund look like if big payouts are continuing keep up fighting for your brother

Posted 7 January 2013, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ucargill says...

Thank you for your response, Big Dee. Please know that your concerns are valid and duly noted. My brother will protect the public trust because he always does the right thing - no matter who is watching. Unfortunately, he stood in the way of NIB purchasing a $15 million 'condemned' building from Tiger Finlayson and he stood in the way when he made local businesses pay National Insurance for their employees. In doing his job excellently, people like Wendell Jones and Tiger Finlayson ended up owing the Bahamian people (you) millions of dollars.

Mr Moss had his own agenda and that agenda was pushed in National Insurance without regard to the law, the needs of NIB, or the public trust. This agenda was made perfectly clear in that 22 page letter Mr Moss wrote to Shane Gibson. This matter began with that letter that somehow was leaked by a coward. That is quite sad and unfortunate, but true.

My brother will only accept what is his just due - no more and no less. He is not looking to have the PLP blindly support unsubstantiated opinions like Mr Moss is doing. He is not looking to keep his job after he slanders an honest man - like Mr Moss is doing. He is not looking to annonymous people to speak the truth to power - like Mr Moss is doing. In all the people I know, my brother will consistently maintain the public trust and abide by the law. You can be assured of that. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.

Posted 7 January 2013, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

malcolmroad says...

Good job Moss, you've just joined the ranks of all the other past and present joker/thieves/crooks/politicians that continuously rape my country. Don't feel bad, this has been yours and the other guys nature since inception. I'm sure if the was a real "watchdog" in our society, they would find that 90% of you executives are raping and stealing from the kitty. So, hold your head high're just as slimy now as most of my country's leader are and have been.

Posted 7 January 2013, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...


Posted 7 January 2013, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

dwalidapu says...

Is this the GAY Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D.???????

Posted 8 January 2013, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...


Posted 9 January 2013, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

dwalidapu says...

Why must one sign their name with distinction so loudly? I mean the Ph.D loudness......I will change my name to PhD.......

Posted 8 January 2013, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

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